Welcome to the postpartum period, the fourth trimester, a period of healing and adjustment, of getting to know and comfort your baby, and mastering breastfeeding. All your baby needs now is love and breast milk. If you are unable or choose not to breastfeed, consider feeding baby pumped breast milk, or donor breast milk from registered milk banks. Breast milk is the ideal food for your baby, although organic goat milk formula is most similar to human milk and you can discuss best alternative options with your pediatrician. And do see the Postpartum Guide to Breastfeeding Postpartum, for initial issues specific to that.

The rest will follow naturally, as you learn on the job, take guidance from wise experienced others, and let Baby be your teacher. As in pregnancy and birth, trust your instincts and your heart. But, do not hesitate to ask for help and support as needed. Hopefully you prepared in your pregnancy so that you are well supported during this sensitive time, as it has always taken a village to raise a baby as well as new parents. A postpartum doula is a must if you do not have family and friends to help you. 

After the first week or so, but before your memory of details fades, it is a wonderful experience to reflect on your pregnancy and birth with heartfelt honesty, and write your pregnancy memories and childbirth story down in a bump to birthday journal. This is something special to share with your child one day, and it is also a wonderful gift to yourself. It can be especially helpful for healing if things were difficult, or your labor and birth did not go as planned or as you hoped. Journaling will help you express, later process, understand, come to terms and make peace with any painful feelings that come up more deeply. 

Below are some helpful hints to make the next few weeks easier and more comfortable, so you are more able to heal, enjoy and reflect upon your extraordinary new miracle. The most important advice is to slow down, stay in the moment, try to resist the temptation to do, do, do...and just be, be, be. Trust that you will heal, as you are perfectly designed to do, given the proper care and support. 

Nutrition for Postpartum Care

Maintain at least the same healthy nutrition as you did in pregnancy, especially now for recovery after birth, and during breastfeeding. This will help you to make good quality milk, and nourish your baby as well as yourself. Make sure to eat at least three whole food varied healthy meals and snacks, and even a little bit more than you would normally consume. And keep well hydrated with at least 64 ounces of water daily. 

Traditional foods for the early postpartum weeks across cultures typically include soups and stews with a lot of vegetables, including the starchy ones like sweet potatoes and winter squash, stew meat or chicken, and whole grains like barley and oats. Also, do eat plenty of eggs, seasonal fruits and vegetables. Much nourishment can be added to fruit/veggie smoothies, soufflés, whole grain hot cereals, and breads/muffins like zucchini-apple, banana-date or carrot-raisin, enhanced with almond flour or chopped nuts and seeds, nut milk, and eggs. 

Herbs and Supplements

Make sure to supplement your diet as in pregnancy, with herbs, vitamins, minerals, omega threes and probiotics to complete nourishment not supplied by diet alone. This will aid in your recovery and help supply all of your and your baby’s nutritional needs. Do increase iron foods and take an herbal iron, especially if you were anemic in pregnancy, have low iron stores, lost a lot of blood at birth, gave birth by cesarean, and/or are still anemic. 

Do continue your nourishing pregnancy herbal infusion to your diet but add alfalfa and red clover. You can have a support person make this by:

  1. Blending a handful of dried Nettle leaf, a handful of dried Red Raspberry leaf, a pinch of Alfalfa, large pinch of Red Clover, and several Rose Hips. 

  2. Add a pinch of Comfrey to help with healing. (optional) 

  3. Brew in a mason quart glass canning jar of boiling water 1-4 hours. The longer the brew, the stronger the taste and effect.

  4. Strain, and drink plain or lightly sweetened with Rose Hip infused honey and/or a splash of fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice.

  5. Enjoy hot or cold, up to 4 cups per day.

 You can make it in larger quantities and store in the fridge.

Other herbal tonics for new moms to promote general physical and emotional postpartum recovery and healing include Ashwagandha and Gotu Kola (½ -1 tsp each twice daily), and Milky Oats (1/1-1 tsp 1-3 times daily), in addition to herbs mentioned below as appropriate for each specific issue.

To promote healing after birth, take 3-4 pellets of homeopathic Arnica 30 c under your tongue every few hours for the first 3 days, then three times daily for a week. You can also dissolve the pellets in a clean unused bottle of water, shake vigorously a few times, then gargle a mouthful before swallowing, which increases the strength of the remedy.

Treatment for Afterpains

Periodic cramping, known as afterpains, commonly occur as your uterus muscle fibers contract around the blood vessels that supplied the placenta. This is your body’s natural defense in order to minimize excessive bleeding and return to its non-pregnant size. They can be quite painful, and can occur with increasing intensity after each subsequent baby.  

Breastfeeding can temporarily increase the severity of these pains, which is actually helping your body heal and prevent excess blood loss. Afterpains should gradually subside over the next week and lessen significantly over the first 3 days after birth. 

Below are some suggestions to lessen the discomfort.

  • Frequently empty your bladder, even though you don’t feel like you need to pee, as is common from the swelling after childbirth.

  • Especially during the first 24 hours, check the top of your uterus several times per hour to make sure it is nice and firm like a hard nectarine or knuckle. Massage the top of your uterus gently when it begins to soften or feels boggy.

  • Lie on your stomach with a pillow under your lower abdomen.

  • Apply warm moist towel compresses, hot water bottles, hot herbal packs or rice packs heated with a few drops of essential oil of Lavender, or a heating pad to your lower abdomen. 

  • Practice your breathwork, deep breathing and conscious relaxation exercises during the afterpains, dropping your focus right down into them, relaxing with surrendering to the intense sensations as you did in labor.

  • Try soaking in a well-cleaned, warm bath with drops of Lavender or Chamomile.

  • For an effective herbal infusion: 

    • Mix a large pinch of Chamomile blossoms and/or Catnip in 1 cup boiling water.

    • Brew covered for 10-20 minutes.

    • Strain in a glass canning jar.

    • Add honey to taste (optional).

    • Drink very warm, 1-4 cups daily.

  • Take a dropperful of Motherwort herbal tincture up to 4 times daily. If without relief, try Cramp Bark herbal tincture, 1 dropperful every 30 minutes to 2 hours, then 2-3 times daily. You can add a dropperful of Black Haw tincture 3 times per day. You can make your own cramp bark infusion by steeping a handful of Cramp Bark and Black Haw with a pinch of Hops and generous pinch of Blue Cohosh root in a quart mason jar overnight.

  • Take Wish Garden AfterEase herbal tincture as directed

  • Take 3-4 pellets homeopathic Chamomilla, Arnica, or Caulophyllum 200 c. Try one remedy under your tongue. If no relief try the other. If the remedy works, repeat daily as needed.

