baby sleeper

10 Supplies to Rock Your Birth in Any Setting

1) THE BIRTH POOL IN A BOX  - a regular size is ideal, as it fits your support person and allows for complete immersion of your uterus for more freedom of moment, comfort, relaxation, and easier birthing.  It comes with repair patch kit, disposable liner and carrying bag. A smaller size is available, but I would recommend it only if space is an issue. An electric pump for inflatables   fills it up quickly and easily with air, and a submersible drain pump empties it after use. It is common to poop during pushing. To easily scoop the poop, get a fish net.   

Photo by Allison Lucienne Photography

Photo by Allison Lucienne Photography

2) REBOZZO  - a traditional Mexican fabric with multiple uses for pregnancy, birth and postpartum, from comforting and supporting you, to aiding in optimal positions for you and baby during labor and birth, to baby wearing. 

3) BIRTH BALL - is a wonderful ergonomic tool to support you in the most comfortable and ideal positions during the childbirth process. It can be used for exercise, and is great to sit or lean on during pregnancy; postpartum, it can be used to rock and calm a fussy baby.

4) SQUATTING STOOL  -  assists you in a supported squat for birth, going to the bathroom and sitting - the healthier way we used to sit before there were chairs; it prevents many ailments, and can also be used for potty training. 

5) NOW WALL CLOCK - to keep you focused only on the present moment, the only place you need to be during labor.

6) BLENDER WITH 16 OZ CUPS, COVER & STRAW PORT - for easy nutrient rich smoothies and hydration needed for laboring well.

7) THERAPEUTIC CORN FILLED HEATING PAD AND COLD PACK  - so soothing for areas of discomfort, and smells yummy when heated, 

8) ESSENTIAL OIL DIFFUSER WITH CHANGING LED LIGHTS - to distribute your favorite fragrance, and relaxing healing aromas and light to set your desired ambiance. You can try a delicious assortment of professional, therapeutic grade, 100% pure blend of essential oils for calm, romance, energy and uplift, clarity and focus.

Affirmation Art by Spirit Y Sol

Affirmation Art by Spirit Y Sol

9) POSITIVE and EMPOWERING AFFIRMATION CARDS - to hang in your birth setting to inspire you and remind you of your incredible, capacities as a woman. 

Affirmation Art by Spirit Y Sol

Affirmation Art by Spirit Y Sol

10) ELECTRIC CANDLES and STRING LIGHTS - for an lovely and enchanting environment in the hospital or birth center. In the home setting, you can use candles with care - I like the pure naturally scented pillars encased in glass for added safety and heavenly aroma. Himalayan natural crystal salt rock candle holders give a soft relaxing glow, are balancing and purifying; those can be filled with and tea light candles. 

PLUS - MAKE THREE PLAYLISTS: one with calming relaxing sounds, one with sensual soulful songs (like R & B)  that arouse you to tap into your sexual feminine self and slow dance alone or with your partner, and one with upbeat songs that create fun happy energy, make you want to move your hips and shake your booty or belly dance (like hip hop, funk, African, Latin, tribal, Indian/Arabian). I love a good waterproof and splash-proof portable wireless speaker for your smartphone or other devices. 

A more comprehensive list of oh so helpful supplies for your birth are listed in my Online Holistic Childbirth Course.

Photo by Megan Hancock Photography

Photo by Megan Hancock Photography

Let Me Help You Create The Happiest Birth Experience Of Your Life...

Whether you're a first time or experienced momma,

Or a midwife, doula, or birth professional guiding mommas..

Regardless if you are planning a birth at home, a hospital, a birth center or need a cesarean section, or if you are taking another childbirth education class…

You Really Can Create The Delivery Of Your Dreams.

And have a blissful birth wherever you are.

More Precious Than A Wedding...A Birth Should Be A Celebration!

Let me show you how to…

  • Understand the sensations of your body and connect your intuition with how your body is communicating and leading you towards what to do during labor

  • Tap into your inner calm to deeply relax yourself,letting go of busy, stressful and fearful thoughts on demand for the health of baby

  • Speak your truth from your heart in a way that deepens your relationships, sets clear boundaries, and has people listen to you and support you before, during and after pregnancy

  • Trust yourself, connect with your body wisdom andcommunicate with baby in belly

  • Connect with natural time and sync your body and mind up with your unique biological clock for ease from pregnancy to postpartum

  • Reprogram negative patterns, stories, and beliefs that undermine your confidence, strength and self trust so you can rock your birth

Physicians and midwives around the world recommend my teachings to their pregnant clients and many Doulas across the country learn the secrets of blissful birthing from me to supplement their Doula Training & Certification process!

To learn more, visit:  LOVE YOUR BIRTH Online Childbirth Course!

It is based on my years of experience, as a midwife and yoga teacher, helping thousands of women tap into their calm and live and birth from a place of grounded relaxation and joy. 

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Thumbs Up on the Sleepod

Baby's Place for Co-Sleeping, Tummy Time and Resting!

