Routine Labor Interventions Needing to be Abolished

Routine interventions in healthy labor and birth that need to be abolished when all is well include not allowing food and drink, IV, laboring and pushing in bed on back, artificially breaking your bag of water, continuous electronic fetal monitoring - including the admission and periodic strip, using the outdated Friedman curve to asses progress, forced coached pushing during the resting phase before the fetal ejection reflex - during the resting phase once diagnosed as fully dilated, episiotomy, immediate and premature cord clamping.

Many labor in hospitals that don’t allow food and drink, and need IV to prevent dehydration which can cause complications needing more interventions….unless you are sneaking food and drinking plenty orally. If you’re pregnancy and labor are healthy and proceeding naturally, IV fluids aren’t at all necessary and may cause harm. Even the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (ACOG), the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) & of course the World Health Organization (WHO) all recommend encouraging oral fluids instead of IV fluids.

Why is this not happening? Routine intravenous fluids can over hydrate and decrease newborn weight & blood sugar & cause maternal swelling - even in the breasts which impairs breastfeeding, can be uncomfortable, get inflamed, infiltrated or cause infection; IV restricts needed movement in labor, undermines mama’s confidence and sense of feeling empowered and healthy. It’s harmful practice to restrict needed nourishment and hydration during labor and birth. As long as you are keeping well hydrated by drinking, you can absolutely feel no qualms about declining that routine IV. There is also no evidence to support the IV access called saline lock for low risk laboring mamas because in case of postpartum hemorrhage. The risk of that in this population is low, and needing treatment beyond natural remedies and medications without IV even lower. An excellent practitioner can start an IV in that rare emergency.

Artificially breaking your water is another routine intervention that has no place in normal birth. The bag of amniotic fluid is intact for a reason. Let it break on its own. Most often that is late labor or during pushing. Occasionally it breaks before labor or rarely doesn't break at all, leading to an en caul birth with baby born in the amniotic sac.

If you’re told there is little to no risk - it's just nothing - you are not getting informed consent or evidence based care. Breaking it artificially without medical reason has drawbacks like causing more intense painful contractions and use of pain medication to cope, increased risk of infection and fetal distress from cord compression without the protective barrier around baby. It can also lead to malposition of baby which can lengthen labor. All this leads to a cascade of other interventions from IV Pitocon, continuous external or internal fetal monitoring using an electrode screwed into baby’s scalp, and c - section. If your cervix is not soft, thinned out or dilated much, the risks of all the above significantly increase. If baby is presenting other than head first, or not yet engaged in your pelvis, breaking the water can cause the cord to prolapse needing emergency cesarean to save your baby’s life. It's proposed benefit of speeding up labor is possible, but no guarantee. Is that worth the risks? Sometimes a provider tells you they want to do it to check for meconium - not uncommon, which baby at some time of stress in pregnancy or labor had its first bowel movement that mixes with amniotic fluid. If there are no signs of fetal distress and heart rate is reassuring, why create more stress? Knowing there is meconium stresses the team, then you, as they now treat you as having a complication that requires more intensive surveillance. There is no need for this when all is well. When there’s a problem, such as prolonged or stuck labor and you’re exhausted or not coping well, after trying all other more natural remedies, breaking the bag can help. But make sure you are well informed by preparing in advance with my Guide to Pregnancy Birth & Postpartum.

Continuous electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) is still routine despite the overwhelming amount of evidence against its use. Non reassuring fetal heart tones is the second most common reason for first time cesarean in the States, after “Failure to progress”’, many unnecessary as babies are born vigorous without any signs of it. Per the research there is no benefit for the admission and periodic 20 min continuous electronic fetal monitoring strip either, in healthy low risk pregnancies. It isn’t just ineffective, it’s uncomfortable, harmful, leads to increased continuous fetal monitoring, other risky interventions and cesarean without making any difference in baby outcomes. There is no evidence to show that this kind of fetal monitoring is safe or effective, and has contributed to huge increase in cesarean rate without improving Apgar scores, cord blood gases, admission to neonatal intensive care unit, low oxygen brain damage and cerebral palsy, stillbirth and newborn death. Even Obstetric professional organizations like ACOG acknowledges this and endorses intermittent fetal heart rate monitoring with a hand held doppler in low risk pregnancies and those laboring without complications. Furthermore, they encourage training of staff to its use to facilitate freedom of movement and increased comfort. NICE in the UK as well as SOGC in Canada agree there is no evidence to justify routine use of continuous EFM & that intermittent hands on listening to fetal heart rate is the preferred method of monitoring. NICE goes as far as opining that providers NOT even offer continuous EFM to laboring women low risk for complications. The ACNM says intermittent listening of baby’s heart rate with a hand held device should be the preferred method of fetal monitoring in those low risk for complications. Research is not clear & guidelines differ even regarding who does benefit from continuous fetal monitoring, when it comes to certain higher risk complications. This is not what is happening in reality of US hospitals due to a variety of factors from big business of EFM, understaffing, lack of training and equipment to outdated policies, providers not keeping current or practicing evidence based care.

I don’t like to disturb a laboring mama when all is well, just periodically need to check on baby. Some mamas prefer the fetoscope but it can best be assessed with mama on her back, & most in labor don’t want to get out of tub and be on their back. I love using it in pregnancy, but in labor, find most prefer the doppler so mamas can stay in the tub, shower or any position they want to, & everyone can hear that most often reassuring heartbeat. Distressed babies usually tell us whether we use hands on doppler or intermittent monitoring - which also allows for freedom of movement and the enormous benefits of upward mobile positioning plus more contact with and support from your provider. Research also documents the benefits of continuous labor support (which can involve plenty of privacy if that’s what you need!). Being a midwife fly on the wall is often the best intervention in normal labor, who can be there if needed, otherwise keep the fly on the wall role- with a huge heart.

