Lovevery Play-Kits - Are They Worth it?


If you are a parent who has done research on sustainable and ethically sourced toys for your children to play with, you’ve probably heard of Lovevery. We recently reached out to them as I have seen an increase of questions about them in my Home Sweet HomeBirth Facebook group - Lovevery was kind enough to send one of the new mamas on my social media team their 3-4 month playkit to try out and we are obsessed!

Some of the key reason our team enjoys Lovevery are as follows:

  • Every piece of wood in the box is sustainably sourced from FSC-compliant sources.

  • All fabrics are soft and natural organic cotton, no added ingredients.

  • All products in the kits meet or exceed global safety standards for their age.

  • All kits are shippped carbon-neutral, so you can feel good about the planet while your little one plays.

Since many of our Home Sweet Homebirth mamas have active Lovevery subscriptions, we thought we would ask them why they love Lovevery and post it here for perspective subscribers to read! What better review than reviews from mamas just like you?

Lindsey says “Honestly, if I had known how amazing the quality these toys were, I would have ONLY purchased the Lovevery subscription and passed on any other toys. My son gets so much play out of EVERY toy and it’s amazing to watch him excel developmentally with the help of age appropriate, open ended toys.”


One of our most active mamas, Ali, says “I like to think of it as an investment. My children have access to age appropriate toys that they LOVE and I am investing in toys that teach them fine motor skills like no others I’ve purchased. It helps that they are highly sought after and can be sold for a fair amount second hand.”

I don't really have the time to research toys and activities to do with my 3 boys, so I love that Lovevery has done the work for me. Also, my boys are ROUGH with their toys. Every single toy that we've gotten in a box has withstood their chewing and throwing. The fact that you also get books is a HUGE bonus. I will say though that I'm not a huge fan of the new toddler boxes, so we'll probably cancel our subscription after we get the helper box...I really want that sink and puzzle! - Camille.

I could go on and on but you get the idea, fo more reviews on Lovevery feel free to join my exclusive Facebook group here and search for the Lovevery thread in the products tab. I am attaching some photos of our littlest social media team member enjoying her Lovevery toys throughout. She is now an active subscriber and her mama loves every minute of watching her grow and play!

Heartburn and Indigestion in Pregnancy


Heartburn and indigestion in pregnancy is caused by hormones slowing digestion, and the pressure on your stomach by the growing fetus. Many pregnant mamas suffer with it. Rest assured there are many holistic ways to try to prevent it, and to provide relief if it occurs. Go through the list below and see what works best for you.

Strategies for Heartburn Prevention

Eat 6 or more small meals, rather than 3 large ones each day. Eat slowly and chew everything well, ideally while sitting down, relaxed and free of internal tension. Try to remain upright or walk around and be active afterwards to aid digestion. 

Avoid wearing tight constrictive clothing, bending over forward, lying flat or going to sleep during the first 2-3 hours after eating a meal. Squat down instead of forward bending if you need to pick up something from the ground. Maintain a good straight posture when sitting or standing. 


Sleep propped up with extra pillows to slightly elevate your upper body or sleep on your left side.

Avoid foods and other substances that trigger discomfort, such as those that are: 

  • Highly processed and refined

  • Loaded with sugar and white flour 

  • Made with refined vegetable oils and partially hydrogenated fat

  • Cow's milk and milk products

  • Hot or very spicy dishes

  • Coffee (even decaffeinated) and other forms of caffeine

  • Alcohol

  • Cigarettes 

  • Certain medications like aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen

Eat more whole or real foods that are minimally processed, like:

  • Organic fruits and vegetables

  • Whole grains

  • Beans

  • Seeds and pureed seed products (like tehina or tahini)

  • Nut butters and nuts (like raw or lightly dry roasted almonds, cashews, pecans, black walnuts, coconut, and filberts)

  • Organic tofu and tempeh

  • Organic turkey or chicken

  • Beef, wild game, or lamb

  • Fish tested free of pollutants or from non-polluted waters, like wild Alaskan salmon

  • Organic eggs 

  • Fresh raw whole dairy—ideally goat or sheep

  • Fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut and kimchi

Bland, pure and simple, minimally processed whole fresh foods are usually better tolerated and much better for your health. Use only healthy fat for cooking and baking, such as organic cold expeller pressed extra virgin olive oil,  coconut oil, or butter—goat is best. 


Drink at least 64 ounces of filtered, spring or well water daily between meals, at least 20-30 minutes before or 2 hours after eating. This is essential, as the water raises the gastric pH, which provides relief from the pain of the stomach acid. Add some fresh fruit like lemon, lime or oranges to taste.

