What People Are Saying About My Work...
Brittany's video by @moanafilmes, @danicamata
““I want to thank you for your online course. Because of it I was able to do a home waterbirth in Nicaragua where it is not common at all. I live abroad so it was my dream to have a natural birth in my home. Little did I know there are no doulas or certified midwives in the country. Your course helped me through it! My father-in-law who is an OBGYN in Brazil caught the baby and also has never done a home or natural birth. He only does cesarean. What a special moment for the family! Thank you again for the knowledge I was able to achieve online!!! Here’s a video of our special day :)””
““My homebirth was the beginning of the journey that led me to my dharma. It was an experience of transcendental ecstasy. Anne Margolis was my incredible midwife. She is practical, science-based, and vastly experienced, but most importantly, she’s an awakened woman here to light the path to your most joyful self. Anne is the incredible midwife who taught me, through this process, how to midwife my own patients’ rebirth experience.
Her own educational course is a deep but manageable dive into her accumulated wisdom, packaged for your journey. Forget your childbirth class, and take steps to your most empowering experience. If you are thinking about conception, pregnant, or love someone who is, take it from me that her wisdom is life-changing.Yours in the truth.””
“I signed up for Anne’s “Love Your Birth” class online, and it’s been a hugely important part of my pregnancy, and I dearly wanted to share about this and Anne’s view on pregnancy in our country at this time. If you or someone you love is having a baby, LOVE YOUR BIRTH is a fantastic program to participate in.
“This course not only prepared me for childbirth, but also for motherhood and beyond. It was so much more than how to approach labor and delivery and really tapped into the mind, heart, spirit and body for the full journey. It helped me discuss things with my partner that I did not even know needed to be discussed. I feel like a true team now that we’ve taken the course and discussed the workbook. I was so afraid we may not be on the same page and this course kept us on track! The information I’ve received is priceless. Thank you.
“I SO appreciate Anne’s course, knowledge and support. I wasn’t happy with the options for prenatal classes available to me and I was thrilled to find her site. Thank you Anne for creating this online course! This was my first pregnancy and it was a big part of educating and empowering me through my pregnancy and home birth. Highly recommended! ♥️
“Anne!! She’s a wonderful teacher, no prejudice, calm and thinks of everything. The videos are easy to digest and full of brilliant, empowering information. As a full time mom, I feel that I can take on the world. I CAN DO THIS! I just feel empowered now.
Photo by Diane French Photography
Photo by Stephanie Brissette Photography
“Watching this course feels like you’re having long talks with a dear but very knowledgeable friend. The course helped me keep my thoughts in line when there are so many things we don’t have control of in life, and it helped me feel more confident by getting educated in areas where I had little. There is a lot of information, which is great for a first time pregnancy. Anne is delightful and really knows her stuff. She helped me feel more prepared and confident for pregnancy and birth. This course is priceless.”
“After taking Anne’s online birthing class, I feel full of useful knowledge, healthy perspectives, and natural birth encouragement! Anne has an outstanding job of identifying what women need to know & hear. I’m thrilled about the wonderful words, lessons, and resources Anne has equipped me with during my pregnancy! Thank you for the wonderful work you do!!!”
“Anne’s online birthing class is perfect for every mom to educate, calm nerves and ROCK their birth! Anne is amazingly knowledgeable and can answer any question you may have. She also makes herself easily available to you.
Because of Anne, I had tricks and tips that have helped tremendously!!
Thanks Anne!”
“My four childbirth experiences were among the most pivotal, transformative, empowering instances in my life. They shape who I am today and how I relate to the world, and I don’t underestimate Anne’s role in giving me that gift. Her support and wisdom had lasting impact on me for the way I face challenges when they arise.”
Photo Credit: Megan Hancock Photography
“Your course and videos are riveting- both my Husband and I could not stop watching.... And we are the grandparents!
So informative, realistic, reassuring, wise, loving and inspiring.
I’ve gifted the course to my Daughter-in-law who is finding it unbiased, deeper, clearer and more encouraging than the other classes she was told to take. Anne....Your ‘delivery’ is fantastic!”