Assessing progress by outdated rigid parameters needs to go. According to evidence based birth, the definition of a “normal” length of labor that has been used since the 1950s based on the biased, flawed Friedman curve is obsolete. The new, evidence-based definitions of normal labor should be used, and the vague term “Failure to Progress” should be abandoned. Yet still used in many hospitals.
If the laboring mama and baby are both healthy, and as long as the length of labor does not qualify as an arrested labor, laboring mamas should be treated as if they are progressing normally, even if what seems to be slow and prolonged for the mama. Pregnant mamas - especially first time vaginal birthers should be given more time in the early phase of labor, making sure they keep well nourished and hydrated, mobile and active but also rested, and also well supported with a doula or doula like care. I have many more suggestions in my online course Guide to Pregnancy, Childbirth & Postpartum, as this can be a challenge to mamas and their partners.

If you are wanting or needing an internal exam, six centimeters—not four centimeters—should be considered the start of the active phase for most people and caregivers should keep in mind that normal early labor (before six cm) sometimes includes a period in which there may be no change in dilation for hours. People may decide, together with their caregivers, to delay birth center/hospital admission until active labor. Similar with homebirth, but there is a more intimate relationship there between midwife and mama, with periodic contact in early labor being the norm.

Still, people are still being told to labor in bed, and give birth on their back. I can’t believe this is still happening despite not just common sense but loads of research about the harmfulness and risks to this practice.

Laboring and pushing your baby out on your back goes against gravity and trying to do so is more work and stress on your body and baby. Laboring and pushing with the force of gravity is less painful and all the more easier. Lying on your back also causes your heavy uterus to exert some compression on major blood vessels that go to the baby which can cause fetal distress, let alone to your upper body and head - why people don’t feel well on their back late pregnancy. It’s a position that was created by doctors not birthing mamas, who would be more comfortable in any other position when given the choice. As it’s a position best for the provider not the mama and baby. And that’s the best birthing positions - what feels best at the time to work your baby down and out. I go over these best positions to labor and help your baby come through your birth canal and into the world with demos in my Online Guide to Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum - sold separately or bundled.

Mamas need to be moving asymmetrically as they need to move working with their body and baby as well as using the force of gravity to help them guide baby down and out. The pelvis is three bones connected by ligaments and it can stretch to accommodate baby. It’s at is smallest capacity on your back. Pushing on your back is much harder as you have to work against gravity. Occasionally some mamas need to rest and can lay on their side, and some do want to birth on their back and it works for them. But the routine practice of insisting all mamas labor and birth on their back is harmful.

Good bye to forced coached pushing when fully dilated. If and when you are told you are fully dilated, rest, eat and drink if you need, get up and dance…but wait for the fetal ejection reflex (FER). When you wait for the FER, and naturally feel the urge to push, instinctively push, working with your body. It is a bit similar to pooping - think of what it feels like and what happens when you try to push it out for a prolonged period of time when you don’t feel the urge. Then think of how easy it is when you just go after feeling the urge. Some may need or want a little gentle guidance to get started but avoid forced coached pushing. It’s not evidence based because it’s harmful, associated with such problems as more swelling, tearing, fatigue, fetal distress etc. Honor the FER!

It happens. The sensations of pushing and FER, fetal ejection reflex can be so intense that mamas initially may want to fight it, which makes it all the more harder. What we resist persists. When we dive in and lean into the sensations we birth.
Being in the water helps. Movement in asymmetrical positions & roaring like a lion helps, as does channeling your inner monkey, letting your primal take over. Relaxation & coping techniques to practice in pregnancy so you can just tap right in to them in labor are a huge help, as is bringing fun, joy, the primal & sensual, & enhancing pleasure using all your senses into the birth experience . But a complete change in mindset and perspective is key, as is my preparation. You can learn to use different language for the sensations of labor, instead of pain which implies illness and something that needs to be remedied, and to see them for what they are. You can learn to use other words for contractions, which imply tension and negativity, and the word contraction is not empowering, and does not fully explain what is happening. Yes, the top of the uterus contracts so the birth canal can open and expand, as well as push out your baby. So expansions are also happening in labor – that is really the goal of what you are doing – expanding so your baby can emerge from your womb to the outside world, and you can both be birthed as a new mother and baby.

Suffering is a choice. And you can chose to embrace your intense sensations for what they are, as healthy signs, what is needed to birth, what your baby needs to transition earth side - not that anything is wrong. I go cover this in much greater depth in my online Guide to Pregnancy, Labor & Childbirth.

Routine episiotomy in a normal birth is of the most harmful unnecessary procedures. It’s so not evidenced based care. And if you do tear despite prevention efforts (it can still happen), little tears heal fine on their own; if we have to do a repair we do try to put everything exactly or almost exactly how we found it. The perineal and vaginal area of a mom who has given birth vaginally before never looks exactly like it did prebirth. But we do our best! Sometimes there is some scar tissue that forms and definite changes from muscle stretching. These are our beauty marks and badges of honor.

Immediate and premature cord clamping is another harmful routine intervention that needs to be stopped. Just think about it. We did not cut cords right away for most of history. No mammal cuts the cord after birth. They just allow the normal natural physiological process to proceed instinctively…or they would have not survived as species.

The number one best recipient for cord blood is baby. 1/3 of baby’s own blood backs up into the placenta during birth. Baby needs to get it back - it is loaded with blood volume oxygen, nutrients, stem cells, antibodies and ingredients essential for transitioning from womb to world and long term health. If you want to donate or bank the cord blood, if baby is doing well at least wait 10 - 15 minutes so your baby gets most of it and there is still enough to bank.

