
The Birth of Ella

The Birth of Ella

This sweet mama had her third baby born at home before the midwife could reach her! As we described in this month’s newsletter, rapid birth isn’t an emergency, it’s an emergence!

At 1:30 a.m. I got up to go to the toilet and ended up sitting there for about 40 minutes with diarrhea. I was a bit suspicious because both Sophia’s and James’s labors began with diarrhea as well, but I didn’t want to get my hopes up since I wasn’t even overdue yet.  Soon, I started getting some mild contractions that were coming on every 5 to 8 minutes and lasting between 30 and 60 seconds.

A Hospital?

A Hospital?

Homes and hospitals. They might not seem to have a whole lot in common, except for the fact that they both begin with the letter “H”.

But homebirth and hospital birth can and do co-exist, though that is sometimes hard to reconcile. We are so accustomed to categorization in our society – something has to be either/or; this or that. And often times those two choices are seemingly opposing ones. Why? Must there be conflict and judgment at every turn, especially when we are talking about teenie-weenie, precious babies and their awesome, warrior moms?