  • Try Moxibustion treatments by an acupuncturist.

  • Try additional suggestions and remedies mentioned here for aches and pains in pregnancy. They work!

  • If the pain is too much for you and interfering with your ability to breastfeed, rest and sleep, you can take ibuprofen (up to 800 mg every six hours) OR acetaminophen (up to 650 mg every four hours) ½ hour before nursing for the first several days only, as needed. But before reaching for these medications, try 1-2 grams of Curcumin (Turmeric), a natural herb studied to be as effective for pain relief than most over the counter synthetic analgesics without their associated potential risk of toxicity. 

Consult your practitioner for severe cramping or cramping that lasts longer than 1-2 weeks, or if accompanied by uterine tenderness, fever or foul smelling discharge.

Home Remedies for Bleeding

During the first two to five days, bleeding is no more than a heavy period with an occasional clot the size of a 50 cent piece or egg, dark red in color with a fleshy smell. It tends to be less after cesarean birth. Clots are simply congealed blood mostly that pools in the vagina when you are reclining, and can occasionally be as long as the vaginal canal. Sometimes bleeding increases with nursing, strenuous activity, heavy lifting and pushing motions, full bladder, and as you rise from a lying down position. 

During the next week or so, the bleeding becomes paler pink or brownish, and it lessens in amount so that you only need to change sanitary pads several times per day. Over the following two to four weeks, discharge becomes creamy white or yellow and even less in amount, but usually returns to red bleeding or spotting for a day or two around the second postpartum week.  

Some women occasionally spot on and off for longer periods of time or throughout breastfeeding. Suggestions for keeping clean and comfortable are:

  • Take a daily bath in a well-cleaned tub (add Calendula tincture and Lavender oil to water if desired) or shower.

  • Change disposable organic sanitary pads or herbal infused natural pads every four to six hours, and after going to the bathroom. Do not use tampons, menstrual sponges, or menstrual cups. The first day or two, especially at night, consider wearing adult diaper type pads simply because it is just easier, as bleeding can be heavier than common postpartum maxi pads can accommodate, and can leak onto your clothes and sheets. Use them with a smile.

  • Wash hands before and after changing pads.

  • Remove pad from front to back, squeeze a peri-bottle of warm water over perineum. If you had tearing with or without repair, you can also add 1 tsp Calendula tincture and Lavender oil to the water. Pat dry.

  • Do not douche.

  • Check the top of your uterus for firmness several times per hour when awake for the first 24 hours, then several times per day for three days. It should feel as firm as a hard nectarine. If it feels soft, massage it firmly so it re-contracts.

  • To prevent excessive bleeding, take homeopathic Arnica 30 c as described in the supplement section.

  • Take herbal Shepherd’s Purse, 1 dropperful of the tincture three times daily for the first 3-5 days.

  • Wear an abdominal binder or Bellefit’s postpartum support girdle. You get a $20 off with code: ANNE20 at checkout.

  • Continue your herbal iron dose until your bleeding stops in 4-6 weeks, which may need to be increased per your practitioner if there was hemorrhage. Eat foods high in iron, like red meat, dark turkey meat, eggs, dark leafy green veggies, and dried fruits.

  • If bleeding becomes heavy (you are saturating more than a large maxi pad every half hour):

    • Try herbal Shepherd’s Purse tincture (1 dropperful under your tongue), repeat every few minutes as needed)

    • Add 3 dropperfuls tincture of Cotton root, 2 dropperfuls each of Lady’s Mantle, Witch Hazel and Blue Cohosh, and 1 dropperful Yarrow. Take them every 10 minutes under your tongue until the heavy bleeding resolves, but only up to an hour. 

    • If heavy bleeding persists, take 2 dropperfuls of HerbPharm Erigeron/Cinnamon tincture of Erigeron and Cinnamon  under your tongue every 20 minutes for no more than 2 hours, and add 1 dropperful of Angelica if without relief.

Report to your practitioner if you’re saturating more than one pad an hour for more than a few hours not relieved by the other suggestions above, especially if you are starting to feel lightheaded, weak, disoriented, cold and clammy with rapid shallow breathing and heart pounding. Contact them also if you’re experiencing large clots, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, severe lower abdominal pain, temperature over 100.4 after the first few days, and deviation from the described pattern of bleeding.

Perineal and Vaginal Discomfort

After delivery, your perineum and vaginal area may feel sore, swollen and uncomfortable. Any pain or tenderness should gradually lessen over the next several weeks, or longer if you had a large tear. 

Suggestions are:

  • Practice good perineal hygiene as previously described in the section on bleeding.

  • Don’t forget to take the homeopathic remedy Arnica 30c as directed above, in the first few weeks to support healing after giving birth, which definitely helps your perineal and vaginal areas.

  • For a small tear that did not need stitches, using a peri-bottle, squeeze warm water with several drops of Calendula tincture and Lavender oil over the area as you urinate to reduce stinging. Squirt Vitamin E oil a few times daily on the tear to promote healing. Motherlove and Earth Mama make wonderfully soothing and healing herbal combination perineal sprays.

  • Apply a perineal ice pack or frozen maxi pads saturated with Witch Hazel for the first 24 hours (with 30 minute respite each hour) or as long as you feel it is soothing.

  • Periodically sit in a cool sitz bath during the first 24 hours or as long as you feel it is comforting.

  • After the first 24 hours, take a warm sitz bath, or warm shallow bath 2-3 times per day. You can also add tea tree oil, tincture of calendula, garlic, ginger and/or lavender, or try herbal sitz bath combinations with Uva Ursi, Comfrey and Sage or Calendula and Oatmeal (both combos have Witch Hazel, Yarrow and Plantain). You can also try herbs with Epsom and Dead Sea salt or herbal salt soaks and see which feels best for you. You can use any leftover unused liquid for compresses or your peri bottle rinse.

  • Use a pillow or cushion when you need to sit.

  • Contract your pelvic muscles (Kegels) or even better, engage your mula bandha (all of your pelvic floor muscles) when changing positions.

  • Take the homeopathic Arnica 30 c as directed above for general recovery.

Report pain that worsens or does not improve over time, an increased area of redness, swelling or pus-like discharge.

If You Have Difficulty Urinating

During the first four hours after birth, many women have trouble urinating such that they feel no urge, feel the urge but cannot urinate, or feel burning after the urine comes out. It is essential that you urinate within eight hours after birth as difficult as it may be, to prevent infection and excess uterine bleeding.  

Suggestions to help you urinate are:

  • Listen to running sink water.