Take a good all natural whole-food based prenatal vitamin and mineral supplement.

Before bed, and periodically throughout the day, take a break to disengage your consciousness from thought and routine activity in order to center and calm yourself. Unplug from your smart phone and computer. Try simply focusing your attention on your breathing, practicing meditation, progressive muscle relaxation,  yoga nidra or gentle prenatal or restorative yoga

Practice three part breathing by inhaling and expanding deeply to belly, then ribs, then upper chest and collar bones. Exhale in the same order with equal ratio of inhalation to exhalation, like to a count of 3:3 or 4:4. Then practice extending or doubling the length of exhale, like inhaling for a count of three, and exhaling for a count of 6.

A great box breathing exercise to do before rising in the morning, going to sleep at night, while waiting, traveling, and whenever you feel internal stress and tension is as follows:

  1. Exhale slowly with an audible sigh, releasing inner tension

  2. Breathe in slowly through your nose for a count of 3

  3. Hold for a count of 6, while relaxing your body

  4. Exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of 6

  5. Hold for a count of 3, while maintaining relaxation

  6. Repeat for a total of 8 cycles, or for 5-10 minutes


Another wonderful breathwork technique that should be done regularly and can be done anytime (like when you are in transit, waiting in line, on the toilet, bathing, cooking, or resting) is forced exhalation. At the end of a normal breath, try squeezing out as much air as possible, using your abdominal and intercostal muscles in your chest. Then, let the air come in deeply but automatically. Repeat for at least several minutes or as long as you would like. 

These techniques are totally safe, easy to do, health enhancing, and without side effects. See which one feels best for you in various situations and practice often so it becomes habitual. For more guidance and deeper transformation, schedule an online or in-person breathwork session with me.

When Heartburn Occurs

If heartburn occurs, some women find relief using the “flying exercise.” By sitting crossed legged or tailor style and raising and lowering your arms quickly, joining the back of your hands over your head.

Drink lots of chamomile tea, and alternate with peppermint tea and see which helps more with relieving your symptoms. You can make your own chamomile or peppermint tea in a mason glass canning jar, by steeping a tablespoon of chamomile blossoms or 7-10 whole fresh peppermint leaves in a covered cup of boiling water for 15-20 minutes. Strain, and add a dash of lemon juice and or honey to taste. 

Do also try ginger tea a few times per day. You can make your own by steeping ½-1 tsp fresh grated ginger in a cup of boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Strain and add honey to taste. 

Chew thoroughly 10-15 raw almonds then swallow.

Drink lots of pure coconut water, which is alkaline and neutralizes acid. 

Mix 1-2 Tbsp raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar in a small glass of water, add honey to taste, sip throughout the day, and drink before meals.

Eat a grapefruit or drink a small glass of grapefruit juice after each meal.

Chew a healthy all-natural gum for ten minutes after each meal.

Squeeze the juice of 1-2 lemons in a glass of water with 1-1 ½ crushed fennel seeds. Add honey to taste. Boil as a tea or drink cool, a few cups per day. Bake fennel seeds and eat ¼ tsp of them three times per day.

Most of the supplements and herbal remedies I recommend are available on my customized online holistic apothecary. Find the best supplements that have gone through my thorough screening process there. Look in the category for heartburn and digestive support or search them individually. My online dispensary is a convenient way for you to purchase my hand-picked, professional-grade, whole food supplements and other natural health products. Ordering is simple, and the products will be shipped directly to your home or work within a few days.


Try papaya enzyme chewable tablets after meals or fresh papaya fruit or juice.

You can also try slippery elm lozenges or powder, which is wonderful for relieving heartburn, as it soothes the irritated tissues of the intestinal tract. You can suck on 3-4 lozenges up to three times a day. It also comes in tea form, which you can drink as often as needed. To make your own tea, dissolve 1 tsp of the powdered herb into 1 cup boiling water or pure almond milk. If you’d like, add a dash of honey to taste.

Take 2 capsules of marshmallow root - up to four times per day. You can also make your own tea by dissolving 1 Tbsp of the powder in a cup of boiling water, then covering and steeping for 15 -20 minutes. Drink a few cups daily. 