Don’t let them convince you to have it cut ever after a minute because they are in a rush or tell you some misinformation that it’s not good. Clamping right away was probably invented for the doctor but now we know it’s harmful. Delayed optimal clamping can even be done after cesarean until placenta is birthed if there is no other problem.

I have way more info on this in my Natural Birth Secrets book 2nd edition but make sure this is clearly communicated to your providers and written in your birth plan. Ideal is to wait until it stops pulsing completely, flat and white, and you can even feel and see that yourself. When all is well I don’t cut it until after the placenta unless they want a lotus birth.

The best intervention in normal labor and birth is no intervention. Beloved obstetrician Dr. Michel Odent goes further and says best intervention in healthy childbirth is to knit. Knitting keeps our hands occupied instead of trying to meddle and fix something that isn’t broken. Part of Hippocrates oath doctors have to take after training is “First Do No Harm.”

But knitting goes deeper. It is the calm presence of an experienced attendant who has seen it all, communicating to you with their body language to relax, all is well. Their calm is contagious and will make you feel more calm. Their heart, ears, eyes and mouth are open to listen, watch, support, encourage and help you as needed; and of course they can put the knitting down as appropriate, but the point is brilliant.

The ideal is birth attendants are there, so there with the laboring mama, especially towards later labor when sensations can get intense, but know that mama needs to feel private, safe and undisturbed to labor best, to not feel watched; so we try to leave her alone, on her own, until she needs us. Even then, we try to be in background so mama doesn’t feel watched, after doing needed assessments without causing much disruption, as a lifeguard just in case and there of course if more support is needed.

Prepare yourself to be empowered, have an advocate and birth YOUR way with my signature online Love Your Birth comprehensive course.

Routine Newborn Procedures

Many mamas who want a natural birth may not be as familiar with the the number of choices they need to make regarding interventions to baby postpartum. These are routine in many hospitals, with more freedom of decision making out of hospital at a freestanding birthing center or home with a midwife. Healthy babies are suctioned, all exams and procedures are done in the nursery, not by bedside, they are bathed, given Vitamin K injection and antibiotics in their eyes, and Hepatitis vaccine, and babies with a penis are told they need medical circumcision. Other procedures are pulse oximetry to screen for critical congenital heart disease not picked up on the mid pregnancy anatomy scan if baby had one, audiology screening, and the newborn screening blood test.

Healthy vigorous babies born vaginally can clear their own lungs and don't need suctioning - even with bulb syringe. That's not a gentle welcoming for them, but invasive and traumatic. Suctioning can be harmful to baby’s transition from womb to world, and isn't evidence based care. It's more effective and less harmful to do percussion and postural drainage or use ambu bag if needed. Most of the lung filled fluid is cleared with the big squeeze through the birth canal. The rest is absorbed into the body, and for ~ first 24 hours, baby spits it up, coughs or sneezes it out.

All routine baby exams and decided upon procedures can be done in room with parents. It’s an important part of bonding, nursing and sensitivity to baby’s nervous system. Baby needs to be skin to skin for warmth and comfort after birth, close to mama for nursing. There’s no medical reason for healthy newborn nurseries, with babies separated from parents in bright rooms in isolettes filled with strangers. Nurseries serve hospitals, not babies. If mama needs a rest, it can be done with baby in room cared for by another support person.

Babies born in hospitals are still be given unnecessary baths with chemically laden soaps and kept dry with toxic talc and artificially fragranced baby powder. The birth juice and meconium can be wiped with your own natural products by you or your partner, but there is no rush to wash off the skin disrupting the flora of good bacteria that protects baby’s health, and remove the vernix (the white waxy, cheesy protective material that covers baby’s skin) so most of it can absorb into baby’s skin and allow baby to receive its protective benefits. It is not only a skin moisturizer and softener, it’s also an antioxidant and skin cleanser with anti-infective properties. It regulates baby’s skin pH needed for health, helps control baby’s temperature and insulate the baby, so crucial after birth from womb to world. It might help babies latch, as the scent of vernix may trigger neural connections in babies’ brains needed for breastfeeding, and bonding with that delicious new baby smell. It also smells of mama, which can provide comfort to baby and enhance bonding after birth. The The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends waiting at least six hours — and if you can go a full 24 hours, even better to give the first bath. Since it doesn’t fully absorb until day 5-6, I’m not sure why the first bath can’t wait until then. Leave it on and even rub it in like body butter. Don’t let anyone wash it off.

Hepatitis B vaccine is given to prevent baby from blood born infection spread by contact with blood and body fluids like unsafe sex, IV drug use, accidental professional needle stick, and high risk communal settings. If baby has not had these sources of exposure, it can be delayed until prior to entering school, if you choose infant and childhood vaccinations. Refer to my blog on immunization for more info.

Vitamin K injection and Antibiotic eye ointment are given routinely to all babies born in US hospitals without considering individual situations. In some states you can refuse, in others it’s the law and they can report you to Child Protective Services - but these organizations have bigger problems to deal with and often the case is dropped after some unnecessary stress and aggravation. We don’t have these laws in most homebirth settings.

The antibiotic eye ointment is to prevent sexually transmitted infections gonorrhea and chlamydia that could cause blindness in newborns after exposure in birth. It is given within the first hour of life during the most alert time of baby after birth, interfering with vision at such a sacred crucial time when initial bonding and breastfeeding take place. It is irritating to baby and disrupts the delicate balance of flora in their eyes which can lead to other infections. Needing to give antibiotics is not relevant to babies born to mutually monogamous parents who do not have these infections. Taking into consideration that one may not know for sure there is another secret partner, these infections can be tested for in a pregnant mama at term, and if negative, the antibiotics can be refused in good faith. If you do test positive for one of these sexually transmitted infections, you and partner can be treated and retested to see if cured, but it may be wise to consider the antibiotics for baby’s eyes, since exposure can happen again. Then you can delay the medication until after you and baby look into each other’s eyes, have some time for bonding and breastfeeding.

