Have The Most Exquisite Birth Experience Of Your Life...

Whether you're a first time or experienced mama..

Photo Credit: Megan Hancock Photography

Regardless if you are planning a birth at home, a hospital, a birth center or need a cesarean section...

You Really Can Have The Delivery Of Your Dreams.

More Precious Than A Wedding...

Childbirth Should Be A Celebration!

Let me show you how to:

  • Tap into your inner calm to deeply relax yourself, letting go of busy, stressful and fearful thoughts on demand for the health of baby

  • Speak your truth from your heart in a way that deepens your relationships, sets clear boundaries, and has people listen to you and support you before, during and after pregnancy

  • Understand the sensations of your body and connect your intuition with how your body is communicating and leading you towards what to do during labor

  • Trust yourself, connect with your body wisdom and communicate with baby in belly

  • Connect with natural time and sync your body and mind up with your unique biological clock for ease from pregnancy to postpartum 

  • Reprogram negative patterns, stories, and beliefs that undermine your confidence, strength and self trust so you can rock your birth

I want you to have a deeply positive, empowering and joyful journey through pregnancy, birth and being a momma in postpartum.

Love Your Birth Course
Sale Price: $337.00 Original Price: $449.00

NEW! and IMPROVED, including an extra 20+ BONUS Videos!

Love Your Birth is a holistic, holistic midwife created, doctor recommended, on-demand course to help you birth YOUR way at home, birth center or hospital. Prepare for the most blissful experience from pregnancy to postpartum.

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned, trained and supported women with locally for over twenty years in my private practice and I’ve poured all of my love, passion, knowledge and experience into creating something truly special for you ... LOVE YOUR BIRTH!

10 core video modules with 13+ downloadable resources and packed with over 20 new BONUS videos and resources:

  • Health In Pregnancy

  • Preparing The Mind

  • Testing Procedures

  • Anatomy and Physiology

  • Labor Coping Techniques

  • Birth Preferences

  • Guidance For Dads And Partners

  • Postpartum - the 4th trimester

  • Breastfeeding and Newborn Care

  • Meditation, Breathwork, Visualization and Relaxation

    NEW! Over 20 Newly-Added BONUS Videos Where I Answer the Most Common Questions I am Asked, and Discuss Hot Topics Relevant to Your Journey.

    Value — Priceless :)

    The videos include discussions about such topics as:

  • What to do when family and friends not supportive of your choices.

  • Supplements in pregnancy.

  • Prenatal yoga.

  • VBAC (Vaginal Birth after Cesarean).

  • Kids at birth.

  • Friends and family at birth.

  • Ideal Candidates for homebirth.

  • How to have a homebirth like experience in the hospital.

  • More on the placenta.

  • How to deal when things don’t go as planned, and so much more!

The key to a positive birth, is feeling confident, strong, relaxed, and empowered during the entire process, regardless of the twists and turns it may take.

Photo Credit: Megan Hancock Photography


Love Your Birth Online Course Creator and Instructor Anne Margolis

My name is Anne Margolis. I’m a mother of 4. My first two babies were born in a hospital with all the interventions, and my third and fourth were born naturally in the hands of a midwife.

I’m a Registered Nurse, OB/GYN Nurse Practitioner, Licensed Nurse Midwife,  Certified Prenatal & Postpartum Yoga Teacher and Clarity Breathwork Practitioner. 

I am a two times number one best selling author of 'Natural Birth Secrets: An Insiders Guide How To Give Birth Holistically, Healthfully and Safely, and Love the Experience', and also 'Trauma Release Formula: The Revolutionary Step by Step Program for Eliminating Effects of Childhood Abuse, Trauma, Emotional Pain and Crippling Inner Stress, to Living in Joy without Drugs or Therapy.' 

My work, insights and advice have been seen on TV shows and movies including 4 episodes of 'A Baby Story' on TLC Discovery Channel, and the award winning feature documentary, 'Orgasmic Birth' and 'The Human Longevity Project.' I have been interviewed for multiple local, national and international radio programs, shows and podcasts, and I have also been a featured speaker and expert panelist at distinguished events for Weil-Cornell School of Medicine, the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, RCC State University of New York School of Nursing, and Birthnet Association of Childbirth Professionals and Hudson Valley Birth Network to name a few. My Clarity Breathwork groups have been hosted at several yoga studios and wellness centers, including the conscious, high vibration and transformational community at The Assemblage in NYC, with holistic psychiatrist Dr Kelly Brogan.

