Busting Two Common Hospital Birth Myths

“Thankfully you were in the hospital!”

Unless you are well prepared, have an advocate, and are going to a provider and setting that supports natural physiologic birth, the following are unfortunately the common scenarios. A healthy pregnant mama gets admitted to the hospital in labor, put on the continuous fetal monitor, given an IV, told she can’t eat or drink, put in bed, labor stalled, she was then given Pitocin to augment her contractions which caused fetal distress, resulting in an emergency cesarean. And they tell you, thankfully you were in the hospital. We need to send love to all who still face this prevalent “we saved your baby” after the cascade interventions that proceeded it, that often caused it all.

Another common scenario is a mama is told her baby has macrosomia - is too big (well above 9 pounds for example) and they schedule an induction, which has all the above interventions and their risks, including not creating the necessary ingredients for her to succeed in progressing to have a natural, let alone vaginal birth, and she is told she needs a cesarean for a failed induction; or they just jump to cesarean without a “trial of labor” and baby weighs up to several pounds less than the estimated weight, indicating the induction or cesarean was not even necessary in the first place.

I’ve posted often about each one of these interventions and how they are not evidence based. No animal could labor well with any one of them, so how could a human being? Each one in their own right increases risk and may lead to this cascade of interventions, stress and rescue when nothing wasn’t broken to begin with. Whether you’re planning a birth at home or birth center to avoid this scenario in the first place, or hospital, especially if it’s your first time giving birth vaginally, your excellent preparation is key. Set yourself up for success with my online Guides to Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum. And in adjunct my Natural Birth Secrets book 2nd edition.

“We just want a healthy mom and baby.”

Heathy to medical providers and hospitals means a mom and baby who are alive without any serious unstable conditions that need immediate or ongoing attention. They are not often concerned with long term effects of their treatment - even medical ones like the disruption of the microbiome from antibiotics - especially concerning when overused and unnecessary, or the short and long term harmful impact of early cord clamping. They are not concerned with the traumatic impact of their type of treatment on mother or baby. Over 45% of mamas in US experience birth trauma - PTSD from their birth experience and how they were treated. I discuss this in depth for mom and babies in my Natural Birth Secrets book 2nd edition.

If this is your only goal YOU are selling yourself short. A live mother and baby without obvious concerning physical complications is baseline, but what about the bigger and long term picture of real health of your mind, body, heart & spirit, the health of your family? What about your experience - is it deeply positive, respectful, empowering, beautiful, sacred, personal, one you will love and treasure forever even if challenging? Do you feel heard, respected, supported? Do you feel safe, comfortable, free to labor as you want? Do you get full informed consent and your decisions and choices honored? Was your partner involved in a meaningful way? This is the most important day of your life - let it be fully and truly healthy and absolutely glorious. Make this happen with my comprehensive online Love Your Birth prep course Guide to Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum. And compliment it with my Natural Birth Secrets Birth second edition - where I go into both of these topics in more depth, along with the research, and the safety and better outcomes from homebirth with midwives in the healthy population.

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned, trained, and supported women locally for over 28 years in my private practice and I’ve poured all of my love, passion, knowledge, and experience into creating something truly special for you… my new and updated Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum Guides. Same Beloved Content Plus Over 20 Added Bonus Videos! Buy Here Now!

They can be used via the mobile App or on your desktop! It’s the most up to date combination of Love Your Birth and Walk With Anne for Mamas online courses at a cheaper price! And they have an option for direct access to me for your questions and concerns!!

Whether you’re an experienced or new parent, there are hours of videos, workbooks, and PDFs to answer all of your questions. Everything is searchable, so you can just type or talk and it’ll bring you right to the exact moment in the video where I answer your question. It’ll blow your mind! If English is not your strongest language, you can even change the captions or even the audio to the language you prefer. You can get the Love Your Birth Prenatal, Birth & Postpartum - ALL of the guides for a limited-time offer of 50% off -> RIGHT HERE!

The key to a positive birth is feeling confident, strong, relaxed, and empowered during the entire process, regardless of the twists and turns it may take. I give my full heart and all I know in everything I do to support Mommas.

Can't Make up This Hospital Birth Story


There are many wonderful, supportive obstetricians and I adore the ones I am blessed to work with. But sometimes I do hospital shifts, or help advocate for people in the hospital and have personally seen things that make me cringe.

I was to labor at home with a friend’s daughter expecting her first baby as long as possible. I brought her in fully dilated with no urge to push yet. At midnight, the only door open was through the emergency room. We were told to go the waiting room. Wearing eye pads and head phones in a public area, mama slow danced with me over 2 hours. Then she suddenly roared baby’s coming. I asked the person sitting at the desk several times to please get her up to the maternity unit as soon as possible. The staff person kept saying she needs to be seen first in triage, so need to go back to waiting room.