To give vitamin K to the newborn within the first hour of birth is to prevent a rare but serious blood clotting disorder called vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB). There is an early onset VKDB that happens within the first 24 hours, classical expression in 2-7 days, and late onset that usually occurs in 3-8 weeks of life. Our bodies need vitamin K to help the blood to clot when needed. Giving it to babies at the recommended dose via injection is currently evidenced based care, but still not a simple matter.

The American Academy of Pediatrics opines strongly in favor of it. The current evidence does support the injection, saying there is little risk other than rare potential allergic reaction, and that the benefits far outweigh the potential risks. The injection is mega dosed, with 20,000 times the amount new baby has at birth, 5000 times the recommended daily allowance. It is injected into the muscle, which is a more rapid route than oral. In its synthetic form, it is considered a class C drug which means its safety is unknown in pregnancy, risk cannot be ruled out, there are no satisfactory studies in pregnant women, but animal studies demonstrated a risk to the fetus or potential benefits of the drug may outweigh the risks. The package insert itself warns that it can cause sometimes fatal allergic reactions when injected into a muscle or vein, and is ideally take by mouth or injected under the skin. The synthetic medication contains concerning chemical preservatives. It is available, but not accessible in most hospitals without the preservatives, but the preservative free vitamin K still does have some chemicals to increase absorption. It is also concerning to ponder the impact of overdosing on a fat soluble vitamin that stays in the system, as opposed to water soluble vitamins in which excess is excreted out in the urine.

In formula fed babies, the risk of VKDB is negligible as the formula contains synthetic vitamin K. For babies who breastfeed, an alternative is the oral form of vitamin K, in which some protocols have not been as effective as the injection in preventing VKDB - although some of the increased risk was related to parents not administrating of all the doses. Vitamin K using the Danish protocol is just as effective at preventing VKDB, though not accepted by modern medicine and hospital practice in the USA. Several European countries have a licensed oral vitamin K available with varied protocols, for those who wish to decline the injection, which is most effective according to the research to prevent vitamin K deficiency bleeding in babies. Except the Danish protocol. The Danish protocol is preferred as it seems to be just as effective as the injection according to the studies. It is vitamin K1 - phytonadione: 2 mg orally at birth, the 1 mg once weekly for 6 months as long as breastfeeding is greater than 50% of the baby’s diet. As it is a supplement in the USA, it is not regulated, FDA approved or certified like the injection made from pharmaceutical companies, for preventing VKDB in new babies. That does not mean it is not effective or unsafe. Still many who decline the injection prefer it as a viable alternative. Finding it in the states can be a challenge, but some homebirth supply companies and midwives carry it. If doing this protocol, best to do with a feeding as vitamin K is fat soluble, to increase absorption.

Little research is available on the alternatives, such as breastfeeding mamas eating more vitamin K or supplementing (like with 5 mg daily) to boost levels in breastmilk and prevent the rare vitamin K deficiency in newborns.

But as with all other routine interventions in the entire healthy normal physiological process of having a baby, the more we study, the more we find their lack of benefit and increased risk, and that mother nature or the Divine intelligence that created it all did not get it wrong. Maybe there is a reason we do not know yet why newborns are born with low vitamin K that does not reach optimal levels until the eighth day of life, from the gut flora. Is it a deficiency if they are all born that way? I defer to Dr. Sara Wickham who has analyzed the research for over 20 years and even wrote a book on this subject alone. “Several thousand babies need to be given vitamin K in order to prevent each case of vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB), a disorder formally known as hemorrhagic disease of the newborn. Unfortunately there is little research interest (as is so often the case) in questions such as 1- how we might be able to pick out the babies who are truly at risk rather than giving the universal prophylaxis and 2- whether and why it might benefit babies to have a relatively low level of vitamin K compared to adults.”

Newborn screening checks a baby for serious but rare and mostly treatable health conditions at birth. It includes blood, hearing and heart screening. The newborn screening blood test may screen for up to 50 diseases, including phenylketonuria (PKU), sickle cell disease, and hypothyroidism but know it is only a screen that leads to more testing to confirm or more likely rule out the rare diagnosis. It has a high false positive rate, as there are more than 50 false-positive results for every true-positive result identified through newborn screening in the United States. This means baby tests positive on the screen but do not actually have the disease. Screening is mandatory in and funded by nearly all states - despite the varied diseases for which each state screens; although most will reluctantly allow parental refusals on religious and other grounds, and such refusal does not usually engender civil or criminal penalty. The American Academy of Pediatrics opines strongly about the importance of the screening, but it does not control the different conditions screened for by each state. You or your partner can certainly hold and comfort baby during the blood test which hurts for a few moments.

The American Academy of Audiology supports early identification, assessment, and intervention for all types of hearing loss in infants and young children to minimize deleterious effects on speech, language, education, and social/psychological development. The screening should take place by an audiologist at 1 month of age and does not need to be done after birth. It is not an invasive screening and can be done in your room by your side, so if you gave birth at the hospital it can be more convenient doing it there. Or you can take baby to an audiologist by one months of age if you choose the hearing screen.

Pulse oximetry screening is a simple and non-invasive procedure used to measure how much oxygen is in the blood and has been found effective in screening for critical congenital heart disease (CCHD) in newborns, if done within 24 hours after birth. Current evidence supports consistent accuracy for detection of CCHDs in newborns by pulse oximetry screening in addition to prenatal ultrasound and clinical examination. Overall, early diagnosis of CCHD with pulse oximetry is judged to be beneficial, identifying disease that may be treated and lifesaving, and potential harms associated with false-positive tests are not serious, but stressful, while missing CCHDs and other serious diseases detected by hypoxemia without pulse oximetry screening can lead to serious consequences. It is interesting that this is not the position of other institutions such as the United Kingdom National Screening Committee and the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health. Further research is required to understand and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the screening and its algorithm. Some mamas do not want this philosophical standard medical approach of looking for diseases, prefer to address the issue if baby shows signs, and have Divine faith that whatever happens is meant to be.