Midwives have access to lots of mamas and babies, so I was gifted with the Sleepod and asked for some feedback after use.  Its developers must know how I adore beautifully designed natural products made with care, and concern for the environment.  I am happy to report an enthusiastic, overwhelmingly positive experience by the eager participants. I give my heartfelt support to the wonderful eco-friendly small business who makes it - Askr and Embla - run by parents for parents interested in sustainable natural living. I am excited to partner with them to enable you to receive a 10% discount on your purchases. Check out their website - but remember to use the code SWEETHOME to get your discount.

What is a Sleepod?

It is a lovely, high quality, all natural, and functional in bed co-sleeper. It also has multiple uses for babies from newborn to 6-7 months old. It is very lightweight and doubles as a travel cot, to give babies an added sense of security when traveling outside the familiar environment of home, and it comes with a durable carrying bag. It can also be used for baby napping and lounging, as a comfy supervised tummy time spot, a perfect space for baby during mommy and me yoga, as well as a sitting aid and backrest for baby feedings. It was developed together with midwives and doulas to mimic the calming atmosphere of the womb, to ease the transition from birth to earth side, for both mom and baby. The design is inspired by the sleep nests used in neonatal wards as a less invasive, more natural, cozy and soothing option to incubators. The edges work to offer a snug womblike environment with the added benefit of reducing the startle reflex without restraining baby's movement. The edges can also support mom's body during side lying nursing in bed. The bottom edge can be easily tied to form an oval like haven for baby, and adjusted to accommodate baby's size. Its colors are soft soothing earth and pastel tones. 

There are as many good reasons to co- sleep as there are babies, but even if you were to decide that co-sleeping isn’t right for your family, the Sleepod still offers great benefits.

But, why co-sleep?

Babies thrive on closeness and skin to skin contact - which is known not only to have a soothing effect on them, but also helps with bonding, eases breastfeeding, promotes healthy brain development and emotional well-being - in the short and long term. Emotional well being for the baby translates into earlier independence, increased self esteem, better social skills, improved behavior outcomes and less psychological disorders which can extend well into childhood. 

The medical research is documenting what cultures around the world have known throughout history - safe co-sleeping is actually easier, more cost effective, more protective and healthier for baby than leaving baby to sleep in a separate room alone.

Babies and mothers that co-sleep both experience better sleep. Babies who sleep near their parents have less internal stress and night time/sleep anxiety, and less crying episodes during the night. Their temperature, heart beat and breathing patterns are more stable, with a four to five fold decrease in the occurrence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Countries with the lowest rates of SIDS are those where co-sleeping is the norm (especially when mom does not smoke, have problems with drug/alcohol abuse or take medication that induces deep sleep). It is a practice that is encouraged worldwide, and even endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Babies usually get up in the middle of the night to breastfeed. When baby is nearby, mom tends to respond to and feed baby from early signals, before baby more fully wakes up and cries, which makes breastfeeding and falling back to sleep after feeding easier.  It enables mom to feed baby without having to get up out of bed. Night time feeding maintains milk supply and helps prevent return to ovulation, fertility and menstrual cycles. Better sleep for mom and baby, means a better rest for them both, and quicker physical and emotional recovery postpartum. 

A huge advantage of the Sleepod, is the wonderful combination of materials used to make it. It is hypoallergenic and completely free of harmful toxins and flame retardants. The washable covers in contact with baby's skin are made from organic cotton and hemp, and the mattress is made of organic 100% wool. We know harsh chemicals are damaging to our health and our environment. Infants sleeps for up to 18 hours a day during the first few months of life so you want to make sure to keep their sleeping place free from all harmful toxins and synthetic off gases. Organic materials and wool in particular  - unlike synthetics - are completely free from chemical residue, will not produce off gases like poly-foams do, and have never been in touch with formaldehyde or other chemical compounds that are frequently used in fabric dye. 

Wool has been used for infant bedding during centuries and is still the best available material by far. It has high air flow which creates a perfect micro climate for sleep. Wool lanolin (the natural wool fat on fiber) helps to regulate body temperature, preventing the bedding (and baby) from getting too hot or too cold. The lanolin also works to draw away moisture, keeping the bed dry and clean.



Co-sleeping is the natural way for mammals (including humans) to nurture their young. Co-sleeping with a healthy full term baby is considered very safe but it is always good to practice common sense. Make sure to keep baby's sleeping area free from pillows, heavy blankets and stuffed animals. You should NEVER co-sleep with infant if you smoke, have consumed alcohol, drugs or in consume medications that can deepen sleep, alter consciousness and impair your ability to react. It is also not recommended to co-sleep together with older kids and or pets in the same bed as an infant. 

It is always good to consult your birthing professional and or pediatrician to discuss whether co-sleeping is a good option for your family. 

Don't forget - to receive a 10% discount on your purchases, go to their website and use the code SWEETHOME prior to check out.

Sources on co-sleeping:

Check out my favorite baby books.

Don't forget - to receive a 10% discount on your purchases, go to their website and use the code SWEETHOME prior to check out.