I’ve worked in a hospital as a nurse midwife and then opened my own holistic homebirth midwifery and gynecology practice of over 20 years (with a wait list!). I understand both the science and holistic perspectives of birth. Every woman has their own unique approach to mommahood. Your preferences are special and deserve to be honored.

Whether you are a first time momma feeling a little nervous and anxious about the birthing process or an experienced momma that maybe had an upsetting or even traumatizing birth experience. Or if you are feeling tension, stress, or overwhelm in your pregnancy or any part of the journey to motherhood trying to navigate all the different choices, and possibly not feeling supported or comfortable with the guidance you are receiving.


I’ve taken everything I’ve learned, trained and supported women with locally for over 20 years in my private practice and I’ve poured all of my love, passion, knowledge and experience into creating something truly special for you…


The ‘Love Your Birth’ Online Birth Course

Doctor and Midwife Recommended, Holistic and Covers Pregnancy To Postpartum Bliss

(In Whatever Setting — Whether Birthing At Home, Hospital or Birth Center — even if this is not your first baby!)

Screen Shot 2017-03-14 at 6.49.16 PM.png

Photo Credit: Megan Hancock Photography

It’s a unique approach on how to have a deeply positive, empowered and joyful journey through pregnancy, birth and becoming a mom postpartum. Whether you have visions of a cozy home water birth, giving birth in a birth center, free of pain meds and intervention, or a hospital birth with the latest technology and emergency care access just in case, this is the ultimate pregnancy to postpartum training so you can be prepared from an emotional, physical and spiritual perspective to relax into birth and mommahood with excitement and ease.

This comprehensive training will help you find your center and feel balanced, strong, relaxed and calm within yourself during this special rite of passage into mommahood- in the midst of all the chaos of life along the way.

Brittany's video by @moanafilmes, @danicamata

I want to thank you Anne, for your online course. Because of it I was able to do a home water birth in Nicaragua where it is not common at all. I live abroad so it was my dream to have a natural birth in my home. Little did I know there are no doulas or certified midwives in the country. Your course helped me through it! My father in law caught the baby. What a special moment for the family! Thank you again for the knowledge I was able to achieve online!!!
— Brittany S

The key to a positive birth, is feeling confident, strong, relaxed and empowered during the entire process, regardless of the twists and turns it may take.

Photo Credit: Megan Hancock Photography

In this online video course you’ll learn what is most effective, practical and proven, not just to relax and cope, but to really love your birth experience. So that whatever unexpected events you may face you can have an empowered, joyful journey.

The course gives you positive, practical guidance for everything you most need to create a Birth You Love. It is designed to bring you into alignment with yourself, setting you free from doubts you may have, while helping you to let go of anything that isn't supportive of the kind of pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience you'd like to create.  It strengthens you and your relationships, gives you confidence, and reminds you how powerful you truly are.


“Watching this course feels like you’re having long talks with a dear but very knowledgeable friend. The course helped me keep my thoughts in line when there are so many things we don’t have control of in life, and it helped me feel more confident by getting educated in areas where I had little. There is a lot of information, which is great for a first time pregnancy. Anne is delightful and really knows her stuff. She helped me feel more prepared and confident for pregnancy and birth. This course is priceless.
— Misty A.
Photo by Stephanie Brissette Photography

Photo by Stephanie Brissette Photography

Here’s Some of What  You’ll Learn

The 10 Modules Of The ‘Love Your Birth’
Online Birthing Course


Birthing Course Module 1: Health In Pregnancy

Photo by Crystal Engel

Photo by Crystal Engel

  • What supplements you need, why you need them, natural herbal tonics with recipes, and what toxins to avoid

  • The best exercises, how to do them and how often (along with the types of exercises you must avoid and why!)