Medical (non-religious) circumcision is the most controversial routine surgical procedure done mostly in the US on babies with a penis, prior to discharge. The vast majority of boys in world aren't circumcised. There's no evidence to justify this routine procedure on medical grounds & its risks are downplayed. The American Medical Association classifies it as a non-therapeutic procedure, as it has no proven benefits and risks outweigh them. The American Academy of Pediatrics has never, in its over 75 years of operation, recommended routine newborn circumcision. The foreskin is a normal, sensitive, functional part of the body, protecting the head of the penis from urine, feces, and irritation; it also has an important role in sexual pleasure, as it has specialized, erogenous nerve endings, gliding and lubricating functions. For a thorough analysis of the literature, science & research, potential risks & alleged benefits, cultural/religious roots & human rights bioethical issues see here.

I like to promote informed choice, question routine status quo, and help those interested in studying the data and what factors create opinion and dogmatic policies, as well as encourage those who wish to ponder this topic with a more critical eye and make their own decisions about their baby’s health care.

Educate yourself & make an informed decision about what you want or don't want for YOUR baby, with my online Guide to Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum. And in adjunct, my Natural Birth Secrets book 2nd edition, as in many cases, it is totally safe and appropriate to investigate natural alternatives.



Congratulations to you and your family on the birth of your baby! You did it!! You are a rockstar, superhero, however and wherever you birthed. Now it is time for some postpartum care. But through it all, do what you can to go with the flow. Tune into your body and your baby’s natural rhythms. Embrace it all as a normal healthy phase of your life as a new mama, shared with mamas around the world since the beginning of time. Try to have fun with it and keep your sense of humor. 

Welcome to the postpartum period, the fourth trimester, a period of healing and adjustment, of getting to know and comfort your baby, and mastering breastfeeding. All your baby needs now is love and breast milk. If you are unable or choose not to breastfeed, consider feeding baby pumped breast milk, or donor breast milk from registered milk banks. Breast milk is the ideal food for your baby, although organic goat milk formula is most similar to human milk and you can discuss best alternative options with your pediatrician. 

The rest will follow naturally, as you learn on the job, take guidance from wise experienced others, and let Baby be your teacher. As in pregnancy and birth, trust your instincts and your heart. But, do not hesitate to ask for help and support as needed. Hopefully you prepared in your pregnancy so that you are well supported during this sensitive time, as it has always taken a village to raise a baby as well as new parents. A postpartum doula is a must if you do not have family and friends to help you. 

Below are some helpful hints to make the next few weeks of breastfeeding easier and more comfortable, so you are more able to heal, enjoy and reflect upon your extraordinary new miracle. The most important advice is to slow down, stay in the moment, try to resist the temptation to do, do, do...and just be, be, be. Trust that you will heal and get into your breastfeeding routine, as you are perfectly designed to do, given the proper care and support.  Do not hesitate to reach out to an IBCLC lactation consultant sooner rather than later if there are breastfeeding issues beyond what your midwife or doula can help you with.

Nutrition for Postpartum Care & Breastfeeding

Maintain at least the same healthy nutrition as you did in pregnancy, especially now for recovery after birth, and during breastfeeding. This will help you to make good quality milk, and nourish your baby as well as yourself. Make sure to eat at least three whole food varied healthy meals and snacks, and even a little bit more than you would normally consume. And keep well hydrated with at least 64 ounces of water daily. 

Traditional foods for the early postpartum weeks across cultures typically include soups and stews with a lot of vegetables, including the starchy ones like sweet potatoes and winter squash, stew meat or chicken, and whole grains like barley and oats. Also, do eat plenty of eggs, seasonal fruits and vegetables. Much nourishment can be added to fruit/veggie smoothies, soufflés, whole grain hot cereals, and breads/muffins like zucchini-apple, banana-date or carrot-raisin, enhanced with almond flour or chopped nuts and seeds, nut milk, and eggs. 

Herbs and Supplements

Make sure to supplement your diet as in pregnancy, with herbs, vitamins, minerals, omega threes and probiotics to complete nourishment not supplied by diet alone. This will aid in your recovery and help supply all of your and your baby’s nutritional needs. Do increase iron foods and take an herbal iron, especially if you were anemic in pregnancy, have low iron stores, lost a lot of blood at birth, gave birth by cesarean, and/or are still anemic. 

Do continue your nourishing pregnancy herbal infusion to your diet but add alfalfa and red clover. You can have a support person make this by:

  1. Blending a handful of dried Nettle leaf, a handful of dried Red Raspberry leaf, a pinch of Alfalfa, large pinch of Red Clover, and several Rose Hips. 

  2. Add a pinch of Comfrey to help with healing. (optional) 

  3. Brew in a mason quart glass canning jar of boiling water 1-4 hours. The longer the brew, the stronger the taste and effect.

  4. Strain, and drink plain or lightly sweetened with Rose Hip infused honey and/or a splash of fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice.

  5. Enjoy hot or cold, up to 4 cups per day.

 You can make it in larger quantities and store in the fridge.

There are some nice herbal breastfeeding teas like those made by Earth Mama Organics and Traditional Medicinals. Use two bags per cup of tea to get the benefits. You can have your special someone make your own delicious, nourishing combination of herbs that helps with breastfeeding and enhances the nutritional content of your breast milk: 

  1. Mix a handful each of dried Chamomile blossoms, Catnip and Blessed Thistle, a pinch each of Fennel seeds and Fenugreek powder or seeds, and a few dried Lavender flowers.