  • Squeeze warm water over your perineum with your peri-bottle, infused with a few drops of oil of Peppermint.

  • Dabble your fingers in water.

  • Apply light pressure to the area above your pubic bone.

  • Put oil of Peppermint in the toilet.

  • Sit in a sitz bath with several drops of the oil of peppermint.. 

  • Take a bath or shower.

  • Blow your thumb.

  • Concentrate on relaxing and opening your pelvic floor muscles while imagining the urine flowing out.

  • Drink eight glasses of water per day.

  • Try homeopathic Arsenicum or Causticum both at the 30 c dose.

Report inability to urinate more than eight hours after the birth, burning pain before or as the urine is coming out, feeling the urge to urinate frequently but little urine comes out, fever, or back flank pain.

Cesarean Birth 

If you birthed your baby by c-section, it will take more time to heal physically, and psychologically - especially if unexpected and unplanned, or traumatic. Trust that you will get back to your new mama self. The scar will be there but will eventually fade. Allow for at least 3 months recovery for your body from major abdominal surgery, possibly longer to heal the mind and heart. Homeopathic remedies help tremendously and definitely speed and enhance your recovery safely and naturally.  If your cesarean is planned, start Arnica 200 c three times daily the day before and continue through 3-4 days postpartum. 

Other remedies helpful to have on hand are Aconite 30 c for intense fear and panic before surgery, Bellis Perennis 200 c post cesarean to boost healing after you finish the Arnica, Staphysagria 200 c for incisional pain and healing, and Hypericum 200 c for shooting nerve type pain from the spinal anesthesia (only if needed). Use one remedy at a time and take it three times daily until you feel improvement. Consult your classical homeopath for more personal guidance.

The first week is the hardest in terms of postoperative pain, so take ibuprofen or acetaminophen if absolutely needed, then switch to more natural pain relief remedies like ginger or turmeric that are safe for you and your breastfeeding baby, but still effective. 

Use the skills from breathwork and mindfulness to center and ground yourself, stay present one breath at a time, surrender, lean into and embrace the temporary painful sensations you feel, without the story, with love and compassion towards yourself. Whenever you feel overwhelmed or stressed, take a few minutes to simply breathe, keeping your focus softly on a distant nonmoving object (drishti) or close your eyes and internally gaze between your eyebrows, relaxing deeper with each exhale. Send your love and breath (divine life force) and imagined light to areas of pain. Use visualization to support you as you desire. This is powerfully healing.

While in the hospital, it is important to take deep abdominal breaths also to keep your lungs fully expanding (use the incentive spirometer many hospitals give you), and to get up and walk within 12-24 hours after birth for 10 minutes each waking hour, especially to prevent serious blood clots and painful abdominal gas buildup. The more you walk, the sooner you pass gas and get your bowels moving, and you keep your blood flowing rather than stagnating from immobility.

Ask to be progressed from a clear to regular diet within this time, and choose healthy foods and bottled spring water from the hospital menu (if that even exists!) or have your family and friends bring you more wholesome real food meals and snacks. For gas and bloating, limit:

  • Gluten containing foods found in wheat, spelt, rye, barley and some oats

  • Some fresh fruits and veggies

  • Cow dairy if lactose intolerant

  • Carbonated liquids

  • Chewing gum. 

Eat slowly, chewing thoroughly and mindfully. Natural remedies for gas and bloating include chewing Fennel seeds, drinking Fennel tea, or taking 2-4 ml of the tincture three times per day, taking Slippery Elm lozenges 3-4 three times daily, and a high quality multi species probiotic twice daily on an empty stomach. Eat and drink more fermented foods like kefir. For bad gas and abdominal pain, take 1 dropperful each of Chamomile and Passionflower, ½ dropperful each of  Hops and Lemon Balm, and ¼ dropperful of Lavender tinctures every four hours.  

The dressing over your incision should be removed within 12-24 hours, so your incision is kept clean and dry to prevent infection. You can apply a clean maxi pad over the incision if your belly is folding over it, so it does not stay warm and moist, inviting bacterial growth. You have been sewn back together in many layers, and the skin is brought together by a glue like substance, absorbable stitches or staples, or removable metal staples. While it takes time to heal, when all is proceeding normally, it is unlikely to open as commonly feared. 

Sometimes they use steri-strips over the incision which will come off eventually or you can remove them in a few days. You can definitely shower, but do not use soap initially on the incision. Dry the area gently. A little oozing of blood is common to see on the dressing, as is a tiny amount of clear, white, or yellowish fluid, as long as it is not pus- like discharge. Look at your incision so you can monitor its healing as well as work on acceptance and appreciation for the journey you and your baby needed, made especially for you both. Once you go home, you can apply herbs for perineal and vaginal tears mentioned above to soothe and enhance healing. Earth Mama makes a lovely herbal balm specific to healing a cesarean scar and there are other organic balms that also help the scar fade. 

Make sure to keep Baby skin to skin in dim quiet as much as you can, bonding and soothing baby with your love, telling Baby all is well, Baby is safe and acknowledge that was a tough journey for both of you. Get help with breastfeeding as soon as possible. Baby may be sleepy from the medications, and it takes longer for the full breast milk to come in, but you will get the breastfeeding going with excellent support and patient perseverance. 

I encourage you to love, be proud and grateful for your cesarean scar. This may take time to cultivate, but is a worthwhile goal. Do not be shy to ask for extra needed help, and get support processing and healing emotionally. For online and local group support and advocacy, there are many wonderful resources like ICAN, but you may want to consider breathwork to release the strong stuck emotions and trauma energy in your body if it is interfering with your well-being. If you are suffering from birth trauma or you suspect your baby has it as well - as is common after cesarean birth - there are resources for healing for you and for your baby.

Consult your practitioner with:

  • For fever over 100.6 with general muscle aches and chills

  • Persistent or worsening pain

  • Area of tenderness/foul smell/pus/redness/swelling by your incision

  • Area of leg swelling, redness, warmth and pain worse when you flex your foot

  • Unusually frequent, urgent or painful urination

  • Heavy or foul smelling vaginal bleeding

  • Vision changes, nausea, vomiting, chest pain and/or headache, especially if you had high blood pressure

  • Anything unusual you are concerned about. 

Obviously, if you have problems breathing, feel weak, disoriented and faint, call 911.

