Mindful Hatha Yoga Class Series Online Course


Mindful Hatha Yoga Class Series Online Course


This course has 14 yoga classes plus bonus material:

  • Seven ~ 60-80 minute Level 1 Yoga classes

  • Seven ~ 60-80 minute Mindful Hatha Flow Yoga classes, building to Level 2

  • A soothing Gentle Slow Flow Yoga class

  • A Restorative Yoga class for deep relaxation

  • Bonus videos of an hour Live more advanced Vinyasa Class, shorter breaks of yoga anywhere anytime, use of props - like the wall, a chair, yoga blocks, yoga belts, yoga blankets and bolsters to enhance your practice, and practicing with your baby or pet..

The classes are for all people able to take them. Part one of the series will invite you to grow, strengthen, focus, train and enhance your mind, body, heart and spirit. Discover for yourself the calming, healing and transformative power of yoga - intentional meditative movement with breath.

Classes begin with meditation made simple using breathwork, gradual warm up, increasing difficulty as well as yoga play, gentle cool down, and end with restorative practices in deep relaxation. They are slow flowing, with space to explore specific poses but are meant to challenge you. Classes are different each session, with classical fundamental alignment based asana fused with modern postures and their many modifications and varied creative transitions. Classes are taught with modifications as needed. They also are fused with meditative, breathwork and visualization techniques which will transform your experience and life with regular practice.

The classes are there for you to practice a different class each day of the week or according to your own frequency, then start over again from the beginning of the series. Each class ranges from on average 60 minutes to 80 minutes, and they build on each other from Part one to Part two; following the sequence from class 1 onward is advised if it is your first time taking the series or are a beginning practitioner. Classes are mindful, at a slow safe pace, gentle but challenging, so that you build strength, flexibility & agility. They start with the basics but are for all levels of experience, and beginners too are welcome! You can use the initial classes as beginner classes, just modify as needed and use the tools and techniques as they pertain to your own life. The need to relax into intensity and the other multiple benefits of yoga practice pertain to everyone.

Once you hone your skills, you can take the Mindful Hatha Flow Part 2 Class Series that follows, doing your own modifications as needed - for wherever you are on your yoga journey. They also build on one another and can be practiced successively until you are ready to mix and match and create your own classes and practice schedule.

Additional videos are included to enhance your practice with use of the various props, as well as a soothing gentle slow flow class and a restorative yoga class for deep relaxation (great for evening!), shorter breaks of doing it anywhere and anytime, and a live bonus video of a more advanced class.

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