  2. Put 1 tablespoon of the mix in a cup, fill with boiling water, and steep for 10-15 minutes.

  3. Strain in the glass mason jar, and drink plain or lightly sweetened with Rose Hip infused honey, and a dash of anise. 

  4. Drink 1-3 cups daily.


Note ways to prepare for breastfeeding and common myths to be busted, as well as  5 essential tips to get the breastfeeding going.

Your newborn baby’s stomach is tiny, like the size of a cherry the first few days, a small apricot at one week, and a large egg at one month of age. Only tiny amounts of milk are tolerated initially. Expect your baby to drink about 1-1 ½ tsp per feed on the first day, 1½-2 ounces by one week, and 2 ½-5 ounces per feed by one month of age. This is just what you have to give. 

The liquid gold colostrum that your breast produces makes no more than a few teaspoons per feed, but when your full breast milk comes in, you will have more than enough to accommodate. Often women have a misconception that they do not have enough milk when they have exactly what baby needs, and they get into a tension and supplemental feeding cycle that actually does decrease supply. 

If you had labor or birth complications, needed epidural or spinal anesthesia, baby was birthed by cesarean or had to be in the intensive care, establishing breastfeeding can be more challenging at first but you can do it. Get help by a certified lactation consultant (IBCLC) as soon as possible if there is any difficulty. Baby-friendly hospitals should all have them on staff, or you can ask your midwife, pediatrician or local La Leche leader for recommendations. If you need additional guidance to boost low milk supply first follow these steps. All you may need to do is keep nice and calm with baby skin to skin and nurse more frequently, avoid formula and glucose water, and do not use pacifiers until your breastfeeding is well established. 

You can increase emptying if needed, which boosts your supply, by using a double electric breast portable Willow pump every 2-2½ hours for 15-20 minutes, but know that a healthy baby is the best breast pump. If you do pump, freeze the milk for later use, like when you need to go out or want a break from a nightly feed. Take herbal combinations like More Milk Special Blend, drink non alcoholic beer or Hops tea and several cups Sesame milk daily. You may need to add increased amounts of the individual herbs like Goats Rue, Blessed Thistle and Fenugreek, 2-3 capsules each up to 3 times per day, or add the tincture of More Milk Special Blend, 2 ml 4 times per day to increase your supply. 

Treating Breast Engorgement

Your breasts will begin filling with milk and can become engorged by the third or fourth postpartum day whether or not you are breastfeeding. Initially, you may notice that your breasts become larger, fuller, heavy, lumpy, slightly tender and warm. They may leak milk and you may notice a short-lived low grade fever. The skin of the breasts may be pulled tight and become shiny, hard, painful and throbbing, and the baby might be less able to grasp the nipple.  

Suggestions to minimize discomfort with breastfeeding include:

  • Practice early, frequent breastfeeding (on demand or every 1½-3 hours) without supplemental bottles for at least the first month. The breasts will learn to replace only what baby takes. (This is a good reason not to pump significantly in addition to nursing initially, as breasts will replace that too). Allow the milk to run freely into a bottle from one breast as the baby nurses on the other side. The bottled milk can be frozen for a later nighttime feed your partner can give Baby to give you some needed sleep once engorgement resolves.

  • If Baby is having a hard time latching, try manually hand expressing a small amount of milk before nursing. You can also do so afterwards if still uncomfortably full after each feeding.

  • Rub Arnica oil gently over breasts, except nipples, then apply a comfortably hot washcloth/compress or stand under a warm shower 5-10 minutes before nursing.

  • Gently massage breasts downward while nursing using Arnica massage oil or lotion.

  • If you are uncomfortable between feedings, you can let comfortably hot shower water run over your breasts and massage them downwards using a fine tooth comb dipped in soap, or gently hand express just a small amount, or soak your breasts into a sink full of comfortably hot water. If engorgement is severe add 1-2 ounces of Marshmallow root tincture to the water. 

  • For severe engorgement, apply cold packs just during the short term period of extreme discomfort. Ideally, make these by defrosting frozen cabbage leaves rolled over with a rolling pin.

  • Apply cold compresses of Comfrey (soak washcloths with the tincture and store in the fridge). You can try comfortably hot Comfrey compresses and add Parsley tincture.

  • If you are not nursing and need help drying up your breastmilk, drink lots of Sage tea and do not pump. 

Report any areas of increased heat, redness, swelling and severe pain; fever over 100.4 after the first few days; and chills, headache and generalized aches like you have the flu.  

Sore Nipples

Your nipples may be tender or downright sore during the first week or so of getting accustomed to breastfeeding your baby, whether you are a first time mom or have nursed successfully before. You may also feel some pain, usually lasting no longer than one minute, each time the baby latches onto the breast in these early weeks, which lessens as baby nurses. If your baby is improperly sucking, or incorrectly positioned, your nipples can become very sore and the pain is intense the entire feed.

Suggestions to minimize nipple soreness are:

  • Remember this pain is temporary as your nipples adjust to normal healthy breastfeeding, and use your tools from labor and breathwork to breathe and relax into the sensations rather than to fight them. This actually helps tremendously.

  • Have an experienced person observe for proper positioning, latch and sucking during breastfeeding from the beginning, especially if you have severe nipple pain during the entire feed and your nipples are very sore.

  • Release the baby’s suction with your finger before removing the nipple from the baby’s mouth anytime you need to stop the sucking, especially when the latch is shallow.

  • Soak nipples in a cup of 0.9% physiologic saline solution, then expose breasts to fresh air 20 minutes after each feeding, ideally in the sun, in front of a 60 watt light bulb, or a blow dryer. Yes, spend some time topless.

  • Apply some breast milk to the nipple.

  • Avoid synthetic breast creams and nipple shields.