““I wanted to Thank You for making my homebirth a possibility. It almost seemed like it wasn’t going to happen, with all of our obstacles, but I am so happy it did. You are absolutely amazing and so inspiring! Thank you for all your dedication and support in honoring women’s holistic health choices. From answering my questions, my mom’s questions, my husband’s questions – to labor and birth prep – your support, encouragement, telling me to follow and listen to my body, not telling me to push, suggesting the warm compress, and all of the herbal and nutritional support and information were invaluable. Thank you! I’ve had a wonderful postpartum period and I’m sure one of the biggest reasons is the care I received from you. I really cannot thank you enough! I hope I can express the gratitude I have for you and your practice.””
““Michael and I want to sincerely thank you for being the best midwife I had hoped for. You immediately made us feel comfortable and confident in our choice to have a homebirth. I also feel fortunate from the successful outcome of my birth experience. Close friends of mine who had very similar circumstances during labor ALL went to surgery. That shows me the confidence you have in our bodies and your amazing skills to help people birth naturally. For that I am truly grateful. I am so happy with my choices and that you were there to guide me through it all.””
““You are an absolutely amazing midwife. My experience with you is unforgettable. During pregnancy, I enjoyed getting care, valuable information about my child’s development and emotional support. You brings a lot of positive energy in to the world! Thank you!! There are not enough words to express my gratitude to you.” ”
“I can’t tell you how amazing it was to see you yesterday. You bring such a warm comfortable joy and energy with you it’s really hard to put into words. I couldn’t be any happier that you are with us on this journey!!
I really cannot express how grateful I am for you, Anne. Thank you for being an inspiration and for encouraging/validating me throughout my pregnancy and labor, and especially offering to travel here so I could have a most amazing home birth. I have so much respect, admiration for love for you—talk to you soon!
I want everyone to know how great you are.”
“My experience with you Anne was amazing from start to finish. The appointments during pregnancy were beyond thorough, and any questions I had between appointments were answered by you directly and promptly. The level of care I received is incomparable to any other physician that I ‘ve met. I just wanted to thank you for helping me bring our beautiful daughter into this world, the best way we knew how. Anne, you changed our lives in so many ways…including getting my very skeptical mother on board for this very special journey.
After just 4 hours of labor, we gave birth to our beautiful baby girl in the comfort of our own home. It was truly a beautiful experience and a moment that we will always cherish. We can’t thank you enough for guiding us through this journey. You are truly an amazing person. I would absolutely recommend you to anyone I care about and would absolutely choose to journey to birth with you again.
“Eight months ago we met and I was a little worried but determined to have a homebirth. Eventually, our dream came true, and our sweet baby came into the world peacefully and lovingly at home.
Some people tell me we were fortunate, but I know we were fortunate because we were also very well prepared, from spending priceless hours with you during pregnancy. For us, those hours were designed and allowed the beautiful event of birth to become what it was. Now its time to thank you Anne for all the amazing work you did with us preparing us for the most important event in our life so far.
You were so patient with us discussing again and again possible complications that concerned us, explaining interventions and ways to overcome these possibilities.
You were so thorough and serious about the health and wellbeing of me and my baby, offering vast knowledge and experience not only with the “medical” aspect of things, but also with nutrition, supplements, and offering reading material on every possible issue that came along.
Most of all you educated us to become people who can choose out of knowledge. I don’t know where else we could get this information, encouragement and stability along the process. The more I try to get into the details with what you have provided us, the more I understand I will not be able to do that, because it was so much.
I will not say it was impossible to do a home birth without you, but I will say that what we received was above and beyond any expectation we have ever had, and that you were an inseparable part of the wonderful results!
We haven’t mentioned your extraordinary personality, a combination of beauty, kindness, warmth, empathy as well as sharpness, intelligence and strength. You are a real gift to this world and we are very fortunate to find you and have your guidance and support. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Please save a spot for next time!
“This is long overdue in saying thank you and great appreciations!!!! From my initial phone call answered by your enthusiasm to your compassionate phone calls in the colic first few weeks, I am simply so appreciative to you. I think sooooo often of the compassionate care I received from you both prenatally and postnatally and think you are a healer of an ancient order.
Energetically, you are healing this world and making birth a sacred rite again in a world where it is chronically devalued. You are doing sacred work and making the world change one birth at a time. You are so awesome. Most women don’t know how they can be treated in pregnancy, labor, and birth. I don’t know if mere words can express the energy of this idea in my heart.