Constipation and Your First Bowel Movement

It is normal to go a few days after delivery without having a bowel movement. Many have loose stools before labor and pooped during pushing, and those who birthed in hospitals who don’t allow eating in active labor probably did not eat much, if at all, in labor, unless they (hopefully!) respectfully challenged that outdated policy, or simply sneaked it. So you have a few days leeway. Some mothers are afraid that a bowel movement will be painful or open their tear more or stitches if they had them. Other women are too busy and preoccupied with all that is involved postpartum to even think about taking the time. Do rest assured that although the first few bowel movements may be uncomfortable, they will not open your tear or effect the stitches. Even if you had a large tear, it’s extremely rare for them to be torn by a BM.

Suggestions to limit your discomfort and prevent constipation are similar to remedies in pregnancy with some additions:

  • Replace refined highly processed foods with whole grains, lots of fresh fruits with the skin, and vegetables (especially green leafy salads).

  • Drink at least 64 ounces of fluid each day, preferably filtered, spring or well water, or herbal tea. Consume between meals, at least 20-30 minutes before or 2 hours after eating.

  • Do Kegels and abdominal muscle toning exercises.

  • Drink warm prune juice or a cup of tea or coffee on an empty stomach.

  • Drink Smooth Move Tea, which tastes yummy and works like a charm.

  • Mix 2-3 Tbsp oat or wheat bran, or ground flax seed, in your hot cereal or apple sauce. Or, mix with stewed prunes or dried figs. 

  • Try raisin bran muffins with black strap molasses (ask someone to make you a batch, with whole grains, or Paleo - gluten, sugar and dairy free).

  • You can take these remedies in these doses for preventing and treating constipation which include Magnesium or the powdered liquid equivalent in Natural Calm, herbal Floradix liquid Magnesium, Triphala, Psyllium seed husks, or homemade Dandelion and Yellow Dock root infusion. 

  • Use Colace (stool softener) as directed if your bowel movements are getting hard despite these above suggestions, and you are on opioid pain medication after a cesarean birth.

  • If you are taking iron, use alternative sources of iron other than ferrous sulfate, such as ferrous fumarate, ferrous gluconate, or herbal iron.

  • Do not ignore the urge to have a bowel movement, which usually occurs ½ hour after breakfast.

  • Take an interesting book or magazine into the bathroom with you to enjoy some relaxing time on the toilet.

  • While on the toilet, rest your feet on a low stool and avoid straining. Support your perineum by applying counter pressure with a folded tissue if needed.

  • If it hurts while having the first few bowel movements, do some relaxation and deep breathing exercises, relax into the discomfort instead of fighting it and tensing up, or try splinting the perineum with your hands to provide extra give to the area.

  • Avoid relying on enemas and laxatives on a regular basis.

  • Ask your classical homeopath, or refer to books like Homeopathy For Pregnancy, Birth and Your Baby’s First Year by Miranda Castro, for a homeopathic remedy specific to your unique symptoms.

Consult your practitioner if there is no bowel movement by the end of the fourth postpartum day, or you experience unusual pain or bleeding.

Treating Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins of the rectum, and are a common postpartum occurrence. They resemble a pile of red grapes or marbles just outside the anal area, but they can be internal as well. They can itch, bleed and be quite painful during the first 2-3 days, before gradually becoming smaller. Refer to the suggestions for natural remedies for hemorrhoids in pregnancy as many still apply now.

Suggestions for relief are:

  • Herbal sitz baths as mentioned above for your perineum, with Epsom salts, Witch Hazel, and/or Comfrey.

  • Use a pillow or cushion when you need to sit on a chair.

  • Sleep on your side.

  • Lie down several times each day with your hips and legs elevated with pillows.

  • Try gently placing the hemorrhoids back inside your rectum with a lubricated finger, and then tightening your rectal muscles around them for 2 minutes.

  • Natural remedies with dosing are here for internal and topical use, and include applications of already made Witch Hazel compresses (known as Tucks in the pharmacy) or make your own by pouring Witch Hazel onto round cotton pads, plantain, pure Aloe Vera gel, clove of garlic insert, and homeopathic Hamamelis and herbal combinations in a salve or ointment.

  • Shine a red heat lamp on the affected area.

  • Avoid constipation and straining.  See above.

Report if pain, swelling or bleeding worsens or becomes severe.

Postpartum Dizziness or Faintness

It is very common to feel dizzy, light-headed or faint the first few times that you get up from a lying or sitting position, especially after a long, hard exhausting labor with a large amount of blood loss.  

Suggestions are:

  • Make sure you are eating well and drinking enough water as described in nutrition and constipation sections. 

  • Have someone assist you the first couple of times that you have to rise.

  • Rise from lying down gradually. First sit, then stand slowly.

  • If feeling lightheaded or woozy while standing, lie down with your feet elevated or sit down with your head between your knees. Ask for someone to bring you a few large glasses of juice, as well as a high quality whole carbohydrate, fat and protein meal. For example, a nut butter and jelly sandwich on sprouted multigrain bread, or yogurt with fruit and granola.

  • If you feel faint or do faint, sniff ammonia or smelling salts. This is an important first aid item to have, especially if birthing at home.

  • Open windows to get fresh air.

  • Splash water on your face.

Contact your practitioner with dizziness that lasts longer than the first few days or any actual fainting.


Need more help from me?

Check out my insider’s Guide to the joys and challenges of recovering from birth in these modern times created by a seasoned holistic nurse midwife who has seen everything! Learn simple tricks of the trade to make the journey to motherhood more holistically healthy and fulfilling.
You will have direct access to me through the Guides and I can help you:

  • Help yourself recover postpartum healthfully and with easeful joy

  • Get the support and guidance you need to answer all of your questions to create a postpartum experience you love and treasure forever

  • Understand holistic modalities on common postpartum issues

  • Get the support and tools you need for stress reduction

  • Answer questions and make informed decisions


Give yourself this gift a lifetime to have the experience of your dreams, you will treasure forever.
As always, if you need more personalized support and guidance, schedule a chat with me so I can advise you about the best supplements, remedies and dosages specific to your situation.

My Natural Birth Secrets book 2nd edition is a great adjunct to the online Guide for postpartum and holistic modalities to common issues and discomforts.

How To Build A Successful Midwifery Practice


What I Didn't Learn In Midwifery School

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As midwives, we go through years of college and post graduate education and clinical training. We learn a lot about women’s bodies and supporting the natural processes of puberty through menopause, of everything childbearing and breastfeeding. We learn to provide excellent midwifery care - the science and the art of it. We learn prevention and management of complications and emergencies, and to collaborate or refer to a physician, when we are presented with situations beyond our broad scope of practice.