  • How to take a 20 minute break that feels like a 2 hour nap

  • How to create a fortress of positivity around you to counteract the media hype and negative, fear based stories

  • How to choose the provider and birth setting that is best for you

  • The sensitive topic of intimacy and sex during pregnancy

  • How to release intense emotions, trauma, and fears that can affect your birth

Birthing Course Module 2: Preparing The Mind

Art by Anne Rose Bain

Art by Anne Rose Bain

  • Understand your labor sensations – and their purpose as an intricate feedback system that helps labor progress while guiding you to move and get into the optimal position for birthing

  • Transform your association with intense sensations from severe, painful suffering to the building of a series of healthy waves that allow your body to do what it knows how to do to birth your baby

  • Cultivating the mindset and attitudes to ROCK your childbirth, while embracing and loving your experience each step of the way

  • Learn the most important labor skills to practice regularly and anywhere so they become habitual and empower you when needed on the big day!

  • Experience meditation, mindfulness and relaxation techniques to help with daily stresses and triggers so you can be connected, calm and powerful during labor.

Birthing Birth Course Module #3: Testing Procedures

Photo by Melissa Oosting

Photo by Melissa Oosting

  • Learn the purpose of all the essential blood, urine and lab tests and options for additional testing to consider

  • Calculate your own estimated due date and understand the importance of determining the most accurate date possible

  • Understand the implications of blood types and what to do if you have an Rh negative blood type and why

  • Get informed on some some of the standard, automatic and elective screenings and treatments and why you might want to refuse some of them as an informed patient

Birthing Course Module #4: Anatomy & Physiology

Illustration by Jan Ruby Baird

Illustration by Jan Ruby Baird

  • Understand what’s going on with your body and emotions in each stage of childbirth so you know what is normal and common to embrace

  • Learn common medical and examination terms  around childbirth so you can be empowered in your conversations with birthing professionals

  • Discover the essential activities for the sacred first hour after birth

  • Understand Labor Flow: when to call your provider in labor, day and evening vs middle of night; when to avoid going to the hospital and what to do if feeling decreased or no baby movement

  • Diagrams and model of baby/pelvis/placenta/umbilical cord and membranes included in a downloadable PDF

Birthing Course Module #5: Labor Coping Techniques

Photo by @miniateam

Photo by @miniateam

  • How to manage an early labor (best times to meditate, walk, rest, sleep, make love, and take a warm bath and why)

  • Best suggestions for eating and drinking

  • How and why to manage alone time and social time

  • How to support and stay in a labor trance when in active labor, so your instinctual bodily process of birthing can more effectively proceed

  • The best vocalizations, visualizations and breathing techniques for grounding, calming and releasing as appropriate

  • What to do when crowning to reduce risk of tearing

  • Learn inspirational symbols and pictures that naturally remind you of your feminine capacity, strength, and support around you

  • Hot/Cold, Shower/Tub water supportive experiences

  • 3 Genres of musical playlists with examples and why

  • Optimal labor and birth positions, movement changes with extensive video demonstrations that include props like the birth ball, sling and more

Birthing Course Module #6 Birth Preferences

  • Teachings of the pros and cons of over 50 possible interventions and disturbances from seemingly innocuous to most invasive from labor to birth, postpartum and newborn care.

  • You have a say in how your birth happens, make informed decisions regardless of complications, here are just SOME of the MANY things covered:

    • Eating and drinking vs IV fluids

    • Freedom to move or staying in bed

    • Clothing to wear

    • Kids at birth or not

    • Intermittent vs continuous electronic fetal monitoring

    • Doppler vs fetoscope to check baby’s heart rate

    • Labor progress time limits

    • Artificially vs spontaneously ‘breaking your water’

    • Medication options to induce or augment labor

    • Sleep or pain meds, epidural or not

    • Episiotomy or not

    • Who catches baby

    • Who discovers and announces sex of baby

    • Immediate vs Delayed/Optimal cord clamping

    • Lotus birth or not

    • Placenta ingestion or not

    • Forceps/vacuum extraction or not

    • Cesarean birth - when it’s necessary and life saving, how to approach and deal with it in the moment and then healing afterwards; gentle cesarean

