Interviews, Articles & Other Resources
I love doing interviews! Here are some of the latest interviews where I answer common questions that you might have-
All for free! :) And below is a birth I attended featured on TV - TLC: A Baby Story
CNN contributor and TV host Deborah Kobylt invited me on her show to talk about everything birth and beyond. She says she found me on Instagram and is enamored. Enjoy!
Dr. Tom O’Brien and I get real about the horrid maternal/newborn outcome stats and what you can do to defy them, on thedr.com facebook live.
Join me and amazing integrative and holistic pediatrician Dr. Elisa Song for her Thriving Child Summit.
'Healthy Happy Babies Begin with Healthy Happy Birthing'
Listen to me and renowned mind/body clinical nutritionist, renowned author and inspirational speaker, Stephanie Dodier - exploring the mind body connection in pregnancy and birth, preventing and healing from Birth Trauma for moms and babies.
Join me and Katie of the Wellness Mama podcast - to learn essential information expectant parents need to know, on Podcast 122! A healthy live baby is not the only thing that matters.
Having an interview with a couple in my practice who had 4 babies with me, (and they attribute me for saving Julia's life by detecting an ectopic pregnancy when the doctors did not!). We discuss my passion for midwifery, what led me down the path of homebirth, the amazing power and joy of giving birth, how my online following and business grew, raising kids, keys to happy marriage, and how my own struggles in life led to my transformative healing, deeper happiness and growth and ability to help others do the same.
Join part one and two of a an awesome Instagram live interview I was invited to do with a mama who had a homebirth after cesarean in my practice, Joni, that really brings together many things pregnancy, birth, breathwork, holistic health and healing. We girls rocked it!!!
Let’s unpack homebirth with OB nurse Liesel Teen from the Mommy Labor Nurse @mommy.labornurse!
Join me and Orgasmic Birth’s Debra Pascali-Bonaro as we discuss the medicalization of childbirth and its impact on women’s empowerment and pleasure, the importance of autonomy and trust in the birthing process, the role of midwives in providing emotional support and trauma-sensitive care, the power of a positive mindset during childbirth, and more!
Learn if homebirth is safer than hospital birth on the Birth Lounge podcast with doula Hehe Stewart.
Join me in the Trusting Birth Summit, along with other leading experts who actually trust birth.
Listen to me and Ashley Renee Talking about birth trauma, healing and prevention with Primal birthing on the Secrets of the Shewolf Podcast; and also on the impact of trauma on mamas and babies and how we can begin to heal on the Bloom Into Your Soul podcast.
Learn answers to common questions I am asked as a midwife on the Depths of Motherhood podcast.
Getting real about tapping into your strength when the going gets tough with Sabrina Victoria on her story telling podcast Her Version.
Join me on Oh My Health There is Hope Podcast with Jana Short as we talk about the all too common PTSD after birth - birth trauma, how to prevent it, and how to heal from it.
Talking on the Baby Talk Podcast with author David Arnell all about support for dads. Topics covered include the importance of re-humanizing the entire childbirth experience, how the Midwifery model of care renormalizes childbirth as beautiful and sacred, Home Sweet Homebirth is a mindset you take with you to wherever you give birth, the built in continuity of care that comes with Midwifery model of care, how important it is to put Dads in the center of midwifery practice next to Mama and Baby
Getting real with Allison Micco of the Don't Freak Out podcast - learn about trusting your body's innate and intuitive wisdom, dealing with fears and anxiety in pregnancy and birth, how to enhance your mood and the positive, calm vibes that are so important for healthy happy birthing. We also explore how the medicalization of birth can actually increase fear and anxiety surrounding birth, and how you can create your dream birth plan within that system. Learn how how to hack your birth anxiety and turn it into your greatest strength and Transform your experience
Is it possible to love your birth regardless of how your baby comes into the world?
I absolutely believe so and am here with Expectful to tell you how to Love Your Birth However Baby Comes Into The World.
Join Dr. Kelly Brogan and I as we explore the trends, myths, lore and evidence around hospital-free birthing and midwifery with me. We shine light on our country's broken maternity care and discuss solutions. The US ranks near the bottom of industrialized countries in maternal and infant mortality. In countries with the best maternal/infant outcome, cesarean rates hover around 15% and 20-30% of births happen at home. What's the cause and what can we do?