Dandelion is also a great herb for indigestion, which can be taken in doses of one dropperful of the tincture up to 4 times daily or when you have heartburn. Reputable brands of herbal tinctures include Wish Garden, Gaia, Herb Pharm, and Eclectic Institute, or any of those in my online holistic apothecary. You can make your own herbal infusion like tea. Add approximately 5 Tbsp dried root or about 10 Tbsp fresh root to 1 quart boiling water. Let it brew for 3-4 hours, strain into a glass canning jar, and periodically sip totaling up to 2 cups per day. 

Take 1-2 plant digestive enzymes after each meal.

Another helpful remedy is Kudzu tea. To make, stir 2 tsp of kudzu root in 1/4 cup cold water for a few minutes until it dissolves. Add 1 cup boiling water. For a savory tea, add an all natural bouillon cube or to an organic miso soup broth. For a sweet tea, simply add a dash of honey.

It’s considered safe to take chewable calcium carbonate known in drug stores as Tums, but no more than 16 per day. I prefer all-natural chewable calcium carbonate. Avoid antacids with high sodium or phosphorus, such as Rolaids, Alka Seltzer and Sodium Bicarbonate, and those with aluminum or magnesium by themselves.

Activated charcoal can be taken in moderation for a severe case of heartburn, at least 90 minutes before meals and before taking your prenatal vitamins and supplements. You can take 2 tablets, and repeat only if needed and nothing else is working. Do not worry that it discolors your tongue and makes stool black, but stop if you feel side effects like nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and constipation.

Homeopathic remedies are safe and amazingly effective in treating heartburn and indigestion during pregnancy. You can consult with a classical homeopath for a remedy specific to your symptoms, or refer to books like Homeopathy For Pregnancy, Birth and Your Baby’s First Year by Miranda Castro. Common remedies include Kali Mur, Nux Vomica, or Pulsatilla. Or, try Weleeda’s Coleodorin, 7-10 drops 4 times per day as needed, and Triplex tea. Osteopathy, chiropractic care and acupuncture are also helpful especially for stubborn cases.

If the above remedies do not help, Mylanta, Maalox, or Riopan are OK if used only OCCASIONALLY and as directed. Frequent or prolonged use can cause serious electrolyte imbalances, interfere with digestion of food and the absorption of important nutrients such as iron, contribute to kidney stone formation, and actually cause the stomach to produce even more acid than before.

If you are NOT pregnant, you can take deglycyrrhizinated licorice DGL extract (slowly chew 2 tablets or take ½ tsp of powder in a little water before or between meals and before bedtime). Or, try Iberogast, an herbal combo with licorice, peppermint and other herbs proven and safe to relieve heartburn and epigastric pain.

For gas and bloating:

  • Eat your foods slowly, chew thoroughly and mindfully, ideally while sitting down instead of rushing and eating on the run.

  • Chew fennel seeds, drink fennel tea, or take 2-4 ml of the tincture three times per day.

  • Take a high quality multi species probiotic twice daily on an empty stomach.

  • Drink kefir. Learn how to make your own. 

  • Take slippery elm as above. 

  • Limit foods that make you gassy. Common culprits are gluten containing foods like wheat, spelt, rye, barley and some oats, some fresh fruits and veggies, cow dairy if lactose intolerant, carbonated liquids, and chewing gum.

You may need to experiment with cutting out a particular food, one category at a time, for a week or two to see if your symptoms resolve. Then reintroduce the food to see if your symptoms recur. This allows you to pin down the culprit and not eliminate numerous healthy foods without definitive proof they are making you gassy.

For those with any sort of chronic heartburn in which serious causes have been ruled out and none of the natural and allopathic remedies help, or simply if you desire more personal holistic guidance, schedule an online or in person consultation with me, or consult your local health care provider.

For more information on having the pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience of your dreams, check out my Love Your Birth Online Course.


Constipation During Pregnancy: Relief Measures and Natural Remedies


Constipation during pregnancy is caused mainly by:

  • Hormones slowing down digestion

  • The growing uterus pressing on the intestines

  • Dehydration

  • Certain medications

  • Iron supplements such as ferrous sulfate

  • Lack of exercise

  • Internal tension 

  • Lax abdominal muscle tone

  • A diet made up of mostly refined highly processed carbohydrates (white flours and sugars), refined or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, and not enough natural fiber

Establishing regular bathroom habits and responding to the urge to have a bowel movement, instead of ignoring or delaying, will help train your body for proper elimination.

Set aside uninterrupted and unrushed bathroom time. Elimination normally follows the morning meal by ½ hour. Plan accordingly so you do not have to rush. Ensure an ample supply of reading material by the toilet to enhance relaxation.