Doulas take a short course to learn how to provide labor and postpartum support, what is needed to mother the mother during this special journey. These things are obviously necessary to a successful midwifery or doula practice. But how to run a thriving midwifery or doula business is not really included in our training. Unless you’re going to be working in a setting where you’re purely an employee with no administrative or marketing role, there are some key elements missing to our education.

For those of us who are called to accompany families through the incredible journey of nurturing and birthing new life into this world, there is no greater honor than when a momma tells us, “I choose you.”

Even after helping moms to give birth to over 1,000 babies, every time I am hired to provide holistic maternity care I am so grateful and so delighted. I know that I will be a part of a powerful experience for that family. Returning power to women, encouraging them to feel their vitality, live in joy and love their birth are some of the hallmarks of my successful midwifery practice, as are my holistic approaches to health and healing.

However, I didn’t earn the opportunity to support the successful births of so many beautiful babies or empower so many inspiring mommas by education alone.

Having a successful midwifery practice of 21 plus years has provided me with many resources and a lot of lessons that I wish I would have known when I first started.

After my education and training, I felt skilled as a doula, childbirth educator, and a midwife. I could help people heal and transform psychic pain with Clarity Breathwork; I could teach yoga for pregnancy, labor and postpartum, and for life. With much experience and ongoing deeper work, I knew I had what it takes to help mommas love their birth experience and I created an online course to share my local practice with the global community. Professionals around the world also take it, to help them help the mommas they serve. Eventually I could write #1 international best selling books on natural holistic birthing and healing emotional pain, trauma and stress so prevalent in the modern world!

On the other hand, I had no clue how to build a successful, thriving practice. I spent a lot of money and time taking many workshops and continuing education. I embarked on my own self-study to master and refine my skills as not only a midwife, but also as an owner of a private practice and its administrator. And I made A LOT of mistakes along the way.

Below are the key things I wish I knew before I embarked on my doula, and my midwifery journey.

10 skills you need to learn (even if you outsource) for a successful midwifery practice

1) Bookkeeping. Billing, collections, taxes, accounts payable. If you don’t have financial systems in place from the start, things can get pretty messy.


2) Dealing with insurance. If you plan to accept medical insurance, there’s a whole world of claims, codes, and coverage that you need to understand.

3) Online Marketing. Between the ever-changing social media platforms, chat rooms and websites, online marketing can feel overwhelming. It’s important to learn how to stand out on the over-crowded internet.

4) Client paperwork. Making needed practice forms, legal documents, and informative handouts for clients is a must in every practice.

5) Charting. The most efficient chart forms vary from practice to practice. And charting challenging cases can be well...challenging.

6) Professional communications. As you grow your practice, there will be a variety of situations that call for written communications to other health care professionals. These include networking and forming collaborative relationships, thank you notes for excellent supportive care, and summarizing cases for consultations or referrals.

7) External Communications. These are letters written to individuals outside the health care team on behalf of expectant mothers as their obstetric care provider. For example, disability claims, approval for gym membership, dental work, or travel, insurance exemptions, as well as payments and appeals.

8) Team Management. As my practice grew, it became increasingly necessary to have clarity about the roles of other members in my practice. Birth assistants and administrative team members need clear protocols for things like handling emergencies and maintaining certain skill sets.

9) Supply Management. This may seem simple, but not having the right supplies for a care visit or a birth can be a real nuisance. Not to mention embarrassing!

10) Self-care. Setting boundaries in your practice for your own personal health and self-care is key to being the best you can be for everyone in your life - family, clients, and self.

Want to learn how I did all this and more (like how I consistently earn six figures)?

Whether you’re considering a career as a midwife or doula, getting your practice started, or an experienced birth professional looking to take your practice to the next level, my programs will get you where you need to be.

You can have a successful midwifery or doula practice, and I’m here to help.


Beautiful Home Birth Story of Baby 5: Keys to Transforming Fear


“The birth of Ezra was one of redemption and renewed faith in letting go and letting love be our covering. The whole pregnancy I had to ignore toxic fear, and just believe that he was going to be okay and we were going to be okay. With my four previous births, I delivered naturally, at home with a midwife and at a birth center in Norway where my husband is from. Each birth is story written in my mind, body and soul as a testament of faithfulness, strength and lessons discovered through seasons and growth ... separation and fulfillment. Somewhere in the practice of ignoring fear, I became ready for a birth that til this day, I'm at a loss for words on how to describe other than that I was so present that I could anticipate his decent, and catch him in a little less than two hours.                   

On December 3rd, the kids, my husband and I were doing what we had for weeks leading up to that day, preparing to meet the baby. For the kids, preparing was coloring pictures for the baby, talking about him and folding a handmade blanket over and over that my seven and six year old had made for him. For me it was cleaning, resting, eating a good meal and resting some more, going on walks, drinking herbal teas, watching the lunar phases and talking with my birth team. For my husband it was preparing the pool, helping with the kids and cleaning. On the morning of the third he picked up an early dinner for the two of us from our favorite Indian restaurant and when he came home, we sat down to eat. When I stood up, my water broke and we looked at each other with shock. It was 4:15 in the afternoon and this was it! 


I texted and called the birth team, my family and our friend who was going to keep the younger kids. Gathering the kids, getting into more comfortable clothes and Gaute filling the pool up, I had quickly progressed to contractions that were 3-6 minutes apart… deep, piercing and I would soon have to stop and go into a separate room to cope quietly as the friend arrived to bring the kids to her house. Anelyn stayed with us and I just knew that the baby would be born within a couple of hours. The midwife, Bethany, my friend Amber who's a doula and photographer and a midwife's assistant arrived soon after I had texted. Shortly after they arrived and checked on the baby, I got into the pool to labor through the deeper contractions. So close. 

The sun was going down, the water was warm, as the contractions came, in my mind I whispered and thought comforting and peaceful thoughts… ‘This is good, it's okay, I'm okay, this is good, I love you, baby, you're doing it, I'm doing it, you will be here soon, breathe, he'll be here soon.’ I said that it would be, ‘Just a couple more contractions.’ Sure enough, two more contractions and he was presenting, I reached down and pushed 1,2,3 and he was in my arms. I just wept and wept... It was 6:04 pm and he was in my arms, so perfect and peaceful. I wept a tears of joy and pure shock that I was gifted such a beautiful and empowering birth, I looked at my husband and his face was glowing with tears, my daughter was leaning over to get a look at her new baby brother that she prayed for, a dear sweet baby to love. The birth team surrounded us with love, supporting, documenting, celebrating and serving so peacefully. This was the Birth of Ezra.

Thank you for your powerful and inspiring work and allowing moms share our stories.”