Check out my interview on Shana Ekedal's Soul Frequency podcast on birth How we came into the world - our first experience of life as babies, and giving birth ourselves - our peak life experience as mothers have huge impact on our lives. Learn what can be traumatizing, how we can prevent it and how we can heal birth trauma for mamas and babies.
How to birth with pleasure? What’s an ecstatic orgasmic birth and how to have one? Check it out in my interview with Sheila Kamara Hay of Ecstatic Birth. Enjoy the bonus exploration of why indigenous women tend to birth so well in comparison to modernized American women, and what we can learn from them.
Listen to my interview on the "Reawakening Ancient Feminine Wisdom" summit, on why home birth is safer than we may think and SO much more!
Join me and founder of Learning to Birth talking about all things birthing and breathwork, as part of her video webinar interviewing global leaders in the field. Find out how women in the modern world can relearn what their bodies already know how to do.
It was wonderful to video interview with Marc Sklar The Fertility Expert! Check it out! It is all about having the best birth experience in all settings...once you do get pregnant!
Learn about evidence based care, why our country is failing, and what we can do to give birth naturally without unnecessary medical or surgical intervention and improve mom and baby outcomes - on my interview with Dr. Michael Ruscio. Discover what you can do to better the health of you and your newborn baby
Ryan Martin - the not so typical health coach, interviews me twice on his podcast: the first one is about the truth about childbirth, how to prevent birth trauma, and give birth in your own power, loving it however it unfolds; the second one delves more deeply into PTSD of birth trauma for moms and babies and how to heal from it.
If you are looking to have a healthy, joyful birth without birth trauma then this video show is for you. Interview with wonderful healer Isa Herrera MSPT.
Join Dr. Kyle Wallner and me as we talk the benefits of midwifery & Chiropractic on this empowering episode of his Michigan Family Wellness podcast.
Join me on the Paleo Baby podcast from NourishBalanceThrive.com as I discuss my journey to midwifery, and my approaches to pregnancy, childbirth, and maternity care.
Join me and another birth trauma expert Jennifer Summerfeldt who hosts a mindful heartfelt podcast for mothers. Together we explored many topics of conversation that include:
•What inspired me to serve families in the ways that I do
•How I help mothers heal from childbirth or any trauma, the power of Clarity Breathwork
•What I do to prevent burnout from setting in, and how I coach other birth professionals regarding this - hint the need for boundaries.
Join me on Rockstar Birth Radio Episode 18, learn about my own birth, and the experiences that led me to becoming a holistic midwife.
Listen to me and Dr. Laura Brayton talk about everything birth on her Well Adjusted Mama podcast. Find out what you can do to have the most healthy beautiful journey, how you can be empowered to unlock your innate wisdom and body intelligence - the key to improving your experiences and outcomes in a huge way. We also talk about breathwork and how it helps you birth and heal from any past stress or trauma.
Sarah and Matthew Bivens of diapodcast.com in the one podcast, ask me about birthing at home midwifery, and normal, natural and joyful childbirth. "This interview is chock-full of great quotes, tidbits of information and morsels on resources for you all to take advantage of. I say listen to this one with a notepad and pen. Listen, pause and re-listen. It’s a great one!" In another interview we discuss birth trauma, what is it, how to prevent and heal from it - for both moms and babies. Then in the third we get real about why modern day mamas need to prepare so much for having the birth they want, ESPECIALLY today.
Check out my in depth interview with host Cathy Ospina on The Fertility, Pregnancy and Birth Summit - as we delve into how to fulfill your soul's deepest desire to be a mom, optimize your pregnancy and birth with confidence, tap into your sensual, open to your divine feminine energy, birth with pleasure and powerfully transition to motherhood.