I said “she is pushing and saying her baby is coming as you can see. There is no more time to wait. We've been waiting over two hours.” Lady said it's hospital policy - she has to be seen first by a doctor in triage to determine if she needs to be admitted.” I said “I don't care about policies that make no sense. You can see this mama is having a baby, now. I'm a midwife, I know how to catch a baby here in the waiting room but I don't have privileges in this hospital and here is not the best place for her to give birth.” She rolled her eyes, told me there is nothing she can do, and said “next” to the person behind me. Mama is continuing to roar, saying “baby’s coming out!!!”

I rushed to a security guard standing in front of a bunch of wheel chairs. I told him I needed one stat to take this imminently birthing lady up to labor and delivery. He was at least nicer about it but said “he's sorry that he's not authorized to give one to me.” And what do you think I did? I stole one right in front of him, he looked stunned but did nothing, I took mama up to the maternity unit breaking all kinds of hospital rules.

But really? What would have happened if that was just herself and partner, no advocate? They would have had an ER waiting room birth, in an atmosphere of neglect and then chaos.

As soon as we got into the room, the staff was undressing her and put her into a hospital gown. Some battles aren’t worth the fight, and she did not care at this point, what she was wearing or not wearing. As I am supporting her in the hospital room, she assumed hands and knees position on the bed and continued to push. I could see baby’s head with each push. Multiple people came in, to draw blood, get her admitted by asking all kinds of irrelevant questions - like how much weight she gained in pregnancy as she was pushing; several nurses were trying to get her to lay down to get a continuous fetal monitor strip and start IV. I said she declines both, and intermittent listening to baby’s heart rate was her preference and is sufficient. Mama anyway kept insisting she needed to be on her hands and knees and resumed that position. I then see baby’s head crowning (emerging from the vaginal opening), and prepare for birth.

I suddenly heard mama shrieking, begging for me to help and make the doctor get out of her butt hole. I could not believe what I then witnessed. An obstetrician was doing a rectal exam, obviously without her consent, she was resisting, and he started yelling at her. Mama continued to scream to get him out of her. He continued to yell at her saying he needs to check if she is fully dilated. For those of you who don’t know, if baby is crowning, there is no more cervix, so of course mama is fully dilated. And to check the cervix you need to do a vaginal exam. It’s not accessible through the rectum. Nurses rolled their eyes as he was in the wrong place and his exam was not needed anyway. Help! Don’t let him touch me she pleaded.
I said I was a midwife, her advocate, her midwife is on the way (just changing) to take over as it’s her case, I am not sure why he was in there anyway, what he was doing was abusive, and he would be reported. He left in a huff.

I looked mama in the eyes, said I was sorry for what was done but she is safe now, it’s good to be on her hands and knees. I reassured her that Baby’s heart rate was fine by Doppler, and reminded her to breathe. We breathed together as her baby gently slipped into midwife’s hands. She cried, and was so thankful…but part of the tears was how she was treated initially. I held her in her pain. Just practicing midwifery. THIS ABUSE HAS TO STOP. He was reported to no effect!

Mama and baby were wonderfully healthy, she was amazingly able to tune it all out with her eye pads and head phones, and actually loved her birth but joked her situation at the hospital was like a sit com. But…”Next time just staying at home” she said. She did not want to pursue any other action against the doctor.

Share this! We must improve maternity care. We must know what is going on with our bodies and what to expect, have an advocate or doula especially if its your first and you are planning a hospital birth, speak up and make the choices best for us.

To learn more what you can do whether you are planning to birth in the hospital, at a birthing center or home, to have the birth YOU want & will treasure forever, check out my signature comprehensive Love Your Birth online prep Guide to Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum prep course and in adjunct my Natural Birth Secrets book 2nd edition, for deep dive into the hot topics and research.

Story told with permission.

Interview With a Family in My Practice on Their Podcast

“Julia and Gino were blessed to have Anne attend the birth of four of their children in the comfort of their home (they attribute Anne for saving Julia's life by detecting an ectopic pregnancy when the doctors did not!), and wanted to share with the community what an amazing midwife, mother, and entrepreneur Anne is.

In this week’s show, Anne discusses her passion for midwifery, what led her down the path of homebirth, the amazing power and joy of giving birth, and how her struggles in life led to her own transformative healing, growth, deeper joy and inner calm.

Anne draws parallels between raising a family and creating a successful in-person and online business, and how she did not set out to write two books or create online courses and coaching sessions, but a conversation with her daughter about joining Instagram changed it all. And then it grew organically.

Since that conversation, Anne has collected more than 97,000 followers on Instagram alone, and more importantly to her, has been able to serve mothers all over the world, including Australia and Europe.”

Source: Entrepreneur, Midwife, Author, and Mother, Anne Margolis with Julia and Gino Barbaro | Jake & Gino (jakeandgino.com)

Getting Real With A Mama in My Practice Who Rocked Her VBAC

Part one and two of a an awesome video I was invited to do with Joni, a mama in my practice who had a homebirth birth after cesarean, that really brings together many things pregnancy, birth, and breathwork, holistic health and healing.