I can’t wait to get pregnant again and have your energy and passion guard my pregnancy and birth. From the bottom of my heart, I am so appreciative and grateful to connect with you. Thank you for doing your work in such a powerful, honorable and empowering manner.”
“I just wanted to thank you for all you have done. I couldn’t have chosen better support! Your knowledge, experience, and kind heart helped to make my pregnancy and birth a wonderful experience. I feel so blessed to have had such a great birth and you are part of that. My baby entered the world in a pretty amazing way. She was born in the comfort of her own home, surrounded by her family, close friends and two amazing women who helped her come into the world safely and naturally.
Nothing in the world compares to that incredible experience and I am so thankful to be able to look back on it as my girl grows. Your kind words and encouragement really helped. Thank you for being a part of such a special time in my life. I am forever grateful! I can’t put into words how much you have helped and what a difference you have made. You will forever bring a smile to our faces.”
“Words can’t begin to thank you for all you did for our family! We were so blessed to have found you and we are so appreciative of all your help and care throughout my pregnancy and birth. You provided such a peaceful 9 months and 6 days! ;0). I can honestly say my birth was one of the most amazing experiences of my life and you were an integral part of it all. May you be blessed in the service you provide for women and their children. I look forward to a future of more pregnancies with you!”
“I just wanted to reach out to send you a personal thank you message. I love YOU. You have been present for so much of my pregnancy journey and have always sent nothing but love. I want you to know how deeply it means to me, that I am truly grateful and that I send ALL MY LOVE back to you always.”
“Thank you so very much for the best care possible during my pregnancy. I loved my birth experience of course and I couldn’t imagine sharing this most special moment with anyone else. Love,”
“I don’t know how to thank you enough. You were the voice of calm and reassurance in the storm, I know I could not have done it without you. Thanks to you. I am myself again and am finding such joy in my beautiful healthy baby.”
“I just wanted to thank you so much for all the love and support that you gave me during this and my previous pregnancies. Thank you for giving us exactly what we wanted - exceptional midwifery care, your expertise and guidance, a wonderful birth, and my beautiful babies. I am so happy with my new baby girl - she is the most perfect thing I have ever seen. Thank you so much. I am so honored and pleased you do what you do. My older girls understand that birth is a natural process and they are the experts in their bodies. They learned it from birth because of you. We could never thank you enough.”
“I cannot find adequate words to express my gratitude to you for all your love and care. I have been privileged to have you as my midwife for five amazing births. Each time you expertly guided me. Your warmth, and expertise before, during and after my pregnancy was truly wonderful. Your care is warm, loving and gentle. You provide the most thorough care, taking time to discuss and explore any concerns. I am so grateful to have been given the opportunity for your guidance during these wonder-full times!”
“When Anne first told me about Clarity Breathwork, she showed me how to breathe and said the body can release past traumas, stuck emotions, limiting beliefs, physical pain, anxiety, guilt, resentment, general stress, etc.... it helps the body reach optimum state of being.
A few minutes after I was breathing my body started shaking, Anne reassured me I was safe and that my body was releasing trauma energy. She softly said keep breathing! I kept on breathing and soon I felt something leaving my body that gave me an incredible sense of relief, then I felt a mix of emotions - I wanted to cry of happiness, I wanted to laugh, and I felt as if someone (from a higher realm) had touched me leaving me with a recognition of profound gratitude, peace and I felt blessed to have had such experience.
I was so moved that I immersed myself in Costa Rica to do the full training to become a Clarity Breathwork Practicioner.
I want to share with you this beautiful, easy, safe, extremely powerful healing modality. I know your life will change for the better, my life has changed so much!
You have worked so hard to become the woman that you are. You are now getting all the fruits of your dedication, perseverance and love for your generosity of spirit with every woman you meet. You share all your knowledge with such love in your heart, now is coming back to you!!
I’m so happy you are in my life and I feel honored to be part of your celebration!! Just be ready to keep receiving my love!!
You are truly an inspiration in my life!”