Listen to my Guest Faculty Presentation to Advanced Clinical Resources (ACR) for Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, founder of the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology (INE):
"Why Mothers Should Take Back Their Pregnancy and Birth. If They Really Want to Be Healthy and Have a Healthy Baby; and How To Give Birth Naturally Without Unnecessary Medical or Surgical Intervention and Love Your Experience However It Unfolds"
Here's my interview on the Wellness Revolution podcast with deliciously provocative integrative medical doctor Dr. Veronica Anderson MD. We go beyond birth trauma and healthy birthing. We get real about the problems with our broken health care system. We shed light on the legal and financial pressures on health care providers - who practice under the threat of litigation and large malpractice premiums, yet can no longer afford take insurance after the affordable care act and keep their doors open, let alone afford to take the time needed to truly help people. Then we acknowledge that birth professionals themselves need to heal their own trauma from dealing with emergencies and devastating outcomes despite giving the best possible care, and we discussed the path to holistic healing is investing in and taking responsibility for your own health. We could all use some Clarity Breathwork! We talk How to practice within a broken health care system, how to heal ourselves, and help others heal
Enjoy my video interview with chiropractor and functional nutritionist Dr. Ben Weitz...as we talk all about having a baby in the US, why our country's maternity outcome stats are the worst in the developed world, what's the research say, routine harmful interventions when all is well, and what you can do about it.
We're busting myths and chatting all about natural birthing practices without the need for unnecessary medical procedures or surgeries with certified fitness and fat loss coach Marcus Sidhu.
Join me and Naturopathic physician Dr. Christine Schaffner as we talk about why birth is actually seen as a “crisis” in many hospitals and birthing centers, what is the best intervention for a woman during a healthy birth, why do 1/3 of women who give birth in the US describe their birth as traumatic, why are women giving birth MORE at risk in the US than they are in many other countries and how to TAKE BACK your birth.
Check out my extensive interview on the Love and Guts podcast with Lynda Griparic, a naturopath and nutritionist, on birth in today's world, interventions and evidence based care, how you can have a homebirth experience in and out of the hospital.
Having such fun conversation and getting REAL from all about owning your birth experience and your emotions, healing trauma and emotional pain, the difference between obstetricians and midwives and how it effects your experience, how to have a home birth like experience in the hospital, to what about partners, and minorities....on the We Here Man podcast.
The first interview explores birth, maternity care, poor outcomes and birth trauma with Karen Betten on The Truth is Funny…Shift Happens Radio Show - Transformational Talk Radio; as well as prevention, healing and solutions. Our second interview goes more in depth about holistic pregnancy and birth, healing emotional pain and trauma to living in unapologetic joy.
Join me and Dr. Aumatma, ND: Holistic Fertility Specialist on her podcast...all about midwifery, natural birth and tuning into our internal wisdom and amazing bodies.
Getting real about all things birthing in the hospital and home settings on the Happy Homebirth podcast.
An interview with Lactation Consultant Kelly Maher Carvell’s Get Ready for Baby Summit - on how to prepare for a healthy pregnancy, and exploring how to prevent traumatic birth experiences for mom and baby.
Here is my interview on the Mama Knows Best, We Got Something To Say! Podcast - getting real on the various whys that are contributing to the bad obstetric outcomes in the US, home versus hospital and midwife versus obstetrician care, dealing with emergencies, Covid, and what you can do to have a beautiful healthy outcome for yourself and your baby….and heal from previous trauma.
Join me at the Eczema Solution Summit with Noura Lutyk of Mothering Little Ones. In my interview, we talk about easy and actionable ways to have a healthy pregnancy and birth.
We also discuss how our lifestyle has changed our health and what you can do to make healthier changes so you can experience better health.
Would you like to interview me? Get in touch today!
Popular Articles & Guest Posts
Below are some of my most recent articles, packed with helpful content and personal stories. I've also listed a few of my most popular guest articles, enjoy! :)
A Few Of My Most Popular Guest Blogs:
Here's an interview blog on Expectful all about birth plans.
Here's an article I wrote for The Birth Hour on the Homebirth Midwifery Model Of Care...
This is an interview article with Mamamalas where I provide a guide to stress free pregnancy...
In this interview article I share about my personal rituals, mindfulness practices and advice on motherhood...
Here's an article I shared on preparing and making sure you have needed support postpartum, the forgotten fourth trimester...
When you gave birth to your first, there was no one else to worry about – just you and your baby. Well…now, wait a minute. You probably worried about your partner, too. And if you have a cat or a dog or a ferret or other such companion, you likely made sure that they, too, would be looked after while you were in the throes of labor.