Thank you for completing your Self Assessment Form
Below are instructions on how to calculate your results.
Strongly Disagree (Never)= 1 point
Disagree (Rarely)= 2 points
Neutral (Sometimes)= 3 points
Agree (Usually)= 4 points
Strongly Agree (Almost Always)= 5 points
Add the points for your answers for all questions
Your Likelihood For Healthy, Positive Natural Birth Self Assessment Score Is ______________
If you scored:
25 points = You are extremely likely to have a healthy, empowered, beautiful, and joyful natural birth experience of your dreams. My Love Your Birth online course will definitely enhance your journey.
26 - 50 points = You may have a healthy natural birth but need some support to better ensure it, and as well as to love your experience. My Love Your Birth online course would be REAL helpful for you to have a deeply positive, empowered, and joyful journey through pregnancy, birth, and becoming a mom postpartum beyond what you envision and dream about.
51 -75 points = You are at moderate risk of having the cascade of medical and surgical interventions during childbirth, that may not be necessary, yet may be very upsetting or traumatic. My Love Your Birth online course and a individualized one on one consultation with me could help you not only minimize this risk, but increase your chances for a natural, healthy and deeply positive labor and delivery experience you will treasure forever.
76 - 100 points = You have a significant increased risk of a highly medically interventive birth and unnecessary cesarean, with significant health risk to you and your baby - physically and emotionally. If you really want a positive, healthy natural birth experience, there is still hope - I would urge you to take my online Love your Birth Course, in conjunction with at least one personal consultation with me, to not only minimize this risk and prevent birth trauma, but also to give you everything you most need to really transform and create a healthy natural birth you love. It is designed to bring you into alignment with yourself, setting you free from doubts and fears you may have, while helping you to let go of anything that isn't supportive of the kind of pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience you'd like to create.
To purchase the Love Your Birth online course or the bundle that includes a personal one on one online consultation with me click here.
I'd love to hear what you discovered from your assessment. Arrange to talk with me about how I can support your pregnancy, birth and/or postpartum journey and enhance your inner calm and joy however it unfolds. I provide you with the most transformational tools and techniques I've used to help thousands of moms and their families, and I can't wait to share it with you!
Much Love,