Photo credit: Home Grown Photography

Photo credit: Home Grown Photography

Knowledge Is Power

Ready your body, ready your mind, ready your heart.

As we all know, the better prepared we are for a situation, the better the outcome will be. I am passionate about empowering and educating women to get the most out of their womanhood, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, breastfeeding, mama, yoga and life journeys!

Here I  have MY TOP BOOKS of every category you can imagine listed  - with some links in book, kindle and audio format! Check out the book on the link; avoid the overwhelm and choose just several from each category that speak most to you. Some favorites are pictured below, but there are so many wonderful ones! Happy exploring and reading!  


Women's/General Health and Inspiration

  • American Institute for Cancer Research, "The New American Plate Cookbook."

  • Bernstein, Gabrielle, "The Universe Has Your Back: Transforming Fear to Faith."

  • Bernstein, Gabrelle, Miracles Now: 108 Life-Changing Tools for Less Stress, More Flow, and Finding Your True Purpose

  • Bernstein, Gabrielle, May Cause Miracles: A 40-Day Guidebook of Subtle Shifts for Radical Change and Unlimited Happiness,"

  • Bernstein, Gabriele, "Spirit Junkie: A Radical Road to Self-Love and Miracles,"

  • Boroson, Martin, "One-Moment Meditation:Stillness for People on the Go."

  • Boston Women’s Health Collective, "The New Our Bodies, Ourselves (Updated and Expanded)."

  • Brach, Tara, "True Refuge: Finding Peace and Freedom in Your Own Awakened Heart."

  • Brach, Tara, "Radical Acceptance:Embracing Your Life With the Heart of a Buddha."

  • Cameron, Julia, "The Artist's Way."

  • Chopra, Deepak, "Perfect health: The Complete Mind Body Guide."

  • Dispenza, Joe, “You Are the Placebo.”

  • Dyer, Wayne, "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life."

  • Finkelstein, Michael, “77 Questions for Skillful Living: A New Path to Extraordinary Health”.

  • Gawain, Shakti, "Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What you Want in Your Life."

  • Hanh, Thich Nhat, "Happiness, Essential Mindfulness Practices."

  • Hay, Louise, "You Can Heal Your Life."

  • Kabat-Zinn, Jon, "Full Catastrophe Living."

  • Katie, Byron, "Loving What Is"

  • Katie, Bryron, "A Thousand Names for Joy."

  • Lesser, Marc, "Accomplishing More By Doing Less."

  • Northrup, Christiane, "Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom."

  • Rosenberg, Marshall B., "Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life."

  • Siegel, Bernie, "Prescriptions For Living: Inspirational Lessons for a Joyful, Loving Life."

  • Stassinopoulos, Agapi, "Conversations With the Goddesses: Revealing the Divine Power Within You."

  • Thomashauer, Regina, "Pussy: A Reclamation,"

  • Thomashauer, Regina, "Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts."

  • Thomashauer, Regina, "Mama Gena's Owner's and Operator's Guide to Men,"

  • Tolle, Eckhart, "Practicing the Power of Now."

  • Weil, Andrew, "Eating Well For Optimum Health".

  • Weil, Andrew, "Natural Health, Natural Medicine."

  • Weschler, Toni, "Taking Charge of Your Fertility."

  • Williamson, Marianne, "A Return to Love; A Reflection on the Principles of A Course in Miracles."


Breastfeeding and Baby Care

  • Belden, Lauren Hirshfield, “The Places You'll Feed”

  • Cave, Stephanie, " What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Vaccinations."

  • Gaskin, Ina May, "Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding".

  • Gotsch, Gwen, and Torgus, Judy (La Leche League), "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding" .

  • Huggins, Kathleen, "The Nursing Mother’s Companion'" .

  • Keegan, Laura, "Breastfeeding with Comfort and Joy."

  • Kendall-Tackett, Kathleen, and Mohrbacher, Nancy, "Breastfeeding Made Simple."

  • Kirkilionis, Evelin, "A Baby Wants to Be Carried: Everything You Need to Know About Baby Carriers and the Advantages of Babyearing."

  • Kitzinger, Sheila, "Breastfeeding Your Baby."

  • Klaus, Marshall & Phyllis, "Your Amazing Newborn".

  • Markel, Susan, "What Your Pediatrician Doesn’t Know Can Hurt Your Child - A More Natural Approach to Parenting".

  • Martin, William, "The Parent’s Tao Te Ching: Ancient Advice for Modern Parents."

  • McGrory Massaro, Megan, "The Other Baby Book: A Natural Approach to Baby's First Year."

  • Mohrbacher, Nancy, "Breastfeeding Made Easy."

  • Newman, Jack, "Dr Jack Newman's Guide to Breastfeeding."

  • Sears, William A., and Sears, Martha, "The Baby Book."

  • Sears, William A., and Sears, Martha, "The Breastfeeding Book."

  • Sears, William, ".The Vaccine Book"


Pregnancy, Childbirth and Postpartum

  • Arms, Suzanne, "Immaculate Deception II, Myth, Magic & Birth."

  • Armstrong, Penny and Feldman, Sheryl, "A Midwife’s Story".

  • Balaskas, Janet, "Active Birth: The New Approach to Giving Birth Naturally,"

  • Bardacke, Nancy, "Mindful Birthing: Training the Mind, Body, and Heart for Childbirth and Beyond".

  • Block, Jennifer, "Pushed".

  • Blyth, Jenny, "The Down to Earth Birth Book - A Practical Guide to Natural Childbirth".