Support your feet on a low stool while sitting on the toilet and avoid straining, which can lead to hemorrhoids. Squat with your feet on the toilet seat or the squatting stool. 


Consider engaging in a program of regular exercise, like brisk walking, dancing or swimming, for at least 30 minutes 5 days per week. Try to do specific exercises to tone your abdominal muscles a few times each week.

Good options are prenatal yoga, Pilates, Julie Tupler’s Maternal Fitness Program, or any abdominal toning class or gym equipment modified for pregnancy.

Diet Is A Significant Factor In Constipation

Consider making some dietary adjustments to ease your constipation. Try to eliminate from your diet refined grain products made with white wheat, spelt, or rye flour (like white bread, noodles, cookies, cakes, pretzels, and cold cereal), white rice, canned or overcooked fruits and vegetables without edible skins, deep fried foods, and foods made with partially hydrogenated or refined vegetable oils.


Eat more fiber rich foods such as organic sprouted whole multi-grain bread, cereal, muffins and pasta, fresh raw, lightly steamed or sauteed vegetables, fresh or dried fruits (with edible skins when possible), nuts, seeds and beans.

People who shift to a vegetarian or semi-vegetarian diet are often amazed by the great improvement in their bowel habits.

During an episode of constipation, mix 2 tablespoons of 100% unprocessed ground flax seed and 2-3 tablespoons wheat or oat bran into hot cereal, applesauce or yogurt. Daily, snack on prunes, raisins and figs, and add a large portion of fresh leafy greens to your lunch and dinner. Enjoy your greens lightly steamed, sautéed, or raw in a tossed salad.

Drink at least 64 oz of filtered, spring or well water each day between meals, at least 20-30  minutes before or 2 hours after eating. Juice fresh vegetables, including a variety of leafy greens, especially spinach.

Hot tea or other warmed liquids on an empty stomach or between meals does wonders. Try:

  • Warmed prune juice 

  • ½-1 lemon squeezed in water sweetened with a dash of honey or a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses

  • Hot soup broth

  • 1 cup green or black tea

  • 1 cup caffeinated coffee (use only occasionally)

  • 1 cup Smooth Move tea if you are not pregnant - it’s delicious and very effective

A natural laxative home remedy can be made by soaking or stewing 4-6 dried pitted prunes in 1 cup  boiling apple or pear juice.

Add 1 Tbsp of the ground flax seed, wheat or oat bran and let sit for 15 minutes.

Ingest the mixed combination 1-2 times per day, when you get up in the morning and early evening.


Breathwork for Constipation During Pregnancy

Try taking brief breaks at least 3 times per day to practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, , breathwork, visualization, and yoga nidra/progressive muscle relaxation. These are all great ways to relax the body and mind. There are many books, audio CDs and hypnobirthing MP3s for pregnancy to help you learn these important life skills. And now there are wonderful phone apps like Breathe and Calm. Make it a regular part of your daily routine to practice them, even just for 15-20 minutes. This will help disengage your consciousness from thought, increase inner calm and lessen inner tension. 

The following breathwork techniques are totally safe, health enhancing and easy to do, without unwanted side effects. Practice them regularly so they become habitual, and you can easily use them when really stressed or in labor.

Upon rising, before going to sleep, while waiting or in transit, and any time you feel anxious or triggered, practice the following simple yet calming breathing exercises. Try them all and use what feels right in each situation. This is a great way to make your breaths deeper, slower and more regular, so as to calm the nervous system.


Simply increase your awareness of your breathing without changing it. Watch it for a few minutes. Stay mindful and fully aware of whatever is happening in the present moment. Notice all the details as you inhale, pause and exhale. Get curious about, and lean into your internal sensations without the story. 

Practice slow, deep three-part breathing, while consciously relaxing any tense muscles on each exhale. Keep it nice and smooth, with an equal count or ratio of inhale to exhale. Sit up straight or lay down comfortably, breathe first deep into your belly, then expand your ribs outward and front to back, then breathe up through your chest and collar bones. Exhale in the same direction. For example, inhale for a count of 3 or 4 then exhale for a count of 3 or 4. If your mind wanders or a thought comes into your head, let it pass and simply bring all your attention back to your breath. Do this 10 minutes twice a day. 

Another wonderful technique to master is box breathing. 

  1. Exhale slowly making an audible sigh

  2. Take a slow deep breath in through your nose for a count of 3

  3. Hold for a count of 6

  4. Exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of 6

  5. Pause for a count of 3

  6. Repeat for a total of 8 cycles

Play with forcefully exhaling, using your abdominal and intercostal muscles in your chest to squeeze as much air out as possible. Next, let your body inhale deeply but automatically, without trying to influence it. Repeat the cycle for at least several minutes or as long as you like.