“Many thanks for helping me out at a very stressful time in my life. I had been dealing with lots of negative self talk, anxiety, worry, fear, and overall stress. After experiencing the rebirthing breathwork, my body let go of a lot of tension and stress that it was holding onto that I was not even aware of. I immediately felt more relaxed, more calm, more at peace.
I think this is a very powerful practice and absolutely loved doing the sessions with you. I can see how as daily stressors happen, this breathwork practice is one you could keep up with to basically wipe the slate clean and relax your body and mind. Thank you Anne, you are amazing!
“If you ever have a chance to work with Anne Margolis, be sure and take it! Anne has such a gift for holding a compassionate and healing space. After so many years of being a mid-wife Anne knows how to support deep opening into vulnerable places and really honors the bodies wisdom and timing. She inspires great trust and brings lightness to the work. I felt so safe and unconditionally loved during my session and because of that I was able to really let go. Thank you Anne.
“It has been a pleasure to work with Anne. Her womanly wise and infectious personality made me feel held and safe throughout the whole breathing process and in her presence I was able to really drop in and go deep. Her countless years of experience as a midwife shine through her presence, intuition and no nonsense approach as a breath worker.
“I had the opportunity to be facilitated in my Breathwork sessions with Anne. And I’m so grateful for this opportunity.
First I feel safe from her presence. I love the energy she brings into the space from the very beginning. I like the fact that she’s a midwife and familiar with home birth, and a Yogini herself, so that’s brought her in some sensitivity around vulnerable issues and situations within the areas of Breathwork.
I can feel that she has done a lot of work on herself which gave her a lot of experience of dealings with different issues that may come up. She’s very nurturing and caring and I feel safe in her hands when she’s facilitating me. I really feel that I can fully let go because I knew that I am and feel held safe around her. I fully trusted her with the most vulnerable secret in my life, because she just radiates that trusting feeling and persona.
Authenticity is very important for me because I do believe in the saying that...’we can only give what we have’. It means for me that if we haven’t experienced any pain in our life, we won’t be capable to take people into the depth of their pain, and I feel that Anne is always coming from her authenticity, and with that..I trusted her.
Trust with your facilitator is so important so I can fully let go and enjoy the process, and go on a healing journey where I can experience true healing and transformation.
I can fully recommend her to facilitate a Breathwork sessions - private or group, because I knew that she will do a great job and that she will be able to take her people into a beautiful deeper journey of healing.
“Anne has a warmth and earthiness to her that puts you at ease. She was really supportive and nurturing during my Breathwork sessions and assisted me to go deeper in my process. Anne asked thoughtful questions that led me to greater clarity and release old programs. She is gentle and made me feel safe and comfortable throughout the sessions. I would recommend her to anyone wanting to heal and release stress or limiting beliefs from their life. Anne is a wonderful Breathworker and cares deeply about the people she serves. I would love to do Breathwork with her again!
“Our amazing graduate & practitioner Anne Margolis, is sharing the Breath in New York! With her decades long background as a midwife, she is totally rockin’ it with Clarity Breathwork, sending ripples of transformation and healing out far and wide. Thank you Anne! ”
“I’ve had an incredible experience with Clarity Breathwork. It was as riveting in terms of body sensations as skydiving but with a sense of peace and deep relaxation that has lasted for weeks - and probably will continue for much longer. When I finished the session I immediately thought “I want to do it again!”. I highly recommend it to anyone!”
Your workshop was incredibly powerful. I have attended breath-work events over the years and done some practices sporadically and never experienced what happened that night. However, I was very intrigued. I am interested in learning more and practicing more. Something about you truly resonated with me. I know without a doubt that we all show up however we do and that creates our experience.
The space holder plays a beautiful and meaningful role in creating that safe and sacred space (which you Anne, and your team did beautifully). I’m a stickler for solid facilitation. It matters. I desire a private session. During my experience I came away with a clear thought that I needed this as a personal practice and need to offer it.
“I can’t believe it has been already one week when we started the amazing, Revive Retreat weekend at the Lifebridge Santuary!
Anne Margolis and Asta Amanda did an incredible job organizing, preparing the best location, with healthy delicious food, comfy accommodations, getting the right support with the Reiki sessions from Kirsten Staffaroni, and the African Drums from Jalal. All the right people that attended were the perfect people to meet. New brothers and sisters united by one heart beat! Anne’s energy delivering the yoga classes and specially Femme , with Asta’s gentleness and loving care alongside Anne’s transformational expertise delivering Clarity Breathwork.
