Baby Shalom


Eight months ago we stepped into your office a little worried but determined to have a home birth.

Eventually we had our dream come true, and sweet Baby Shalom came into the world peacefully and lovingly at home.

Eight minutes was the time she and I pushed until she was in the water of the birth at the center of our dining room. Some people tell us we were fortunate, but I know we were fortunate but we were also very well prepared.

Eight times we drove the long way to your office, and spent countless and
priceless hours with you. For us, these were the hours that designed and allowed the beautiful event of Shalom’s birth to become what it was.

Now it’s time for us to thank you, Anne, for all the amazing work you did with us preparing us for the most important event of our life so far. You were so patient with us discussing again and again possible complications that concerned us, explaining interventions and ways to
overcome these possibilities.

Image by Michal Meller

Image by Michal Meller

You were so thorough and serious about the health and the well being of both Shalom and me, offering vast knowledge and experience not only with the “medical” aspect of things, but also with nutrition, supplements and offering reading material on every possible issue that came along. And you made us read so many articles and books and watch so many DVDs and
You Tubes…

Most of all, you educated us to become the people who can choose out of knowledge. I don’t now where else we could get al this information, encouragement and stability along the process. The more I try to get into details with what you have provided us, the more I
understand I will not be able to do that, because it is so much. I will not say that it was impossible to have a home birth without you, but I will say that what we received from yours above and beyond any experience we have ever had, and that you are an inseparable part of the wonderful results!

We haven’t mentioned yet your extraordinary personality, a combination of beauty, kindness, warmth, empathy as well as sharpness, intelliegence and strength. You are a real gift to this world and we are very fortunate to find you and have your guidance and support.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Please save us a spot for next time!

Love you very much,
Michal and Yossi