    • Breastfeeding on demand/lactation support vs formula and water supplements

Birthing Course Module #7 Guidance For Dads And Partners

Video image by @moanafilmes, taken by @danicamata

Video image by @moanafilmes, taken by @danicamata

  • Understand the physical and emotional changes you have never seen before, so you accept and embrace it with confidence and calm

  • How and why you should build relationships with the provider and birth team as early as possible

  • Why you don’t need to learn specific labor support techniques

  • Helpful words and how to communicate with her in labor

  • Massage techniques that help

  • Learn what moms commonly say in late labor so you can stay calm and understand how to respond, how to deal with your reaction to her working so hard, her intense emotions, and appearing to be in pain

  • Tips to support her cues and helping her during later labor stages and pushing

  • Ways to help and protect her during the 1st sacred hour after birth

  • For Hospital Setting: how to deal with her commitment and the offers of pain medication vs her sincere request for it and more

  • How to deal with mom starting to push before the midwife arrives to your homebirth or you arrive at birth setting.

Holistic Birth Course Module #8 Postpartum - the 4th trimester

Photo by @lindseymeehleis

Photo by @lindseymeehleis

  • Learn exactly what postpartum is, how long it lasts, and how long it takes to feel back to yourself

  • How to prepare during pregnancy for adjusting to caring for a newborn, breastfeeding, healing and recovery (many modern day women are stunned today about all that is involved!)

  • Learn priorities during this time for what is needed, how and what to delegate to ensure everything that can be, is taken care of by others and off your plate

  • How to transition from doing and accomplishing your-to-do list, to being and in line with your and your baby’s needs

  • Essential nutrition, hydration and whole food/herbal supplements for postpartum

  • Self identify signs of postpartum depression, anxiety and psychiatric illness vs normal emotional changes so you can get help early for postpartum depression or anxiety

  • Receive comprehensive head to toe training on what to expect physically and emotionally, and the reasons why, with some suggestions/natural remedies for common issues such as:

    • Lack of sleep and exhaustion

    • Breast changes

    • Colostrum to breastmilk

    • Nipple soreness

    • Bleeding patterns

    • Cramping

    • Perineal soreness and stitches

    • Constipation and hemorrhoids

    • Return to pre pregnant weight

    • Return to cycle and fertility

    • Return to sex

    • Relationship changes

    • Sibling adjustment suggestions

    • Body image: how to love your postpartum body

Birthing Course Module #9 Breastfeeding and Newborn Care

Photo by @bloomphotographynz

Photo by @bloomphotographynz

  • Learn how to be on baby’s biological clock

  • Learn cues on how to interpret baby’s communication including signs of hunger and types of discomfort

  • Understand how to soothe and comfort a fussy or crying baby

  • Discover how to prepare for breastfeeding in pregnancy to maximize chances of breastfeeding success (and things that undermine a mom’s confidence in mothering and breastfeeding)

  • Understand “What’s normal” and how to identify warning signs to report to your midwife/pediatrician

  • Learn how to know if baby is getting enough milk, peeing and pooping normal amounts, expected initial weight loss and gain so you can avoid the cycle of not thinking baby is getting enough, supplementing and making less breast milk

Birthing Course Module #10 Meditation, Breathwork, Visualization and Relaxation

Art by Catie Atkinson @spirityso

Art by Catie Atkinson @spirityso

  • Learn a variety of breathing exercises designed to support you to relax and feel grounded

  • Learn mindfulness practices to anchor you out of a busy mind and stressful thoughts into the present without any judgments or mental  story

  • Expand your senses and sensitivity with head to toe body scanning to release tension

  • Get powerful visualizations to help you cope, access inner calm, and connect you deeply to yourself and baby

“This course not only prepared me for childbirth, but also for motherhood and beyond. It was so much more than how to approach labor and delivery and really tapped into the mind, heart, spirit and body for the full journey. It helped me discuss things with my partner that I did not even know needed to be discussed. I feel like a true team now that we’ve taken the course and discussed the workbook. I was so afraid we may not be on the same page and this course kept us on track! The information I’ve received is priceless. Thank you.
— Lindsay R.