  • Bregman, Lori, "The Mindful Mom-To-Be: A Modern Doula's Guide to Building a Healthy Foundation from Pregnancy Through Birth."

  • Buckley, Sarah, "Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering".

  • Cairns, Abigail, "Home Births: Stories to Inspire and Inform".

  • Chopra, Deepak, "Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives; A Holistic Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth".

  • Chunilal, Naomi, "The Mindful Mother: A Practical and Spiritual Guide to Enjoying Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond with Mindfulness."

  • Davis, Elizabeth & Pascale-Bonaro, Debra, "Orgasmic Birth: Your guide to a Safe, Satisfying, and Pleasurable Birth Experience."

  • Daulter, Anni, "Sacred Pregnancy."

  • Eisenstein, Mayer, "The Home Birth Advantage."

  • England, Pam, "Ancient Map for Modern Birth."

  • England, Pam and Horowitz, "Birthing From Within".

  • Gaskin, Ina May, "Spiritual Midwifery".

  • Gaskin, Ina May, "Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth."

  • Gaskin, Ina May, "Birth Matters."

  • Harper, Barbara, "Gentle Birth Choices."

  • Goer, Henci, "The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth."

  • Jones, Carl, "Mind Over Labor".

  • Karll, Sunni, "Sacred Birthing."

  • Kitzinger, Sheila, "The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth."

  • Kitzinger, Sheila, "Homebirth".

  • Kitzinger, Sheila, "Rediscovering Birth" .

  • Klaus, Marshall; Kennell, John; Klaus, Phyllis, "The Doula Book".

  • Korte, Diana, "The VBAC Companion" ,

  • Khalsa, Gurmukh, "Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful: Experience the Natural Power Of Pregnancy and Birth With Kundalini Yoga and Meditation".

  • Lake, Ricki & Epstein, Abby, "Your Best Birth: Know All Your Options, Discover the Natural Choices, and Take Back the Birth Experience."

  • Leonard, Carol, "Lady’s Hands, Lion’s Heart".

  • Logan, Onnie Lee, "Motherwit."

  • Lothian, Judith, "The Official Lamaze Method: Giving Birth with Confidence."

  • MacDonald, Leonie, "Birth Journeys, Positive Birth Stories to Encourage and Inspire."

  • McCutchen, Susan, "Natural Childbirth: the Bradley Way."

  • Mongan, Marie, "HypnoBirthing: A Celebration of Life."

  • Nilsson, Lennart, "A Child is Born."

  • Northrup, Christiane, "Mother-Daughter Wisdom,"

  • Noble, Elizabeth, "Having Twins & More, A Parent’s Guide to Multiple Pregnancy, Birth, and Early Childhood."

  • Odent, Michel, "Birth Reborn" .

  • Odent, Michel, and Read, Grantly Dick, "Childbirth Without Fear".

  • O’Mara, Peggy, "Having a Baby Naturally".

  • Punger, Denise, "Permission to Mother: Going Beyond the Standard of Care to Nurture Our Children."

  • Romm, Aviva, "The Natural Pregnancy Books: Herbs, Nutrition, and Other Holistic Choices."

  • Romm, Aviva, "Natural Health After Birth, A Complete Guide to Postpartum Wellness".

  • SImkin, Geraldine, "Into These Hands".

  • Taylor, Catherine, "Giving Birth".

  • Tully, Kate, "Peaceful Birth Peaceful Earth: How to Give Your Baby the Best Start to Life".

  • Vincent, Peggy, "Baby Catcher, Chronicles of a Modern Midwife".

  • Vincent, Peggy, "Midwife: A Calling (Memoirs of an Urban Midwife)".

  • Wagner, Marsden, "Born in the USA. "


  • Brott, Armin, "The Expectant Father"

  • Heinowitz, Jack, "Fathering: Right from the Start".

  • Heinowitz, Jack, "Pregnant Fathers: Becoming the Father You Want to Be".

  • Heinowitz, Jack, "Pregnant Fathers: Entering Parenthood Together".

  • Simkin, Penny, "The Birth Partner."

Sibling Preparation and Children's Books

  • Ashbe, Jeanne, "What’s Inside."

  • Ashbe, Jeanne, "And After That."

  • Bernhard, Emery, "A Ride on Mother's Back:A Day of Carrying Around the World."

  • Cole, Joanna, "How You Were Born".

  • Faber, Adele and Mazlish, Elaine, "Siblings Without Rivalry".

  • Fatwell, Cathryn, "We Have a Baby".

  • Feiner, Conie, "Who was Born at Home?"

  • Fraisier, Debra, "On the Day You Were Born."

  • Fuller, Rachel, "My New Baby."

  • Grossman, Rena D., "Carry Me (Babies Everywhere)."

  • Lansky, Vickie, "New Baby at Koko Bear’s House."

  • Lansky, Vickie, "Welcoming Your Second Baby."

  • Kitzinger, Sheila, "Being Born."

  • Maclean, Amy and Nesbitt Jan, "Our Water Baby."

  • Mochel, Kelly, "We’re Having a Homebirth."

  • Overend, Jenny, "Welcome With Love" also known as "Hello Baby."

  • Sears, William and Sears, Martha, "Baby On the Way."

  • Sears, William, and Sears, Martha, "What Baby Needs."

  • Spillman, U. & Kamieth, I. "Runa’s Birth."

  • Tyner, Christy, "Mama Midwife, A Birth Adventure."

  • Vondruska, Anne, "I Watched My Brother Being Born: Including Children at Birth."