  • If mild, massage plain organic Cocoa Butter, Almond oil or Vitamin E onto the nipples after each feeding. If without relief, apply homeopathic calendula cream or herbal salve made with Calendula, Marshmallow,  Aloe Vera, and Chamomile, or Lanolin designed for sore nipples after each feed and gently remove any residue before nursing. Apply pure Aloe Vera gel to the cracks and cuts, as well as Comfrey, but wipe off before nursing so baby does not ingest it. Try several formulas and see what feels best for you.

  • Nurse more frequently for shorter periods of time.

  • Alternate positions of nursing each feeding to vary pressure points on the nipple.

  • Initiate nursing on the least sore side. You can nurse only one breast a day to allow the other to heal, pumping the sore breast to relieve engorgement during each nursing session. Then nurse the alternate breast the next day (pumping the other), and continue this until nipples have recovered.

  • Take a daily bath or shower, washing nipples with water only (no soap).

  • Wear all cotton bras, avoid tight bras, and minimize the use of breast pads. If breast pads are occasionally needed, use organic bamboo or cotton washables or nontoxic disposable breast pads without plastic, changing when wet to keep nipples dry.

Report to your practitioner if your soreness lasts longer than a week or is getting worse, if your nipples are cracked and bleeding, or severe nipple pain persists during entire feed indicating a latch issue.

Need more help from me?

Check out my online Love Your Birth comprehensive prep course for pregnancy through birth, postpartum and breastfeeding - an insider’s Guide to the joys and challenges of recovering from birth and getting the breastfeeding in these modern times created by a seasoned holistic nurse midwife who has seen everything! Learn simple tricks of the trade to make the journey to motherhood more holistically healthy and fulfilling.
You will have direct access to me through the Love Your Birth course Guides if you bundle with a coaching call with me and I can help you:

  • Help yourself breastfeed healthfully and successfully

  • Get the support and guidance you need to answer all of your questions to create a breastfeeding experience you love and treasure forever

  • Understand holistic modalities on breastfeeding issues

  • Get the support and tools you need for stress reduction

  • Answer questions and make informed decisions


Give yourself this gift a lifetime to have the experience of your dreams, you will treasure forever.

If you need more personal guidance, schedule a consultation with me.

My Natural Birth Secrets book 2nd edition has helpful tips as well, and is an excellent resource in adjunct to the Guide.

Natural Newborn Care

Congratulations! Having a new baby in the house is such an exciting and wonderful blessing. But, it can also be overwhelming, especially if this is your first or if you’re trying new things with this baby. Below are some tips to help guide you through this special time.


Breast is best for you and your baby, but it is a learning process.  Allow a few weeks for the both of you to become pros. Get help from your midwife or lactation consultant as soon as possible if you are having difficulty. Some excellent resources are pediatrician Dr. Jack Newman’s website and his international center, as well as General suggestions to ease the process are:

  • Nurse baby on demand or every 1-½ to 3 hours while you are awake. If the baby has a 4-6 hour stretch in the middle of the night, let baby sleep.

  • If baby is too sleepy to nurse this often in the beginning, try to rouse by  unswaddling and undressing, a diaper change, a gentle back rub, or a cool washcloth on the baby’s forehead.

  • Nurse one side each feeding. Start the next session on the other breast.

  • Alternate feeding positions between side lying, cradle and football hold.

  • Burp baby as needed if appears gassy during and after feeding.

  • Do not give baby glucose water or common formula, especially while you are trying to get the breastfeeding going. Breastmilk alone, including the ‘liquid gold’ initial breast milk colostrum, is adequate nutrition and hydration for at least the first six months when all is well. The water or formula fills up their tiny stomach so they nurse less, which makes you produce less milk, and the bottle’s teat confuses them and can impair their ability to suck on your nipple. If there are issues and you do need to supplement, pumped or donor breast milk from certified mild banks is the choice method of feeding. If you must give formula, go for the organic brands that most closely resemble breast milk. Use a dropper to the side of baby’s mouth, supplemental nursing system or slow flow nipples that are more similar to the breast.

  • Avoid smoking, alcohol and drugs while breastfeeding. Always consult your practitioner before taking any medications or herbal preparation.

  • Limit caffeinated beverages to no more than 1-2 cups per day.

  • To calm a screaming baby that is too upset to nurse, try:

    • Changing the diaper

    • Burping baby

    • Swaddling baby in a blanket

    • Giving baby a warm bath

    • Cradling or cuddling baby close to your chest

    • Rocking

    • Singing

    • Swinging

    • Talking softly to baby

    • Giving baby a gentle back massage

    • Taking baby for a walk or car ride

    • Holding baby in a position that allows application of slight pressure on his or her abdomen

    • If all else fails, give baby to your partner, take 30 minutes, and try again.


Babies sleep about 18 hours per day.  Place your baby on his or her back, or side to sleep, with baby’s back supported by a rolled receiving blanket.

Bowel Movements and Voiding

Babies have greenish-black, sticky stool for the first few days. This is called meconium.  Breastfed babies’ stool will then become golden-yellow, soft, and seedy-looking. Once your full milk comes in and replaces colostrum, your baby will have 1-4 stools and 6-8 wet diapers in a 24 hour period. Change the baby before each feeding to prevent diaper rash. For a reddened diaper area, use homeopathic calendula, zinc oxide or herbal diaper cream, A & D ointment,  Desitin cream plain or with zinc oxide. French green clay is excellent for diaper rashes. Use talcum free baby powder. Place baby on an absorbent pad and allow periods for baby to be diaper free, or read up on elimination communication - training baby to poop and pee on the potty! 

