Rebirth Yourself

Rebirth Yourself Live Group Program™ 

The Rebirth Yourself Group Program is available Live, and VIP private session packages are also available. It is designed to give me the tools to:

1. Heal your emotional wounds and traumas in a way that lasts (to feel like yourself again- or even better!).

2. Reduce inner stress and feel incredible relief, lighter and more comfortable in your body.

3. Feel increased aliveness, energy and vitality, and have more ease and flow in your life.

4. Remove what feels like immovable blocks, transform self limiting beliefs, thought patterns and behavior that stand in your way to living the life you want.

5. Have greater clarity, a deeper sense of knowing and profound insights into your core life's issues, decisions, and unique gifts.

6. Cultivate acceptance, understanding, reconciliation and even gratitude for past hurts - and see the gifts in your story.

7. Enhance forgiveness, compassion and love for yourself and others.

8. Take responsibility for your life, your inner joy and peace - no matter what challenges you face.

9. Connect to your spirituality, with the true magnificence of who you are, your bigger purpose and vision for your life; restore your self-worth and value in this world.

10. Connect to and feel the benefits of a community, develop deep lasting authentic friendships with others who are going through similar experiences of healing from pain, transformational growth, and reclamation of joy.

The LIVE group meets weekly for 10  2 hour sessions. Number of participants are limited due to the intimate and deep transformative nature of this healing work. 

Bonuses TODAY ONLY                                         

1. An exclusive online Community. Membership in Private Rebirth Yourself Facebook group to connect with likeminded others going through similar experiences, to support one another, and have interaction with me. ($250 value)

2. My two #1 International Best Selling Books: Trauma Release Formula: The Revolutionary Step by Step Program for Eliminating Effects of Childhood Abuse, Trauma, Emotional Pain and Crippling Inner Stress, to Living in Joy without Drugs or Therapy AND Natural Birth Secrets: An Insiders Guide How To Give Birth Holistically, Healthfully and Safely, and Love the Experience Kindle Second Editions by Anne Margolis CNM, MSN, Yoga Teacher, Clarity Breathwork Practitioner. 


Total Package Value $2500+

Event Special $1997 available today only

__$1997 Paid-in-Full

Begin reclaiming your inner calm, joy, fulfilled, and abundant life right away! Due to the deep and intimate nature of this incredible healing work, live groups are limited to 30 people.


Rebirth Yourself PERSONAL VIP Program™

__Yes Anne!  I’m ready to dive deeper and faster, to do all that I can to heal, reclaim my inner peace and joy that is my birthright, live my life in alignment with my soul’s mission.  I’m ready to play full out and give it my all. I am ready embrace and feel all my feelings, allow myself to let go, surrender to and trust the process. I am ready to release any trapped emotional pain, inner stress and trauma that has held me back and is impacting my life. I am willing to I’m ready to take down what’s holding me back, and plow through any resistance and blocks that keep me from living the happy, fulfilled and abundant life I deserve with the Rebirth Yourself Program™, using cutting-edge modalities specifically designed to help me to have full and lasting healing. I am willing to do the work and take responsibility for my life and well-being. 

The Rebirth Yourself Personal Program™, in addition to all 10 benefits mentioned above, will give you the tools to help you

11.  Discover your simple to most deepest desires and develop realistic ways to manifest them and really do what I love. 

12. Fire your inner critic and stop the self-sabotage, holding yourself back or getting in your own way.

13. Push your unique edge regularly.  

14. Reclaim your real voice with yourself and others, your transparency and your unapologetically authentic self-expression.

15. Embody your lit up, expansive, turned on consciousness as your “new normal.”


1. Email and phone access with Anne during this time as needed ($1000 value).

2. An exclusive online Community. Membership in Private Rebirth Yourself Facebook group to connect with likeminded others going through similar experiences, to support one another, and have interaction with me ($250 value).

3. My two #1 International Best Selling Books: Trauma Release Formula: The Revolutionary Step by Step Program for Eliminating Effects of Childhood Abuse, Trauma, Emotional Pain and Crippling Inner Stress, to Living in Joy without Drugs or Therapy AND Natural Birth Secrets: An Insiders Guide How To Give Birth Holistically, Healthfully and Safely, and Love the Experience Kindle Second Editions by Anne Margolis CNM, MSN, Yoga Teacher, Clarity Breathwork Practitioner. 


Anne is taking a deep dive with you every step of the way, as she is lovingly present, guiding and holding space for your own healing and rebirth. Anne infuses your sessions with tools and techniques specific for you. You are responsible for own travel and accommodations if you want to come to Anne's location. In select cases, Anne travels to you, and you are responsible for travel expenses and accommodations if beyond an hour drive. A virtual option is also available. Credit card is billed for $2,000 deposit, balance is due by 10 business days prior to meeting. Payment plans of balance available by request. Application is required; deposit will be refunded if not accepted. I take a limited number of private clients, so each one can have my full care, energy and attention.