Notice how you feel during and after each exercise. Be patient with yourself as you are learning a new skill. Repeat the ones that feel best, as often in the day as you can.

Schedule a breathwork session for guidance, or if you want to go deeper and experience wonderful transformation in your life and well-being.

Support Digestion With Herbs and Supplements

Most of the supplements and herbal remedies I recommend are available on my customized online holistic apothecary. Find the best supplements that have gone through my thorough screening process there. Look in the category for constipation or search them individually. My online dispensary is a convenient way for you to purchase my hand-picked, professional-grade, whole food supplements and other natural health products. Ordering is simple, and the products will be shipped directly to your home or work within a few days.

Natural supplements that have harmless laxative effects include vitamin C with bioflavonoids 1000 mg (safe in this amount until 36 weeks of pregnancy, then reduce to 500 mg per day) and Magnesium glycinate or citrate, 400-500 mg. Floradix makes a tasty liquid magnesium, 1 capful 1-2 times per day as needed. Peter Gilham’s powdered Natural Calm is another tasty form of magnesium that you add to hot water. Benefits of the liquid or powder is you can adjust the dose a little lower if your stools are too loose and frequent, or higher if you do not feel the laxative effect. 

If you are anemic and an iron supplementation is needed, use herbal sources such as red raspberry and nettle infusions, Floradix iron or yellow dock root. Avoid ferrous sulfate found in most pharmacies, as it not only is not well absorbed or tolerated, it is very constipating. 

Here’s a recipe for an effective herbal remedy for anemia and constipation:

Add a generous pinch each of dandelion and yellow dock root to a quart of boiling water.

  1. Soak for at least 4 hours. 

  2. Strain in a glass mason jar.

  3. Add 1-2 Tbsp of blackstrap molasses.

  4. Add juice of lemon or lime, fresh mint leaves, cinnamon or honey to taste.  

  5. And drink several times throughout the day. You can add juice of lemon or lime, fresh mint leaves, cinnamon or honey to taste.  

  6. Drink several times throughout the day, or boil it down to make more of a syrup, chill in fridge and take 1- 2 spoonfuls daily as needed.

If you are not pregnant, try an Indian herbal capsule of 3 fruits called Triphala.

If necessary, try over-the-counter bulk laxatives such as Citrucel, Metamucil, or powdered psyllium seed husks. If your bowel movements are very hard and straining, and none of the above is working for you, try a stool softener like docusate sodium (Colace), 100 mg 1-3 times per day - but ideally stay off these pharmaceuticals that are full of dyes and chemicals.

Avoid reliance on enemas, laxatives and colonics, as they can lead to dependency, vitamin deficiencies, and abdominal cramping among other problems, and may stimulate labor prematurely. If you are desperate and not pregnant, you can try a natural laxative like rhubarb root, commonly found in the health food store.

Avoid smoking and other stimulant drugs, as well as addictive regular caffeinated coffee drinking.

Other alternatives that are especially helpful if none of the above suggestions work include biofeedback, acupuncture and homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies are safe and amazingly effective in treating constipation during pregnancy. You can consult with a classical homeopath, or refer to books like Homeopathy For Pregnancy, Birth and Your Baby’s First Year by Miranda Castro. 

If none of the above remedies prove to be helpful, if you have not had a bowel movement in over 4 days, you have severe or unusual pain, your constipation is alternating with diarrhea, you have rectal bleeding, or your stools are the color of old blood, call your provider or schedule a consultation with me. If you are feeling overwhelmed, or do not even know what questions to ask, I can help you! 

For more holistic guidance on having having the pregnancy, birth and postpartum of your dreams, check out my number one international best selling book Natural Birth Secrets and my online course.

This is an online version of how I have helped thousands in my local practice. Both resources are unique, but each provide an in depth, one-of-a-kind holistic approach created by me, a seasoned nurse midwife of over two decades, who has seen everything!

Battling with low back or pelvic discomfort? Having common pregnancy aches and pains and need some additional support? Try Bellefit’s prenatal support wear. You can check them out and purchase here.


Varicose Veins in Pregnancy: Natural Remedies and Relief


Varicose veins are enlarged and often prominent, bluish and bulging vessels that have been stretched and weakened, such that blood accumulates in them rather than flowing back to the heart. They can often result in dull, aching, cramps and a sensation of heaviness in the legs.