Rockstar Mama: Christan R @mommareveur 

Awesome Photographer: Amber Rhodes IG @amberdenaephotography and @amberhodes 


There are so many wonderful ways to transform fear so common today, and have a beautiful empowering birth at home, in a birthing center or hospital. Excellent childbirth education and preparation in advance are crucial, and a major reason why I created my Love Your Birth course. It is a comprehensive online course that teaches women what they need to know about planning and carrying out the birth that they want in all settings - the hospital, birthing center or at home. It’s a course on how to have a holistic, healthy pregnancy for the body, mind, and soul - and is how I have guided thousands of women and their families in my midwifery practice for over 21 years. It contains a rolodex of my favorite resources with over 200 of the best books, movies and supplies I use personally and professionally with my clients, family & friends. Even diving into a fraction of this list will have you feeling empowered and prepared for conception, pregnancy, postpartum and parenting...It includes resources on improving and even ensuring ensuring healthier pregnancy and birth outcomes than the status quo, and preventing and healing from birth trauma so prevalent in the modern world!  Be prepared to do some research on your own, but knowledge restores your power. I also help you prepare your mindset for such a task, to debunk myths, and to reframe any current ideas or conditioning about pregnancy and birth that can use a change in perspective or that are simply incorrect and do serve you. After finishing the course, the idea is that you are now able to create and have the healthy, beautiful and empowering pregnancy and birth that you want. 

You can get a free nugget from my course - all about creating your ideal birth plan here. A huge part of having a birth of your dreams is getting clear your birth preferences, knowing the pros and cons about all the tests and procedures, all the interventions your may be faced with, so you can make informed decisions - rather than simply give over your body, your choice and voice to your health care providers and institution you choose.

“Anne Margolis was my incredible midwife. She is practical, science-based, and vastly experienced, but most importantly, she’s an awakened woman here to light the path to your most joyful self. Anne is the incredible midwife who taught me, through t…

“Anne Margolis was my incredible midwife. She is practical, science-based, and vastly experienced, but most importantly, she’s an awakened woman here to light the path to your most joyful self. Anne is the incredible midwife who taught me, through this process, how to midwife my own patients’ rebirth experience.
Her own educational course is a deep but manageable dive into her accumulated wisdom, packaged for your journey. Forget your childbirth class, and take steps to your most empowering experience. If you are thinking about conception, pregnant, or love someone who is, take it from me that her wisdom is life-changing.Yours in the truth.”

— Dr. Kelly Brogan MD

I have a holistic approach to life, including healing after pregnancy and birthing. Nothing replaces abdominal toning and exercise for restoring muscle strength and tone - which I encourage for all mamas as soon as they feel up to it postpartum. Nothing replaces touch, slow deep abdominal breathing, and a 'love your postpartum body' perspective that I promote.  But I have found many mamas simply feel comforted by this support garment, especially early postpartum and temporarily as be used without forfeiting abdominal toning and strengthening exercise, breathing well and touch. I have found Bellefit supportive garments to help like they use belly binding around the world such as in Indonesia. They do aid in early postpartum healing and provide support many mamas feel comforted by. I deal with human beings and the reality is many postpartum mom's struggle with body image, feel frustrated that getting back to themselves takes longer than expected. Being into holistic health and healing includes being sensitive to real human struggles - the mind, body, heart and soul of each person and their unique situation. Having helped countless women with these issues after having a baby as a midwife, I have found many still love that binding and feel better with this support, and ability to fit into their pre-pregnancy clothes comfortably and sooner than they would if they went through a C-section or natural childbirth recovery without it - especially when they have to dress up and fit into a certain favorite outfit for a special occasion or wedding not long after having a baby.

For more info on the Bellefit girdle, check out my blog about it hereHave a Great Postpartum Recovery (with a little help from Bellefit)!


Healing VBAC Birth Story


“My first birth was a natural birth gone wild - my sons leg came out after 24 hours of natural labor - - so this VBAC was soooooo healing for me!!!!

I still cry thinking about both births!” Kimberly Spair of Reclaimers of Health

Here is a glimpse into my birth story, written by Birth Doula 

VBAC baby girl arrived on November 9 after 48 hours birthing!! (Vaginal birth after cesarean!) Past her October guess date it began November 7 at 8 pm and after exactly 48 hours of unmedicated birthing, Hypno-baby Braelyn Mae arrived our world at 7:55 pm naturally at 9 lb 4 oz. After over a day of consistent pressure waves (contractions) exhausted still at 4cm, mom released her emotions and fears about a repeat cesarean. Her first birth was scary and traumatic. She expressed her fears and replayed trauma of her first birth with us. We honored her, we reminded her that this is a new beautiful birth, and that she was doing it.

Birth was filled with beautiful intense emotions, physical challenges, consistent counter pressure, and mom continued to change positions, in and out of the birthing tub, using her natural instincts and accepted every suggestion to birth her baby. Mom pushed for 4-5 hours and then her moment was here… she reached down and their beautiful baby girl was in her arms.

“Fear is what got me through. I was MORE afraid of a c-section and more trauma. My birth was extremely hard-but not traumatic! I guess I can say “old fear” because I had very little fear of going naturally.” She shared and released her fears with us although what WE saw throughout her entire birth was fear that she overcame with COURAGE, STRENGTH, DETERMINATION, AND CONFIDENCE.


It was an honor and joy to be part of this special family’s beautiful birthing. They mean so much to me. We were fortunate to have a calm, supportive environment and to work with an incredible midwife. All birth is beautiful, all birth is unique. Going on 6 years as a doula this birth experience was truly unique to any birth I’ve had the opportunity to support. I can’t possibly describe this 2-day birth in an announcement. One strong mama! Mama, You inspire me and I thank you for inviting me in to be a small part of your pregnancy and birthing journey. So proud of you. You did it! Thank you for sharing your birth as I know you inspire many other families. Congratulations to a very special family of four. #VBAC #Hypnobabies #unmedicatedbirth #VBACaccomplished #VBACthat #wowbirth #ilovewhatidoula

Was your birth upsetting or traumatic? Do you have more questions about processing your birth and need help healing? Arrange some time to chat with me. I’d love to answer your questions and help you heal and get yourself back - I have a program specifically for you, that can also include this revolutionary and profound natural healing modality called Clarity Breathwork.  Helping women heal from birth trauma is one of my passions and areas of expertise. 


