Naturally Choosing and Determining Baby's Sex

To try to conceive a specific sex, there is a costly, invasive and controversial way of preimplantation genetic testing when doing in-vitro fertilization (IVF) or boy/girl sperm sorting with intrauterine insemination (IUI) - although not as full proof.

There is no research or science to back the effectiveness of other natural methods. The theory behind a few of them is that girl producing sperm move slower than boy producing sperm, but last longer. So, if you want a girl, try to have sex 2-3 days before ovulation, as they will still be in the fallopian tubes when egg is released. If you are trying for a boy, timing sex as close as possible to ovulation theoretically is more likely to work, as the boy carrying sperm swim faster to the egg but don’t last as long.

Another theory is based on biochemical cyclic changes in a woman’s body favoring girl or boy carrying sperm, leading to the opposite conclusion above. Having sex 2-3 days before ovulation is more likely to be. girl, 4-6 days before ovulation is more likely to be a boy, but this is confusing as male sperm are unlikely to survive that long.

There are people that swear by either of the two methods, claiming it worked for them consistently, but others got opposite results and again it’s not backed by the research. Same with sexual position - missionary for a girl baby, doggy style deeper penetration for a boy baby to help the faster swimming male sperm real their goal before the girl sperm. There is no harm in trying any of these natural methods, just no guarantees it will work.

When it comes to determining baby’s sex in pregnancy, contrary to popular thinking, sonograms can make mistakes and are not 100% accurate, possible north of 100% when done mid pregnancy, depending on the skill of the sonographer to identify the genitals of boys and girls, as is also effected by baby’s and the umbilical cord’s position. The noninvasive DNA blood test is way more accurate 98-99%, as it detects fetal blood cell chromosomes in maternal blood.

Then there is the magical surprise, not knowing as was done through history until the actual birth, when mama and her partner are encouraged to discover it for themselves. You do not need to go with the modern flow of knowing if you are carrying a boy of girl before birth and “gender“ or sex reveal parties.

I get a kick out of the old wive’s tales about detecting sex in pregnancy - some still currently practiced, like rate of fetal heart, how mama is carrying, what she senses within, and cravings. Some do swear by them, but they are myths, not reliable according to the science, research and literature.

There was actually a study based on mama’s intuition that showed it was correct about half of the time, the same accuracy as flipping a coin.

I knew an obstetrician who said he had some fun with this and made an “educated” guess, was able to detect boy or girl to mamas in his practice, but write the opposite sex in the chart. He was always “right” because either what he told mama was correct, or the opposite was in the chart, she must have been mistaken or heard him incorrectly. They always had a laugh. No reason not to have fun with this.

For more on fertility awareness to boost your chances of getting pregnant naturally, best preconception lifestyle practices read my Natural Birth Secrets book 2nd edition. It is doctor and midwife recommended guide for all stages of birth, from natural family planning and preconception, to pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Whether birthing at home, hospital or in a birthing center - even if this is not your first baby - experience the unique approach on how to have a deeply positive, empowered, and joyful journey. Included are effective holistic and natural remedies for common issues.

Once you get pregnant, prepare for the birth of your dreams with my comprehensive holistic online Love Your Birth prep course Guide to Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum. I’ve taken everything I’ve learned, trained, and supported women locally for over 28 years in my private practice and I’ve poured all of my love, passion, knowledge, and experience into creating something truly special for you… my new and updated Love Your Birth Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum Guides. Same Beloved Content Plus Over 20 Added Bonus Videos! Buy Here Now!

They can be used via the mobile App or on your desktop! It’s the most up to date combination of Love Your Birth and Walk With Anne for Mamas online courses at a cheaper price! And they have an option for direct access to me for your questions and concerns!!

Whether you’re an experienced or new parent, there are hours of videos, workbooks, and PDFs to answer all of your questions. Everything is searchable, so you can just type or talk and it’ll bring you right to the exact moment in the video where I answer your question. It’ll blow your mind! If English is not your strongest language, you can even change the captions or even the audio to the language you prefer. You can get the Love Your Birth Prenatal, Birth & Postpartum Guides - ALL of the guides for a limited-time offer of 50% off -> RIGHT HERE!

The key to a positive birth is feeling confident, strong, relaxed, and empowered during the entire process, regardless of the twists and turns it may take. I give my full heart and all I know in everything I do to support Mommas.

VBAC After One, Two or More Cesareans

What is a VBAC?

A VBAC is a vaginal birth after cesarean.

If a woman has had a cesarean and wants to plan a vaginal birth for her next, it would be considered a VBAC, and the number after it depends on how many prior cesareans there were.

What are the chances of having a successful VBAC and who is a good candidate for a VBAC?

The stats range that 60-80% of women, who have had previous cesareans, are candidates for a successful VBAC. In actuality, most healthy pregnant women carrying healthy babies are candidates.

The chances of a successful VBAC are higher if a woman is using a midwife, even higher in free standing birthing centers and home settings.

Going to a hospital and working with an OB/GYN with high cesarean rates, will increase the likelihood that a woman will have another cesarean.