Varicose Veins in Pregnancy

In pregnancy, varicose veins are caused by a combination of: 

  • Hormones that relax the vessel walls and increase blood volume

  • Pressure of the growing uterus, impairing the return of venous blood to the heart from the lower body

  • Inherited weakness of veins and their valves

  • Inactivity and poor leg muscle tone

  • Prolonged periods of sitting or standing

  • Excess weight gain and obesity

Simple Tricks and Tips

Avoid strong spices such as cayenne, mustard, black pepper, hot sauces and curries, coffee (even decaffeinated), alcohol, smoking, and sweet clover tea, as they can aggravate the problem.

While sitting or lying in a comfortable quiet place, take some slow deep abdominal breaths until your mind is quiet. Then visualize your blood flowing easily through your veins in your legs, back up to your heart, without any resistance. Imagine your varicose veins getting smaller and smaller, then eventually resolving. See yourself as healthy and strong. This can be easily added to your regular meditation practice.

A daily 5 minute leg massage, working hard, deep and up with the flow of the veins does wonders for prevention. But, NEVER massage the leg if you have significant varicosities, or you notice an area of hardness, heat, redness or swelling.

Body Positioning


Avoid prolonged periods of standing still or sitting, especially with your legs crossed. If you need to be sitting for a long time, take frequent breaks every hour to get up and walk around, squat, rotate your feet, point and flex your toes.

If you need to be sitting or on your feet for awhile, periodically rest with your legs elevated above the level of your chest, while keeping your back straight. Or, lie down on your side at least for 30 minutes twice a day.

Don’t sit on chairs that press into the backs of your thighs. Make sure your feet can be flat on the floor, a stool or a book, with your thighs completely free while sitting.

Rise slowly from a lying down or sitting position to reduce the possibility of feeling lightheaded on standing.

Raise the end of your bed 6-8 inches with bricks or a block of wood to create a slight elevation and help drain your lower body of excess blood volume when you sleep. Or, you can simply put a few firm pillows under your feet.


Exercise regularly for 30 minutes 5 days per week. Brisk walking, swimming, dancing and prenatal yoga are great ways to develop healthy muscle tone in your legs and keep the blood circulating, in addition to helping you maintain a normal weight. Inverted yoga postures such as bridge, legs up the wall, headstand, and shoulder stand modified for pregnancy are also helpful in relieving pressure on the lower veins. You can use the wall for support.  Props like yoga blankets, bolsters or blocks can be used to make the postures more accessible, passive, comfortable and restorative.

Using props to elevate your hips while in bridge or legs up the wall is especially helpful for vulvar varicosities. Legs up the wall or Viparita Karini is done lying down flat on your back with your buttocks all the way to the wall, or elevated on a folded yoga blanket, bolster or block. Let your legs rest straight up the wall for 10-20 minutes. It is also a great opportunity for practicing quiet meditation, focusing on slow deep breathing and inner gazing between your eyebrows. A lavender infused eye pillow adds to the yummy relaxation effect.

Clothing Considerations

Wear loose clothing, and avoid restrictive pants and knee highs that go part way up the leg and constrict the flow of blood back to the upper body. Wear low heeled or flat comfortable shoes.

Each day, apply maternity supportive compression leggings or stockings before getting out of bed in the morning and after elevating your legs a bit. Women with significant varicosities need to wear open-toed porous stockings which supply at least 30 mmHg and up to 50 mmHg of graduated pressure. Start using them early in pregnancy before the problem worsens, and continue through 6 weeks postpartum. Some stockings come with gloves to help put them on. If not, a little cornstarch on the legs and dishwashing gloves may help slide them on.


Every day eat a variety of foods that nourish the blood vessels such as:

  • Dark leafy greens

  • Kelp

  • Beets

  • Okra

  • Citrus fruits

  • Strawberries and, blackberries

  • Apricots

  • Black currants

  • Plums and prunes

  • Grapes

  • Cherries

  • Cantaloupe

  • Broccoli

  • Asparagus

  • Avocado

  • Alfalfa sprouts

  • Tomatoes

  • Green peppers

  • Carrots

  • Squash

  • Sweet potatoes

  • Fresh parsley

  • Buckwheat

  • Oats, wheat germ, quinoa, and other whole grains

  • Nuts

  • Brewers or nutritional yeast

  • Eggs

  • Fish

  • Organ meats. 

Use lots of fresh garlic, onions, ginger and turmeric in your cooking.