This is why excellent childbirth education is a must, why planning for your birth is so important today, and is a major reason why I created my Love Your Birth course. It is a comprehensive online course that teaches women what they need to know about planning and carrying out the birth that they want in all settings - the hospital, birthing center or at home. It’s a course on how to have a holistic, healthy pregnancy for the body, mind, and soul - and is how I have guided thousands of women and their families in my midwifery practice for over 21 years. It contains a rolodex of my favorite resources with over 200 of the best books, movies and supplies I use personally and professionally with my clients, family & friends. Even diving into a fraction of this list will have you feeling empowered and prepared for conception, pregnancy, postpartum and parenting...It includes resources on improving and even ensuring ensuring healthier pregnancy and birth outcomes than the status quo, and preventing and healing from birth trauma so prevalent in the modern world!  Be prepared to do some research on your own, but knowledge restores your power. I also help you prepare your mindset for such a task, to debunk myths, and to reframe any current ideas or conditioning about pregnancy and birth that can use a change in perspective or that are simply incorrect and do serve you. After finishing the course, the idea is that you are now able to create and have the healthy, beautiful and empowering pregnancy and birth that you want. 

You can get a free nugget from my course - all about creating your ideal birth plan here. A huge part of preventing birth trauma is getting clear your birth preferences, knowing the pros and cons about all the tests and procedures, all the interventions your may be faced with, so you can make informed decisions - rather than simply give over your body, your choice and voice to your health care providers and institution you choose.

In looking for that supportive birthing space I talked about earlier, seek care providers and settings that have a low intervention rate (low rates of medical interventions like inductions and epidurals, low rates of cesareans, etc.)—their practices are more likely to be in line with your goals.

I have a holistic approach to life, including healing after pregnancy and birthing. Nothing replaces abdominal toning and exercise for restoring muscle strength and tone - which I encourage for all mamas as soon as they feel up to it postpartum. Nothing replaces touch, slow deep abdominal breathing, and a 'love your postpartum body' perspective that I promote.  But I have found many mamas simply feel comforted by this support garment, especially early postpartum and temporarily as be used without forfeiting abdominal toning and strengthening exercise, breathing well and touch. I have found Bellefit supportive garments to help like they use belly binding around the world such as in Indonesia. They do aid in early postpartum healing and provide support many mamas feel comforted by. I deal with human beings and the reality is many postpartum mom's struggle with body image, feel frustrated that getting back to themselves takes longer than expected. Being into holistic health and healing includes being sensitive to real human struggles - the mind, body, heart and soul of each person and their unique situation. Having helped countless women with these issues after having a baby as a midwife, I have found many still love that binding and feel better with this support, and ability to fit into their pre-pregnancy clothes comfortably and sooner than they would if they went through a C-section or natural childbirth recovery without it - especially when they have to dress up and fit into a certain favorite outfit for a special occasion or wedding not long after having a baby.

For more info on the Bellefit girdle, check out my blog about it hereHave a Great Postpartum Recovery (with a little help from Bellefit)!


How to Prevent and Heal Birth Trauma in Babies


In part two of birth trauma in babies, we’ll be looking at how to prevent birth trauma in the first place for your little one. We’ll also look at how to help your baby heal from trauma, if it did already happen.

Your baby will learn about care, love, and healing; it’ll benefit him or her for life!

How to Prevent Birth Trauma in Babies

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In terms of prevention, a healthy pregnancy and beautiful natural birth are sure ways of encouraging healthy outcome and without birth trauma for you or your baby.

So, let’s quickly look at what you can do to promote a healthful and deeply fulfilling experience, while preventing any need for intervention that can lead to traumatic experiences.

Having a Natural Birth

So, what can you do to put in place the kind of birth that will support you and your baby to come into the world as nature intended?

Begin with preparation in pregnancy.

Attend my webinar on preventing birth trauma.

In it, I go over crucial tips that’ll help you develop a comprehensive plan and prepare for a natural birth. You must prepare well in advance, like you would for running the 26 mile marathon, or your own wedding.  If you want to succeed in getting what you want - rocking and loving your experience and have a healthy outcome physically and psychologically - you can not afford to just wing it. Not in today's world. 

Yes, your body knows how to give birth, when we get our modern minds out of the way and we are with people and in settings that support it and do not disturb it when everything is normal and healthy. 

Look for a midwife or doctor and birth setting setting with high rates of successful natural births, without routine unnecessary interventions, that completely allows you to have your voice, and respects and supports your decisions.

You may need to learn a complete mindset shift, especially if you do not know anything about natural birth, or have not been around it as women were throughout history; this is extremely important if you don't feel confident, have lots of fear and do not feel supported.  Although underestimated, preparing your mindset is also a powerful and a foundational place to begin when creating your birth plan and getting ready for your birth. When you set your intentions for your experience, you’re more likely to manifest what you want. 

The mindset plays a huge role in the success of famous athletes, performers, as well as business men and women - they all have coaches to help them with that so they become the rockstars they are. You do not need to be famous or perform. But you do need to take back your birth so you can have a healthy one that you love, and without trauma. Your ability to do this rests in your attitude and mindset, that needs to transform and be different than the herd mentality.

And do hire a doula - who can be your coach for your big day. It is another must.

Do any of the following situations apply to you?

  • It is your first baby,

  • It’s your first time planning a natural birth,

  • You want a vaginal birth after cesarean birth, or

  • You already had a traumatic birth and want to plan for a much better, and completely different, experience next time around.

If you answered yes to any of the above, then I recommend you take my online Love Your Birth  course as it goes over all of this in much greater depth. I literally teach you how to transform your mindset so that it serves you on this journey of a lifetime.

The lessons in the course come from my extensive experience guiding and and empowering women and their families in my practice. They’ve led to the awesome birth experiences that I have been honored to witness for over 20 years.

All mamas who have been through it benefited from it immensely. Take a look.

What to Do During and After the Birth

Babies are way more capable than we give them credit! Your unborn baby—when he or she is ready—is naturally inclined, with the help of your body's labor, to move through the birth canal of their own will and effort, when given the opportunity. 

Photo by @senhoritasfotografia.

Photo by @senhoritasfotografia.

In part one of this birth trauma in babies blog series I discussed how babies are actually more alert, cognizant and sensitive than we realize. If we interrupt the birthing and postpartum process when all is well, with any kind of medical or surgical procedures, testing and interventions, the baby will feel terrified, unsafe, their own agency taken away, their space violated and threatened. Then the trauma reaction ensues! Interventions that can cause trauma can include drugs, internal electrodes on their head, forceps, vacuum, cesarean, immediate cord clamping, suctioning their airway, rough handling, or separation from mom. All the more so when there are complications and interventions are truly needed. 

We need to be sensitive to the baby’s psychological experience when giving care during and after the process of delivery. In the womb and certainly as a newborn, baby is fully aware and conscious and is even more vulnerable to trauma than an adult, as baby's nervous system is still developing.

