Holistic Midwifery Support To Transform Any Negative Imprints Of An Upsetting Birth, No Matter What Happened
Or Where You Live.
If you didn't get a chance to go through the prior to your birthing experience, and found it was not as positive of an experience as you would have liked, or even close to the birth you wanted, and you felt out of control and pained, I can help.
We will review and process the birth trauma you experienced. I can guide you to heal from horrible experiences and feelings of shame, failure, helplessness, physical and emotional trauma so you can feel stronger, be at peace, and become grateful for your journey.
This work together can help you to look forward to a much better experience the next time around.
This Program Includes:
We’ll start with a Wellness Assessment and a trauma healing Breathwork Intake Form that we will fill out throughout your journey to get the full perspective of all the moving parts physically, mentally and emotionally that you are dealing with.
Our first coaching session will be a 90 Minute Holistic Health History Kick Off Call where we will do a deep dive into the assessment and every aspect of your life including medical and surgical history, medications and supplements you take, allergies, genetics and family history, gynecology/menstrual history, past and current pregnancy and birth history, psychosocial history, diet, exercise, stressors and coping, support, hobbies, recreation and lifestyle.
VIP Rebirth Yourself personal package of 5 weekly to bimonthly one on one private 1 1/2 to 2 hour Virtual Clarity Breathwork sessions to release and heal from the trauma from your body, and get yourself back.
Lifetime access to my breathwork online course.
From there you will receive a follow up coaching support 1-hour call and have email support for simple issues as needed throughout our time together.
Whether it's banishing postpartum overwhelm/anxiety/depression, healing birth trauma, or balancing me time, I'm an expert in postpartum care and can help you, no matter where you live.
Balancing Me Time: $1000
We’ll start with a Wellness Assessment and Intake Form, a 90- Minute Holistic Health History Kick Off Call, We'll Develop Your Customized Postpartum Care Plan, you’ll get 2 1-hour online coaching calls, you lifetime access to my Breathwork online course, and email access for quick support in between our calls.
Happy Momma Program: $1750
We’ll start with a Wellness Assessment and Intake Form, a 90- Minute Holistic Health History Kick Off Call, We'll Develop Your Customized Postpartum Care Plan, and you will get 4 1-hour weekly postpartum coaching support sessions.
Heal Your Birth Trauma: $2500
We’ll start with a Wellness Assessment AND a trauma healing Breathwork Intake Form, a 90 Minute Holistic Health History Kick Off Call, you will get VIP package of 5 weekly to bimonthly one on one private 1 1/2 to 2 hour Virtual Clarity Breathwork sessions, Lifetime access to my breathwork online course, and a follow up coaching support 1-hour call with email support for simple issues throughout our time together.
What Mommas Are Saying...
““Still thinking of you two years later for your support during my pregnancy. I couldn’t have done it without you. I wish that all women could benefit from you as I did. This experience has begun a new chapter for me and closed an old one. I am certain that the path to my VBAC allowed me to heal a great deal and for that I am eternally grateful. You were so encouraging and not once did you not believe in my body. The numerous options and ideas were exactly what go through me through my birth. Thank you!!!” ”
““What an amazing offering, Anne! I know my phone call with you was so helpful in processing my trauma from birth. Thank you for all your support for women!”
This does not replace care from your primary provider.