Avoid excessive weight gain and constipation, as this will aggravate varicosities. Eat plenty of:

  • Fresh organic fruits and vegetables

  • Whole grains

  • Beans, organic tofu and tempeh

  • Nuts and nut butters

  • Seeds and ground seed products like tahini and tehina

  • Organic chicken or turkey, beef, lamb, or wild game

  • Organic eggs

  • Fresh organic whole raw dairy—ideally goat or sheep

  • Fish tested free of pollutants or from non-polluted waters.

Use organic cold expeller pressed extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil or butter (ideally goat) for cooking and baking.


Drink at least 64 ounces of filtered, spring or well water, or herbal tea daily between meals (at least 20-30 minutes before or 2 hours after eating). Avoid highly processed and refined white flour products, foods that are high in sugar, refined vegetable oils, or partially hydrogenated fat and chemicals. Limit excess sodium, by simply salting to taste and avoiding processed foods that are high in sodium additives. 


Eat a bulb of fresh garlic daily. You can make it delicious by roasting or sautéing the whole cloves in olive oil, salt, pepper and a dash of parsley. If you prefer raw garlic, eat 2 cloves (not full bulbs!) twice daily crushed into your salad or cut and swallow as a pill and continue until a week after you are all better. 

A great way to incorporate olive oil and raw garlic into your daily foods is to peel and soak a crushed bulb in 1 cup of cold, expeller-pressed, extra virgin olive oil, and let sit for a couple of days. The final product can be used on salads, veggies, beans, sprouted whole grain breads and pastas. Another option is to take New Chapter’s Garlicforce (a capsule of supercritical fresh organic garlic), 1-2 capsules daily as directed with 8 ounces of water per capsule.

Herbs and Supplements

Most of the supplements and herbal remedies I recommend are available on my customized online holistic apothecary. Find the best supplements that have gone through my thorough screening process there. Look in the category for varicose veins or search them individually. My online dispensary is a convenient way for you to purchase my hand-picked, professional-grade, whole food supplements and other natural health products. Ordering is simple, and the products will be shipped directly to your home or work within a few days.

If you are interested in herbs, take standardized extract of Horsechestnut, or in higher doses for more severe cases, like Venistat and use as directed on the bottle. If you are not pregnant and otherwise healthy, take Butcher’s Broom as directed on the bottle.

Nettle and Oatstraw are herbs known to strengthen the vascular system, lessen varicosities and prevent them from feeling uncomfortable and swollen. Drink 1-4 cups daily of the organic combination in an infusion, according to how severe and extensive your varicosities are. To make your own infusion:

  1. Soak a generous handful of dried Nettle leaf and a large pinch of Oatstraw in 1 quart boiling water for 2 hours.

  2. Strain to a canning jar.

  3. Add a dash of honey, lemon or lime juice, or fresh mint leaves to taste.

  4. Drink hot or cold.

Alternate the following herbal external applications 2-3 times daily. Some find cold or frozen compresses more helpful than warm or room temperature as it causes constriction of the blood vessels. Drench a washcloth or towel in Witch hazel and wrap the affected areas for 20 minutes, and alternate with a cloth or towel soaked in raw apple cider vinegar.  If you prefer the frozen option you can make several in advance and store them in the freezer.

You can add to your compresses Comfrey, Yarrow, Oak bark, Calendula, Don quai, Bayberry bark, and/or Mullein to help relieve aching and swelling, and tighten the distended veins. There are wonderful herbal combination salves for varicose veins and hemorrhoids in many health food stores and holistic apothecaries.  Experiment with one at a time or in combination, and use what works best for you.

Take the homeopathic remedy Hamamelis 30 c three times per day.

Make sure you are taking your daily supplements including whole food prenatal multivitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids, to ensure that you are getting all the nourishment you need that can not be derived by healthy diet alone. In addition, each day take:

  • 1000-1500  mg of vitamin C with bioflavonoids until 36 weeks pregnant, then reduce to 500 mg

  • 500 mg Rutin 1-2 times per day

  • Whole food B-complex, or 50 mg of vitamin B6 1-2 times per day

  • 500 mg of Evening primrose, Borage, Black current or Flaxseed oil after the first trimester

  • Kelp powder or capsules as directed on the container if you do not have hyperthyroidism or a sensitivity to iodine

  • 200-600 IU of vitamin E until the seventh month if you are otherwise healthy, then taper to 400 IU

  • 400 mg Magnesium

For Varicose Veins in the Vulva (Genital Area)

Wear cool packs in your underwear as tolerated.