In addition to the prevention mentioned above, we can help minimize risk of birth trauma by creating a homey and private atmosphere for both mom and baby - in all settings.

That includes dim, soft lighting, and a quiet, peaceful, slow paced environment.  Also, if a mom feels loved, honored, supported and cared for, if she feels calm, safe, intimate and sensual, she’ll not only labor real well, but also will have yummy hormones that pass over to baby, so baby is bathed in them and feels this as well.  Check out my birth trauma series about mothers for more on how we can prevent and heal trauma in moms.

When I talk about gentle care, I’m talking about gentle handling, soothing reassuring voice and touch, eye contact, being held, breastfeeding, and a lot of skin-to-skin contact with mom or partner —this should begin after birth.

Photo by @sehorhitasfotografia.

Photo by @sehorhitasfotografia.

Don’t cut the cord immediately either. That is baby's life line to oxygen, blood volume and essential nutrients and immunity to help baby transition to life outside the womb. Clamp it only after the pulsing stops or the placenta is birthed. 

Babies also love relaxing music and bath water - and who wouldn't like flower petals floating around, the ambiance of real or electric candles, and a delicious light scent of lavender or citrus?  If you have a water birth, watch them open up, move their arms and legs, and look around when held in the birthing pool. 

This is a sacred time for meeting, connecting to and bonding with each other, so unplug from your phone and computer, and have someone else in charge of spreading the exciting news and taking pictures.

If a cesarean birth is needed, it can be gentle, to simulate a family-centered, natural birth as much as possible, so it feels like a huge personal celebration rather than an operation. These same concepts apply however baby comes into the world.

Furthermore, any procedures or exams that need to happen after the baby’s birthed can be done at mom’s bedside while she’s holding and soothing her baby, explaining what’s going on if something is being done to either of them. A healthy baby needs to stay with parents at all times and not be rolled away in an isolate crib, taken to the noisy and brightly lit nursery of strangers for any examination or intervention. 

How Can Babies Heal from Birth Trauma

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In today’s technological world, there are more stressful, scary, drug-induced labors and surgical births than ever before, especially here in the United States. Healthy birth has become an impersonal medical and/or surgical event, a potential crisis waiting to happen in an intensive care like setting in many hospitals; is not a normal, beautiful part of life, the humane, cozy, family-centered celebration it once was.

At least there are some improvements happening here and there, such as:

Needless to say, a lot of healing needs to take place in the last several generations, once birth was moved to hospitals in the early part of the 1900s!

Let’s take a look at some of the things we can do to help heal birth trauma in babies.

After the Traumatic Birth

In working with traumatized babies and infants, the most important thing in giving care is love. This may seem obvious but don’t take this parental superpower for granted!

As a parent, lead with your heart. It is full of wisdom and does not lie, but rather sends you in the right direction.

When interacting with your baby, always have tenderness, comfort and compassion in mind—for yourself and your baby! The more compassion you have for yourself, the easier you can extend it to others in abundance.

Practice Kangaroo Care - while in the hospital, if intensive care is needed, and definitely at home. This simply involves holding baby (clothed in a diaper only) against your skin and cover yourselves with a blanket. Its benefits are well documented and can be done safely despite baby's attachment to medical devices in the NICU, depending on baby's condition. Basic closeness, touch and attention improve their health and healing immensely.  

Your baby needs to know that even when life gets difficult—because it will—there’ll always be love. You can provide ongoing reassurance you are there for your baby. Talk to your baby in a soothing manner, and allow them to tell their story with their body and in the nonverbal way that they do. They have much to say without the ability to talk. 

Their excessive crying or “fussiness” is not simply difficult baby behavior—they’re trying to tell us something. Validate their scary experience and let them know that they’re safe now. Sing to them. Rock them. Calm them.

Take a look at renowned midwife Karen Strange’s resources on baby trauma healing. She is an expert and international educator in neonatal resuscitation and works fully from the baby’s perspective. You can begin using these incredible tools of connecting with baby in pregnancy. 

Working with a Therapist


In treating traumatized babies, Dr. Graham Kennedy tells us that a therapist will be observing and interacting with the affected baby through movement as well as through “hands-on palpation using craniosacral therapy.”  Therapists skilled in somatic experience and cutting edge trauma healing modalities for babies are ideal. You can find a list of some wonderful ones here. 

Usually, the movements the baby begins to make are similar to those he or she made in the womb during labor, but this time giving us the story of what happened to them.

“Working with babies involves holding a space in which they feel supported enough to begin to tell us the story of what happened to them, what they experienced and where it became difficult or even traumatic.” (Graham Kennedy, November 2008)

This reenactment can have a profound change on the baby’s brain, rewiring them to experience what they would have experienced in labor were they to have had a stress-free and intervention-free experience.

There are many possible imprints and effects of birth trauma, but they can all be healed. This is well backed by much literature, science and research, especially as we are growing in our understanding of trauma, its impact and how to heal from it when we get stuck in trauma responses. 

For example, down the line, you may notice your infant or young child having trouble starting or completing tasks (or both!). This may be an effect of their birth having been interrupted—this may have caused your baby trauma, it is stored in their bodies, and now they’ve learned to carry with them a certain passivity.

Babies born by forceps, vacuum or cesarean may later on feel they have to be rescued, can't do it alone, support is painful, get angry with authority, being controlled or manipulated, or they may not want to be here at all - and that can impact every aspect of their lives.

Babies who were drugged from their moms getting pain medication, may suppress their aliveness, have issues with addiction, feel spacey, out of it and trouble being conscious in their own lives.

Babies who spent time in an incubator away from their parents, feel separate and alone, have deep longing for connection and touch, develop a psychic wall of protection, and are easily triggered by abandonment.

In later childhood through adult years, this can be completely resolved with Clarity Breathwork - I do sessions locally in my practice, and online for the global community. 


The trauma response is an important part of our lives and it is our brain’s and body's way of protecting us at the time of perceived danger. It is a normal instinctual reaction in animals, including humans of all ages, and does not become a disorder unless it is interfered with and suppressed.

It does however, need to be treated with expertise for complete effective healing. If there is a traumatic response dysfunction, it is not a life sentence. You don’t have to hold on to those scripts anymore and neither does your baby. Full recovery is possible.

Healing birth trauma in babies is one of the most caring and giving things we can do for our children. 

Do you want to heal from trauma, inner stress and emotional pain that is negatively impacting your life? Let me help you! Read my book Trauma Release Formula available on Amazon.