Cord Care

Keep the cord stump dry by folding the front of the baby’s diaper down. Squeeze a saturated cotton ball of alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to the cord stump three times per day to keep it clean. Open a capsule and apply powdered goldenseal herb or herbal combination cord powder around the base. The cord stump should fall off by itself within 8-12 days after the birth. 

General Care

Wash hands before handling the baby.

Bathe baby with mild natural soap and water, and wash the baby’s hair with a gentle tear-free natural shampoo several times per week (ideally every day – they love it).  

After the first 24 hours and the baby’s body temperature stabilizes, dress him according to the temperature as you would dress. 

Best to file than cut long nails with scissors, so baby does not scratch her/himself.   


Take the baby for a daily outing, but keep the baby away from crowds and people with contagious illnesses.  

Wear your baby. Experiment with a few baby carriers and see which one you and baby like the best.

Add to your collection The Baby Book by William and Martha Sears, as it is a wonderful “must have” comprehensive reference and guidebook to the baby’s first two years of life and virtually every aspect of care.

If you had antibiotics or baby was born by cesarean, take extra precautions to restore baby’s microbiome (healthy balance of flora).


It is State law and safe practice that babies ride in car seats every time that they travel in a vehicle. 

Always make sure that the baby is not unattended on changing tables, beds or other high places.   

If the baby sleeps in bed with you, make sure baby is in a sleeping pod or baby lounger, and that the bed has a guard rail. Do not keep pillows, stuffed animals or extra blankets in the baby’s sleeping area.

Danger Signs

Contact your pediatrician immediately if:

  • The baby becomes listless, will not nurse, is inconsolable, has high pitched screaming, or behaves in an unusual way.

  • The baby does not urinate within the first 24 hours, or voids less than 6 diapers per day after your milk is in.

  • The baby has no bowel movement for 48 hours, or has more than 10 watery green, foul-smelling diarrhea diapers per day.

  • The cord starts to smell bad or has pus oozing from it and the area around it becomes red and swollen.

  • The baby’s temperature is below 97 degrees or above 99 degrees when taken under the baby’s arm.

  • The whites of the babies eyes become yellow or the skin color becomes a yellow or tan tinge.

  • The baby’s skin turns blue or white, especially the trunk or around the mouth.

  • Projectile vomiting.

For more tips on newborn care and breastfeeding, read my Natural Birth Secrets Book 2nd edition and take my online course. Need more personal guidance? Schedule a consultation with me.  Many of the reputable brands of remedies I recommend are available in my online holistic apothecary.

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For extra support in relieving common aches and pains, wear an abdominal binder. like Bellefit. They make postpartum support girdles that mamas really love. I have a holistic approach to life, including healing after pregnancy and birthing. Nothing replaces abdominal toning and exercise for restoring muscle strength and tone - which I encourage for all mamas as soon as they feel up to it postpartum. Nothing replaces touch, slow deep abdominal breathing, and a 'love your postpartum body' perspective that I promote.  But I have found many mamas simply feel comforted by this support garment, especially early postpartum and temporarily as be used without forfeiting abdominal toning and strengthening exercise, breathing well and touch. 

I have found Bellefit supportive garments to help like they use belly binding around the world such as in Indonesia. They do aid in early postpartum healing and provide support many mamas feel comforted by. I deal with human beings and the reality is many postpartum mom's struggle with body body image, feel frustrated that getting back to themselves takes longer than expected. Being into holistic health and healing includes being sensitive to real human struggles - the mind, body, heart and soul of each person and their unique situation. Having helped countless women with these issues after having a baby as a midwife, I have found many still love that binding and feel better with this support, and ability to fit into their pre-pregnancy clothes comfortably and sooner than they would if they went through a C-section or natural childbirth recovery without it - especially when they have to dress up and fit into a certain favorite outfit for a special occasion or wedding not long after having a baby.

Have a Great Postpartum Recovery (with a little help from Bellefit)!

For more in depth guidance on holistic newborn care and breastfeeding as well as natural modalities for common aliments and discomforts from preconception, pregnancy, through to postpartum,, as well as discussion of hot topics check out my Natural Birth Secrets book 2nd edition. It is also available below in ebook format.

If you are interested in my online Love Your Birth prep Guide to Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum course - sold separately or bundled with a coaching call with me, keep reading. You will be so glad you did.

Let Me Help You Create The Happiest Birth Experience Of Your Life...

Whether you're a first time or experienced momma,

Or a midwife, doula, or birth professional guiding mommas..

Regardless if you are planning a birth at home, a hospital, a birth center or need a cesarean section, or if you are taking another childbirth education class…

You Really Can Create The Delivery Of Your Dreams.

And have a blissful birth wherever you are.

More Precious Than A Wedding...A Birth Should Be A Celebration!

Let me show you how to…

  • Understand the sensations of your body and connect your intuition with how your body is communicating and leading you towards what to do during labor

  • Tap into your inner calm to deeply relax yourself, letting go of busy, stressful and fearful thoughts on demand for the health of baby

  • Speak your truth from your heart in a way that deepens your relationships, sets clear boundaries, and has people listen to you and support you before, during and after pregnancy

  • Trust yourself, connect with your body wisdom and communicate with baby in belly

  • Connect with natural time and sync your body and mind up with your unique biological clock for ease from pregnancy to postpartum

  • Reprogram negative patterns, stories, and beliefs that undermine your confidence, strength and self trust so you can rock your birth

Physicians and midwives around the world recommend my teachings to their pregnant clients and many Doulas across the country learn the secrets of blissful birthing from me to supplement their Doula Training & Certification process!

To learn more, visit:  LOVE YOUR BIRTH Online Childbirth Course which has the syllabus in detail; the course has been updated and made more mobile friendly at a cheaper price now called Anne’s Guide to Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum here.

It is based on my years of experience, as a midwife and yoga teacher, helping thousands of women tap into their calm and live and birth from a place of grounded relaxation and joy.