You two ladies are an amazing team. Everything went so smoothly and perfectly synchronized with everyone’s needs to heal and connect. Thank you! Thank you! from the bottom of my heart for putting all the energy, wisdom, experience and love into this Revive Retreat!!
#LiveFemme #ClarityBreathwork #Reiki #Yoga #Sisterhood #brotherhood#healing #lovingcare”
“I learned so much about myself, my wife, and my marriage. It’s very hard for me to relax because of stress and some health issues but I got some of the best sleep I’ve had so far this year! The breath work was blissful and so relaxing. I felt very emotional and felt some of the heaviness come off my back and neck through the experience. You are so kind and inspire me with your passion for what you do. What a great group of people we had! I am thankful to have left with a taste of inner joy and new tools to access it regularly. I feel much more hopeful and motivated to sort through my trauma and physical health. Thank you sincerely!
“Anne’s breathwork retreat was something that I never would have imagined. When I experienced my first breathwork session, I felt skeptical and a bit uncomfortable at first.
But within about 7 minutes of doing the breathwork, I felt tingling sensation throughout my whole body. I felt emotions that have been repressed for many years. These emotions ranged from fear and sadness to peace and joy. The whole hour of breathing only felt like 15 minutes to me.
Upon awakening, I felt a sense of peace that I don’t think I have ever felt before. My mind had no racing thoughts and for once things were clear. Anne was one of the most incredible people I have ever met. Her positivity, enthusiasm, and energy were qualities I’ve never experienced in a person. Just being near her energized me and brought about a sense of trust. I absolutely loved the Femme dance as well. I strongly recommend Anne’s work to anyone who is struggling to live their lives.
“Thank you from the bottom of my heart and the depths of my soul for this experience. I was astounded at how much emotional baggage I was able to release over one weekend! Anne is a powerhouse and a firecracker and I very much enjoyed her style of yoga instruction. She brought so much energy to the femme classes that you couldn’t help but try to emulate the gusto she encompasses. This was a place to step out of your comfort zone and her presence made that easier. Everything I learned I can use in the comfort of my own home and I really appreciate these new found tools for my personal healing journey.”
“Congrats to you Anne Margolis on such a powerful event last night at The Assemblage in NYC! You facilitated a beautiful, joyful and loving Clarity Breathwork workshop with amazing results for many that had no expectations and were blown away by what they were able to feel and release. I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to assist the event along with Cat, Asta, David, and John! ...We have started a movement in NYC!!! The sky is the limit!! ”
“Dearest Anne,
It was AMAZING. Such a powerful night.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
“A weekend away in the beautiful Catskill Mountains at the Revive Retreat was a great way to begin my path to healing from a painful divorce. Asta, Anne, and all of the attendees were very welcoming, supportive, and encouraging of each other. Many of the activities were out of my comfort zone, but I didn’t feel pressured to do anything I absolutely didn’t want to do. The Clarity Breathwork was a very new experience for me and I was was grateful to have Asta and Anne’s coaching support during the process. After the sessions I did feel I had released some pain and grief and also gained a sense of peace and joy. The Revive Retreat will always be a special part of my life experiences.
“Anne!!! What an incredible night!! All of my friends are buzzzzzing 💖❤️💫 I am so excited to have a private session with Josh and you! Definitely want more 😬😬
You are incredible! And I am so grateful! ”
“What an amazing offering, Anne! I know my phone call with you was so helpful in processing my trauma from birth. Thank you for all your support for women!”
“Still thinking of you two years later for your support during my pregnancy. I couldn’t have done it without you. I wish that all women could benefit from you as I did. This experience has begun a new chapter for me and closed an old one. I am certain that the path to my VBAC allowed me to heal a great deal and for that I am eternally grateful. You were so encouraging and not once did you not believe in my body. The numerous options and ideas were exactly what go through me through my birth. Thank you!!!”