In the modern world where it has never been acceptable to fully feel and express the full range of emotions, being REAL, transformational healing and living in full joy are revolutionary acts. The mission of the Rebirth Yourself Personal Program is to empower you to heal from inner stress, pain, and trauma that has held you back in all aspects of your life, live in relaxed state of joy and fulfillment, and healthy emotional expression safe for all —in the world that urgently needs us to heal, bring ourselves and others higher, and show up fully with our gifts. Let’s heal and learn to let ourselves shine together!


Rebirth Yourself Program Options

__Anne, I would like the Rebirth Yourself Live Group Program of 10 two hour sessions, including the bonuses for $1997 ~ valued at $2500 save > $500 today! I want to invest in my healing and transformation now!

__Anne, I’d rather have your VIP Rebirth Yourself personal package of 10 weekly to bimonthly one on one private 1 1/2 to 2 hour sessions including the bonuses for $4997” ~ valued at $5375, Save > $1800 Today! I want to invest in my own VIP  Rebirth Yourself package of 10 private 1:1 sessions with Anne, and do all of the above customized just for me. Birthing with Anne is regularly a $12,500 investment.

__Anne, I’d rather your VIP abbreviated Rebirth Yourself personal package of 5 weekly to bimonthly one on one private 1 1/2 to 2 hour sessions for $1997” ~ Usual price $2500, Save  > $500 Today! I want to invest in my own VIP  Rebirth Yourself package of 5 private 1:1 sessions

__Anne, I want to try a single introductory private 1:1 two hour Breathwork session for $375, which will be credited to usual cost of package if I decide to buy a Rebirth Yourself Package.


All discounted Programs are refundable within 30 days of the date of purchase, only 10 business days prior to start of program, less a 10% reversal fee. After that period, the fee is not refundable. There is no credit for missed group sessions.  There is a 48 hour business day cancelation policy for private sessions, unless there is an emergency: you are fully responsible for payment of single sessions canceled less than 48 hour business days from date of scheduled appointment and will not receive a credit towards another session if you purchased a package. 

Dearest Anne,
It was AMAZING. Such a powerful night.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

— Ash. Ashley Autumn, Senior Production Manager, THE ASSEMBLAGE
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Art by Catie Atkinson @Spiritysol

Art by Catie Atkinson @Spiritysol


Clarity Breathwork is the most empowering, transformative experience I’ve ever been through in my entire life. For more information on my Clarity Breathwork practice, click here.

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If you ever have a chance to work with Anne Margolis, be sure and take it! Anne has such a gift for holding a compassionate and healing space. After so many years of being a mid-wife Anne knows how to support deep opening into vulnerable places and really honors the bodies wisdom and timing. She inspires great trust and brings lightness to the work. I felt so safe and unconditionally loved during my session and because of that I was able to really let go. Thank you Anne.
— Bridget L.
It has been a pleasure to work with Anne. Her womanly wise and infectious personality made me feel held and safe throughout the whole breathing process and in her presence I was able to really drop in and go deep. Her countless years of experience as a midwife shine through her presence, intuition and no nonsense approach as a breath worker.
— Sophie W.
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Art by Catie Atkinson @Spiritysol

Art by Catie Atkinson @Spiritysol

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I had the opportunity to be facilitated in my Breathwork sessions with Anne. And I’m so grateful for this opportunity. First I feel safe from her presence. I love the energy she brings into the space from the very beginning. I like the fact that she’s a midwife and familiar with home birth, and a Yogini herself, so that’s brought her in some sensitivity around vulnerable issues and situations within the areas of Breathwork. I can feel that she has done a lot of work on herself which gave her a lot of experience of dealings with different issues that may come up. She’s very nurturing and caring and I feel safe on her hands when she’s facilitating me. I really feel that I can fully let go because I knew that I am and feel held safe around her. I fully trusted her with the most vulnerable secret in my life, because she just radiates that trusting feeling and persona. Authenticity is very important for me because I do believe in the saying that...’we can only give what we have’. It means for me that if we haven’t experienced any pain in our life, we won’t be capable to take people into the depth of their pain, and I feel that Anne is always coming from her authenticity, and with that..I trusted her. Trust with with your facilitator is so important so I can fully let go and enjoy the process, and go on a healing journey where I can experience true healing and transformation.
I can fully recommend her to facilitate a Breathwork sessions - private or group, because I knew that she will do a great job and that she will be able to take her people into a beautiful deeper journey of healing.
— Ambikha D.
Anne has a warmth and earthiness to her that puts you at ease. She was really supportive and nurturing during my Breathwork sessions and assisted me to go deeper in my process. Anne asked thoughtful questions that led me to greater clarity and release old programs. She is gentle and made me feel safe and comfortable throughout the sessions. I would recommend her to anyone wanting to heal and release stress or limiting beliefs from their life. Anne is a wonderful Breathworker and cares deeply about the people she serves. I would love to do Breathwork with her again!
— Amanda Kay, Marketing Professional
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What is the History of Clarity Breathwork?

Art by Catie Atkinson @spiritysol.

Art by Catie Atkinson @spiritysol.


If you are interested in the seasonal retreats or creating your own group, let me know by filling out the form below for inquiry of dates and availability! Registration must be in advance due to limited space and intimate nature of the group. For scheduling a private in person REBIRTH YOURSELF sessions, please submit payment by clicking the button here.