Learn how to rock your VBAC and have the birth of your dreams with these three different but crucial resources - so you can prepare like a boss!

Love Your Birth Course
Sale Price: $337.00 Original Price: $449.00
Get deep in this childbearing bible, a reference guide for the whole journey from planning a pregnancy, expecting, birth, postpartum and newborn care, with effective holistic modalities for common discomforts and issues along the way.

Get deep in this childbearing bible, a reference guide for the whole journey from planning a pregnancy, expecting, birth, postpartum and newborn care, with effective holistic modalities for common discomforts and issues along the way.

Birth Story of Transformation - Breaking Family Cycle of Negativity and Fear Around Birth


I wanted to share a wonderful birth story shared with us from a mama in our online support group Kelsey Rose....as she really transformed her story of fear and negativity around birth, that she grew up with and has a very different story to tell her daughter. She prepared so much, but she was determined, and did it!!!

Hey Anne,

I had my baby girl this morning! I went into labor yesterday morning with contractions 5 minutes apart. I had no bloody show, no mucus plug and no water breaking! I was only 1 cm dilated so they sent me home. I was pretty bummed but I went back 5 hours later (because they became unbearable and happened every time I stood up) and was 7 cm! I was shocked. I ended up getting an epidural at 8cm because my labor was stalling as I kept tensing up from the pain. I knew I couldn’t go on anymore. Within 3 hours I was fully dilated and pushed her out after only a few pushes! They were shocked at how fast I was able to push her out with an epidural and being a first time mom. The nurse had to catch her because the midwife couldn’t come in time! It was her first time catching a baby LOL. And I had no stitches or tearing! Such a huge relief! I’m so glad I can share this great story with her one day and break the cycle of fear around birth that I grew up with.

I am very proud of myself and Luna we got through it together and healthy. She’s doing so well. I would be honored if you shared my story! I felt so discouraged because I had no signs leading up to labor and started at just 1cm when I was checked. It felt amazing when I was told I went to 7cm so quickly even with zero signs of labor before that! I hope it can give other women some comfort to know that it’s possible to go from 0 to 100 so quickly! I’ve already taken many pictures LOL so I can post one to the group or email to you. Thanks again. I actually received the second edition of your Natural Birth Secrets book on Monday and spent the day going through it while I was having my sporadic contractions. It helped boost up my confidence and was perfect timing for the labor that came the next morning!

Now that breastfeeding is starting to be a bit less painful and I’m slowly adjusting to the lack of sleep, I’m coherent enough to add to my story that my whole life I was raised being told by my mother how horrible her labor with me was, how it was the worst and most painful experience of her life, and how it’s the reason she never had any other children. She gave birth in a hospital and from what she told me, I could tell that she really wasn’t given any options and had the unfortunately all-too-common traumatic hospital birth experience.

Since finding out I was pregnant, I was determined not to let her traumatic experience become my own. It all started with me looking into hypnobirthing. From there I went down the rabbit hole of reading and watching positive birth stories, reading several birth prep books and taking two birth courses (one was your Love Your Birth course that was helpful because she addressed both the physical processes and anatomy of birth but also the spiritual and psychological component), a newborn care course and a breastfeeding course. I was determined to get as much knowledge as possible to empower myself so that I knew what to expect going into labor, especially since I wanted a hospital birth. In my quest for knowledge I came across you, Anne when I saw an interview you had on Successful Breastfeeding LLC’s webinar series with Kelly Maher Carvell. I really liked how you spoke about birth and the preparation for it so holistically and described it as a challenging yet wonderful experience when surrounded by the right support system. It was the first time I had ever heard of birth spoken about in such beautiful terms instead of as a horrible nightmare. I strongly encourage all expecting mamas to empower themselves with knowledge so that birth is not a mysterious or scary event that you hope to just figure out when the time comes. Yes, I now believe that we were made to do this and that we can do this, but I also firmly believe that it takes a lot of preparation because we no longer live in societies where we are surrounded by birth (as is often said by you, Anne) and instead our society has taught us to be afraid of birth because it portrays only the worst depictions of birth for entertainment and shock value. I think all births, whether in a hospital or at home, medicated or unmediated, natural or cesarean can be beautiful experiences for any woman when she is surrounded by the right team and support system and is empowered with knowledge and confidence.

I thought of my grandma leading up to the birth and a few times during (who gave birth to all of her babies at home back in her country), but I think I was more focused on women in general being able to birth their babies. The doula who helped me had positive affirmation cards and one of them that I asked her to put on the wall while I was there was “Like millions of women before me, my body knows how to birth" (from your online course!).

Thank you so much for your continued support. I look forward to seeing you next month -to the future meetings (in your online support group)


I am excited to announce that my online Love Your Birth course has been improved and updated on a different host site with a lot of bonus video content (15 more videos on key topics!) at the same old pricing. Those who have already purchased it, please contact me through this site for new log in, as you all have lifetime access. Thank you to Megan Hancock Photography who has provided the stunning images for my website.