“It makes me so happy to follow you on Instagram, and see all the ways you are sharing your wisdom, dancing, encouragement, and joy. My heart is filled with gratitude for you, and always will be. My four childbirth experiences were among the most pivotal, transformative, empowering instances in my life. They shape who I am today and how I relate to the world, and I don’t underestimate your role in giving me that gift. Your support and wisdom through my miscarriages and postpartum lows had lasting impact on me too - and the way I face difficulties when they arise. You are a light in my world.”
“You are one of the most amazing women I know on top of being excellent at what you do. On a professional level, you are very knowledgeable on women’s health topics and childbirth and you go above and beyond with your clients. As a professional, you have inspired me to pour out everything for my patients and that being a midwife is not only being knowledgeable in your area of expertise, but having the compassion to listen and respect what my patients’ wants and needs. You strive for excellence in all areas of your life and openly practice what you preach for health promotion and wellness. You are easy to talk to and have an open ear. I hope to be half the nurse you are!!”
“I just really wanted to thank you Anne for helping me get my first homebirth experience! It was really wonderful working with you. I learned so much about homebirths and helping midwives and Im glad you taught me tricks that would come in handy for future births!”
“I frequently think of things to thank you for but never formulate them into proper messages for sending. I figured for once I would actually send a thank you note instead of just thinking about it!
Thank you for being my midwife and answering all my questions and everything throughout my pregnancy. Thank you for educating and enlightening me. I didn’t even know homebirth was an option until I spoke to you and my husband would have never agreed until you educated him too.
Even though my birth wasn’t exactly what I had planned (when are births ever? I have yet to see a birth go perfectly planned) I still have a happy, healthy, alive little baby, perfect, just the way he was made and intended to be. You were the person who opened the door to my life as it is now.
Through you I met my network of homebirth mommy friends who were so instrumental to my sanity during pregnancy while I was surrounded by negativity from all sides.
Through you I learned about my baby and about my body. Through you I began learning what midwifery care is like, which prenatal vitamins are good and why, and also some of the variances in care from one provider to another.
Through you, I met my doula who was really a great inspiration for me to become a doula. The calming affect she had on me really stands out in my mind and I became a doula hoping that I could help at least one woman to have a substantially different experience the way she helped me.
When my baby had jaundice, you educated me so I didn’t rush him to the hospital, stuck under the lights and away from me for days.
When he had nursing issues, you encouraged me to keep going. You helped me in so many ways I am so thankful for. I had a safe healthy homebirth. His birth was a beautiful and amazing thing and I am happy and empowered that I got so far on my own way.
You provided excellent care prenatally and I am so happy you were there for us when we needed you. So thank you Anne for being a great midwife and for supporting my path as a doula.”
“I’m so, so, so incredibly grateful that I was able to have all the sessions with you that I’ve had so far. All of our work has truly added to my ability to feel comfortable and more confident (dare I even say sexy?!) going into labor and birth. I’m sure people say this all the time but because you have such conviction and can just “be” you, it puts people like me at ease, allows me to explore my own boundary lines a little more without fear of looking or sounding silly. This has been so comforting and empowering.. It seems clear to me that you like that level of personalization to a class and it’s been a unique approach that I feel like I’ve benefited from. I really appreciate and value all you’ve done for me!”
“I wanted to thank you so much. I enjoyed the prenatal yoga classes so much and they really helped me in labor especially with the deep breathing and helping me be in the right mind set. Thanks so much again”
Photo credit: © Dasha11
“I very much enjoyed all of the yoga sessions and feel they have really helped me in my pregnancy. I practice the breathing regularly and often try the different yoga positions to relieve stress and help strengthen my muscles. I have recommended prenatal yoga to many of my friends on account of these lessons. I would definitely be interested in postnatal classes. Thanks so much again!”
Thank you for your guidance and education. Your teachings will be put to great use to get us through this magical experience! We will definitely keep in touch for some postpartum yoga perhaps at one of our homes.”
“I really appreciate all I learned from you and how much easier you made it for me to get through this time more calmly and comfortably! On those weeks I missed class I felt so much more sore and stiff compared to the weeks I went to yoga, it made me realize what a huge difference your teaching made in my life! I had no idea I could still be this flexible even in the third trimester. The pregnancy and labor tips you gave us before and after class were also really useful, and practicing labor positions made me feel more confident about giving birth and handling labor pains. Thak you for everything.