Support the area with a specialized supportive garment such as the belly band for vulvar varicosities. For added relief, place 2 frozen sanitary pads saturated with Witch hazel held in place with the support band. You can add any of the above mentioned herbs to your compress, make up a bunch and store them in the freezer. 

At work, take frequent rest periods to sit with your buttocks on a pillow and your hips elevated, or lie on your back against the wall, and use the wall to elevate your legs and lower back as you walk your legs up it. 

When home get out your yoga mat. Do modified bridge alternating with legs up the wall, supporting your sacrum on a yoga block 10 minutes twice a day. While doing bridge, practice strengthening your pelvic floor muscles using your mula bandha, or root lock, which is similar to kegel exercises but much more comprehensive and effective.  To do this, place another yoga block between your thighs. While inhaling, tilt your pelvis up toward your face as you slowly squeeze the block and draw your entire pelvic floor upward and inward, starting from its center. Hold as long as is comfortable, then release and return to resting your sacrum on the block as you exhale. Let the breathing be smooth, relaxed and deep as you do this. It takes practice but you will get it. Start with 25 twice per day, and work up to 50 twice per day. You will also notice other benefits like easier birthing, reduced tearing, less urinary incontenence, better sex, improved exercise performance and yoga practice, and if done on a deeper level, enhanced overall well-being. 


Do lively and energetic pelvic tilts for 5 minutes once or twice a day. Get on your yoga mat, and in the middle, lay a folded yoga blanket for extra knee padding. Tilt your pelvis up and down or forward and backward like when you do yoga cat and cow movements. But, focus more on the pelvis. It is very helpful to coordinate the movements with your breathing, such as inhaling when you do cow, exhaling when you do cat, or vise versa. Gradually make the movements stronger and faster, using your core by drawing your belly inward, corseting your ribs, and isometrically pulling your front pelvic bone towards your breast bone to protect your back. You can also circle your hips in both directions and do figure eights. If not at home, you can do them on lying on a rug, or while standing, by tilting your pelvis back and forth in the same way. Include some belly dancing like figure eight movements of your pelvis and have fun with it. Some good dance music can help you get into the rhythm!

When pushing during childbirth, make sure to be on hands and knees, kneeling or side lying. Avoid squatting to lessen pressure on veins.

For all types of varicose veins, consider consulting a professional homeopath or acupuncturist skilled in traditional Chinese medicine, osteopathic or chiropractic care, especially if none of the above suggestions help and your problem is chronic.

Contact your provider or schedule a consultation with me if nothing seems to work or your leg has an area of hardness, heat, pain, redness, and/or swelling, as this could indicate inflammation or a clot formation.  

For further inspiration and optimal health during pregnancy, birthing and postpartum, please make sure to take my online Love Your Birth course, so you can ROCK your journey wherever and however you plan to give birth. In adjunct, for additional helpful and uplifting information, insights and tips you can read my Natural Birth Secrets book.

Suffering with low back or pelvic discomfort? Having common pregnancy aches and pains and need some additional support? Try Bellefit’s prenatal support wear. You can check them out and purchase here. They also sell excellent postpartum support garments.

I have a holistic approach to life, including healing after pregnancy and birthing. Nothing replaces abdominal toning and exercise for restoring muscle strength and tone - which I encourage for all mamas as soon as they feel up to it postpartum. Nothing replaces touch, slow deep abdominal breathing, and a 'love your postpartum body' perspective that I promote.  But I have found many mamas simply feel comforted by this support garment, especially early postpartum and temporarily as be used without forfeiting abdominal toning and strengthening exercise, breathing well and touch. 

I have found Bellefit supportive garments to help like they use belly binding around the world such as in Indonesia. They do aid in early postpartum healing and provide support many mamas feel comforted by. I deal with human beings and the reality is many postpartum mom's struggle with body image, feel frustrated that getting back to themselves takes longer than expected. Being into holistic health and healing includes being sensitive to real human struggles - the mind, body, heart and soul of each person and their unique situation. Having helped countless women with these issues after having a baby as a midwife, I have found many still love that binding and feel better with this support, and ability to fit into their pre-pregnancy clothes comfortably and sooner than they would if they went through a C-section or natural childbirth recovery without it - especially when they have to dress up and fit into a certain favorite outfit for a special occasion or wedding not long after having a baby.

For more info on the Bellefit girdle, check out my blog about it hereHave a Great Postpartum Recovery (with a little help from Bellefit)!