What’s Included In The ‘Love Your Birth’ Online Birthing Course:

  • 10 Comprehensive Video Modules Covering:

    • Holistic Health And Nutrition for Pregnancy to Postpartum

    • Preparing the Mind

    • Testing and Procedures

    • Birth Planning & Preferences

    • Anatomy and Physiology

    • Labor Coping Techniques

    • Tips for Dads/Partners

    • Postpartum – the Fourth Trimester

    • Breastfeeding and Newborn Care

    • Meditation, Breathwork and Visualization

  • Downloadable Course Workbook to help guide you through the videos with actionable steps to apply and discuss with your partner and care provider.

  • Recipes for Pregnancy, Natural Nausea Remedies, Postpartum Herbal Teas & Labor Drink

  • Postpartum Support Calendar

  • 10 Page Birth Preferences Guidebook (with over 50 preferences to be aware of!) and so much more!

           (This information is so helpful that even Doulas purchase the course for training and certification!) 

I SO appreciate Anne’s course, knowledge and support. I wasn’t happy with the options for prenatal classes available to me and I was thrilled to find her site. Thank you Anne for creating this online course! This was my first pregnancy and it was a big part of educating and empowering me through my pregnancy and home birth. Highly recommended! ♥️
— @terrikretai

So How Much Is The Birthing Course?

Me with a newborn baby :)

Me with a newborn baby :)

I’ve poured hours and hours of my time, love, passion, and over 25 years of experience of the best of the best that I have to offer into this program.

The Love Your Birth course is easily accessible, yet so comprehensive that several Physicians and midwives around the world recommend it to their clients and many Doulas across the country purchase this course as part of their Doula Training & Certification process!

My standard midwifery rate is $450 for the initial one hour private, customized consultation time to speak with me and get guidance on your specific issues. There's frequently a wait list.

What you learn in the Love Your Birth course is worth thousands of dollars and many hours of the best that I share with my private clients. Plus you get lifetime access to the full course including the downloadable workbook, and all the videos, demonstrations, PDFs, recipes, resources, guides and checklists so you can revisit the parts that most interest you over and over again (for all your babies!).

I really want to make my life’s work accessible to as many mommas as possible, so I’m currently offering the entire program for just $597. As soon as you purchase the course you will receive an email with instant access to the entire program.


Love Your Birth Course
Sale Price: $337.00 Original Price: $449.00


Interested In Personal, Customized Guidance From Me?


This is a very comprehensive training program and it’s packed with the very best of what I have to offer based on over 25 years of midwifery and thousands of mommas I’ve helped usher babies into this world.  

One thing I’ve learned is that each woman is unique and our lives and stories vary greatly.  So if you choose the Love Your Birth training, but you also know you could use some customized support, you can upgrade to the Love Your Birth Bundle, that includes a 1 hour private call with me.

So you’ll receive customized support to answer all of your questions after the training. I’ll provide personalized guidance for whatever is going on for you, we’ll discuss what you're worried about, and you’ll have clarity about what it will take and what you can do, to create a birth you love.

The LOVE YOUR BIRTH BUNDLE is just $897 ($1047 value)

The 'Love Your Birth' Online Course + Call Bundle
Sale Price: $523.00 Original Price: $687.00

 The journey from pregnancy to birth and becoming a mama is such a great teacher.

You can have tremendous growth and transformation, learn so much about yourself and experience a rite of passage. This is not just about having a healthy mom and baby (while that is important), I want you to have a deeply positive, transformative, and blissful experience.


Photo by Stephanie Brissette Photography

Photo by Stephanie Brissette Photography


I've Also Included Some Special Bonuses For You:

BONUS #1: The best pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and baby resource rolodex.

I’ve collected over the last 20 plus years into the ultimate resource guide of over 200 resources by category for experiencing a Blissful journey to mommahood. They include my choice books on pregnancy, birth, postpartum, children, sibling preparation, baby care and breastfeeding, dads, women’s health and inspiration; birth, breastfeeding and yoga movies, supplies to ROCK your birth, favorite supplies for your home sanctuary - for your home yoga and relaxation practice...all with links on where to get them.

BONUS #2: 60 page Healthy Living Ebook for before, during and after birth.

