Thank you for completing the Emotional Well-Being Assessment.
Below are instructions on how to calculate your results.
Strongly Disagree (Never)= 1 point
Disagree (Rarely)= 2 points
Neutral (Sometimes)= 3 points
Agree (Usually)= 4 points
Strongly Agree (Almost Always)= 5 points
STEP 1: Add the points for your answers for questions 1-4
Your Depression Score Is ______________
If you scored:
4-8 points = minimal risk of depression (1 breathwork session could be helpful to enhance your joy)
9-14 points = moderate risk of depression (10 breathwork sessions could help you heal and feel back to your best self)
15-20 points = significant risk of depression (at least 10 breathwork sessions in conjunction with support from your health care provider/therapist will enhance and accelerate your full healing)
STEP 2: Add the points for your answers for questions 5-8
Your Anxiety Score Is ______________
If you scored:
4-8 points = minimal risk of anxiety (1 breathwork session could be helpful to enhance your inner calm)
9-14 points = moderate risk of anxiety (10 breathwork sessions could help you feel sustained relief and inner peace)
15-20 points = significant risk of anxiety (at least 10 breathwork sessions in conjunction with support from your health care provider/therapist will enhance and accelerate your full healing)
STEP 3: Add the points for your answers for questions 9-12
Your Trauma Score Is ______________
If you scored:
4-8 points = minimal risk of trauma (1 breathwork session could be helpful to clear your inner stress and enhance your well-being)
9-14 points = moderate risk of trauma (10 breathwork sessions could help you feel immeasurable relief so you can reclaim your radiant vitality and feel calm again)
15-20 points = significant risk of trauma (at least 10 breathwork sessions in conjunction with support from your health care provider/therapist will enhance and accelerate your full healing, growth, and transformation so you can experience a life of inner peace and joy)
I'd love to hear what you discovered from your assessment. CLICK HERE to schedule your online or local Clarity Breathwork session to support your healing and enhance your joy. This is the most transformational work I've experienced and I can't wait to share it with you!
Much Love,