Photo by Melissa Oosting


This is perfect for you if you are are feeling isolated and are seeking the expertise of a midwife mentor for reviewing and getting support on challenging cases or complications, charting, and medical/surgical transfers. It is also just for you if you are wanting business and marketing suggestions on how to manage and grow your practice. I’d love to share my 25 plus years of midwifery and business experience with you so you can shortcut the process.


Birth Professional/Business Consulting
from $450.00

This Program Includes:

3 one hour private consultations with me. These usually involve questions and answers about the documents and customizing it for your practice.

- Access to all of my practice and business documents, relevant for you to use as a template to create your own. They include over 35 organized resources, templates, PDFs such as:

  • 33 Page Client Welcome Packet: which includes Consent Form, Mutual Agreement, Hospital Transfer Policies, Financial Policies, Supply List, etc.

  • Birth Preferences Checklist with over 50 options for creating custom birth plan preferences

  • 6 Step Postpartum Support Plan Template

  • Comprehensive Postpartum Care Instructions

  • Contact Procedures

  • When to Call in Labor Template

  • Natural & Holistic Remedy Handouts: such as Modalities for Nausea in Pregnancy, etc.

  • Legal Release Forms for records, billing, collecting photographs, testimonials and more

  • Billing Templates

  • Insurance documents

  • RESUME/C.V. Sample

  • Community Resource Template List

  • Partnership Outreach & Networking Template

Bonus: Lifetime access to my online Walk With Anne video course - 25 sharp talks, words of wisdom, insights and tips for practice and self care.


Price: 3 consultations, All Practice Documents and Bonus online Walk With Anne Course - $1800.

“I frequently think of things to thank you for but never formulate them into proper messages for sending. I figured for once I would actually send a thank you note instead of just thinking about it!

Thank you for being my midwife and answering all my questions and everything throughout my pregnancy. Thank you for educating and enlightening me. I didn’t even know homebirth was an option until I spoke to you and my husband would have never agreed until you educated him too.

Even though my birth wasn’t exactly what I had planned (when are births ever? I have yet to see a birth go perfectly planned) I still have a happy, healthy, alive little baby, perfect, just the way he was made and intended to be. You were the person who opened the door to my life as it is now.

Through you I met my network of homebirth mommy friends who were so instrumental to my sanity during pregnancy while I was surrounded by negativity from all sides.

Through you I learned about my baby and about my body. Through you I began learning what midwifery care is like, which prenatal vitamins are good and why, and also some of the variances in care from one provider to another.

Through you, I met my doula who was really a great inspiration for me to become a doula. The calming affect she had on me really stands out in my mind and I became a doula hoping that I could help at least one woman to have a substantially different experience the way she helped me.

When my baby had jaundice, you educated me so I didn’t rush him to the hospital, stuck under the lights and away from me for days.

When he had nursing issues, you encouraged me to keep going. You helped me in so many ways I am so thankful for. I had a safe healthy homebirth. His birth was a beautiful and amazing thing and I am happy and empowered that I got so far on my own way.

You provided excellent care prenatally and I am so happy you were there for us when we needed you. So thank you Anne for being a great midwife and for supporting my path as a doula.”
— Courntey, Doula