It’s the perfect time to wholly dedicate yourself to your health and well-being and doing so will yield life long benefits not only for you but also for your baby and your family. This ebook is packed with holistic and science based practices for optimal health to look and feel your best, and improve the quality of your life - including such topics as breakdown of:

  • What foods and drinks to moderate or avoid

  • How to slow down and monotask to prevent over scheduling

  • How to incorporating downtime; sleep and rest needs when you are super busy

  • Connecting to nature, beauty and your sensual pleasure

  • How to feel lovely, beautiful, empowered, joyful and peaceful before, during and after pregnancy

  • Building muscles of gratitude and forgiveness

  • Minimizing junk food for the mind, heart and spirit

  • Discovering your gifts and expressing yourself fully and authentically


Bonus #3: Over 20 videos where I answer the most common questions I am asked and discuss hot topics relevant to your journey. The videos include discussion about such topics as what to do when family and friends are not supportive of your choices, supplements in pregnancy, prenatal yoga, VBAC, kids at birth, friends and family at birth, ideal candidates for homebirth, how to have a homebirth like experience in the hospital, more on the placenta, and how to deal when things don’t go as planned...and so much more!


My four childbirth experiences were among the most pivotal, transformative, empowering instances in my life. They shape who I am today and how I relate to the world, and I don’t underestimate Anne’s role in giving me that gift. Her support and wisdom had lasting impact on me for the way I face challenges when they arise.
— Julie D

Photo Credit: Megan Hancock Photography

This tender,

spiritual experience you’re having

is a miraculous gift.

This is a time to get to know yourself and your body.

It’s a time to feel uplifted, positive, confident and safe on your journey.

The Love Your Birth Course can help to create a profound bonding experience with lovely memories that you will cherish forever.

Love Your Birth.

It can be one of the best, most ecstatic experiences that you ever have.

Love Your Birth Course
Sale Price: $337.00 Original Price: $449.00

The 'Love Your Birth' Online Course + Call Bundle
Sale Price: $523.00 Original Price: $687.00


and Much Love For Your Blissful Birth! 

Anne!! She’s a wonderful teacher, no prejudice, calm and thinks of everything. The videos are easy to digest and full of brilliant, empowering information. As a full time mom, I feel that I can take on the world. I CAN DO THIS! I just feel empowered now.
— Chloe JM
Photo by Diane French Photography

Photo by Diane French Photography





This website (www.homesweethomebirth.com (the “Site”) is for informational purposes only. Home Sweet Homebirth Midwifery, PLLC (“we” or “us”) and our subsidiaries, owners, principals, directors, executives, employees, staff, or agents are only licensed health care providers or professionals in their state and/or area of expertise. The information contained on this Site will not treat or diagnose any disease, illness, or ailment and if you should experience any such issues you should seek the advice and examination of your registered physician or practitioner as determined by your own judgment. You understand the information contained on this Site is not a substitute for health care, medical or nutritional advice of any kind. You understand and agree that you are fully responsible for your well being, including your dietary, mental and physical choices and decisions and that of your child. You agree to seek medical advice as determined by your own judgment before taking any action in connection to the information contained on this Site or discontinuing use of any medications as prescribed by your medical practitioner. We shall in no event be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material, which is provided “as is”, and without warranties. Your continued use of the site indicates your acceptance of the terms and modifications or future modifications.

REFUND POLICIES                                                                                                       

There are no refunds on online courses or services that provide access to online documents. There are no refunds for services already rendered. There are no refunds for missed prepaid appointments canceled within 24 hours of the missed appointment; if there was an emergency, credit will be given towards another same form of appointment. 


The following information is disclosed by Home Sweet Homebirth Midwifery, PLLC (“we” or “us”) to you in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” Testimonials appearing on this website www.homesweethomebirth.com (the “Site) are received via text, audio, or video submission. They are individual’s actual experiences, reflecting the real life experiences of those who have used our products and/or services. We do not claim that they are typical results that consumers will generally achieve. The testimonials are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our products and/or services. We are not responsible for any of the opinions or comments posted to this Site. You understand that any testimonials or endorsements (herein “Opinions”) by our customers or audience represented on this Site, or through our products, programs, other websites, content, landing pages, sales pages or offerings, are solely opinions from individuals. Similarly, any information contained on this Site and on our other programs, content and offerings are solely our opinion and therefore, not representations, warranties, or guarantees of any kind.