In some hospitals, there are a lot of restrictive procedures, like continuous electronic fetal monitoring, confining a laboring woman to lay in bed, not allowing her to eat or drink, routine IVs and time limits, which increase the risk of a cesarean.

There are many benefits to a VBAC, that are physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

These are only a few important benefits on the long list:

  • No risks from major abdominal surgery. This is huge.  Unfortunately, a cesarean can lead to trauma to the internal organs or reproductive tract, risk of hemorrhage, complications with scar tissue, long term post operative pain, wound infection, blood clots, stroke, and possible respiratory problems for the baby. High rates of cesarean section contribute to high rates of morbidity and mortality – and this is occurring in modern countries such as the US, which ranks among the bottom of them in terms of outcome stats.

  • Easier postpartum healing and recovery.

  • Baby receives needed bacteria for optimal health, from mother when passing through the vaginal birth canal.

  • Breastfeeding may be more successful

  • No potential harm to future fertility.

  • Feeling more positive about the birth experience

  • Increased sense of empowerment.

  • More involvement of family and support people.

  • Less risk of postpartum depression and emotional birth trauma.

What is the main risk of a VBAC?

The risk of separation of the one prior uterine scar is approximately 2 in 1000 VBACs, but often it is a mild superficial dehiscence (slight separation of some layers of the surgical wound) that has no clinical significance and does not impact the health of mom or baby. The risk of severe life-threatening emergency from a partial or complete uterine rupture of all the scar layers is significantly lower – a highly unlikely occurrence, significantly less than 1 %., 1.36% after 2 cesareans, slightly higher after three cesareans, with a higher comparative maternal and newborn morbidity with each repeat cesarean - but still in perspective, low, and depends on a variety of factors related to your individual situation. The main risk is of a VBAC is this rare catastrophic rupture of the previous uterine incision. This rare total disruption of the uterine scar risks both the mother and her baby, and can lead to catastrophic outcomes. It cannot be ignored and must be monitored for appropriately; but it cannot be exaggerated or make the risk of repeat cesarean less alarming. Frank uterine rupture is often mistaken for more common mild separation of the previous uterine scar without consequence, happens in less than 1% of all pregnancies. Even ACOG released guidelines that it’s reasonable to consider women with two previous low transverse uterine incisions to be candidates for trial of labor and to counsel on the combination of other factors that affect their probability of achieving successful VBAC.

But, it is getting harder to find a provider to attend to your desired vaginal birth after one cesarean let alone after two or more. It is still possible, and you have the right to decline another cesarean, but it is ideal for you to find a provider and setting most supportive to birth YOUR way safely.

Although every decision has risks, a VBAC is a reasonable, appropriate and safe option. If a woman panning a VBAC decides to give birth at home, I highly recommend working with a well trained and experienced midwife and consider the distance to a hospital (30 minutes or less driving time is ideal).

There are risks and benefits to every kind of birth and in every setting. I provide women with evidence based information, encourage each family to dig deep and look at the pros and cons to having a VBAC in a hospital setting, free standing birthing center or home, vs a routine cesarean and have informed consent for her birth.

Are there benefits to a cesarean?

A planned cesarean is in a controlled environment, and some women find great comfort in that knowing. Perhaps a woman has had a previous traumatic, long labor the first time and they just don’t want to go through that experience again. Some women are very anxious about that and they just feel safer knowing they will have another cesarean.

I take that seriously, because she won’t labor well if she doesn’t feel safe.

Like I mentioned before, the serious risks for a VBAC can be often prevented, treated or transferred to surgical care in time, with a skilled midwife or obstetrician who is attending to the laboring women, aware and mindful of the symptoms that lead up to that.

Thankfully some hospitals are now at least allowing more time for baby to get the cord blood from the placenta, skin to skin bonding, and her partner or main support person in the operating room. Some hospitals and providers are performing “gentle cesareans” – cesareans that are family and woman centered, and try to provide the environment of a natural birth as much as possible. This is a wonderful attempt to restore humanity to birthing in the operating room

In most cases, a VBAC is a safe option.

I share the opinion of many concerned with improving maternity care and reducing our rising rates of maternal and newborn death and serious health consequences from the interventions in childbirth, that a woman should not be forced to have a major surgery against her will, rather provided research and empowered to make her own decision, considering she is having a healthy AAOG removed the previous unreasonable restriction requiring immediate availability of a surgical staff for an emergency cesarean, as most hospitals around the country, let alone free standing birth centers and home settings, do not meet this criteria. Most hospitals are not able to have a surgical staff at all times and cannot perform an emergency cesarean in under 30 minutes.

Despite this, research is showing that far too many obstetricians and the midwives they back do not offer VBACs after one cesarean, let alone more. They routinely recommend repeat cesareans because they may fear law suits, succumb to scheduling pressures, have restrictive hospital or malpractice insurance policies, and/or feel pressured to uphold certain standards among their colleagues who are not supportive of VBAC. The hands of a midwife whose collaborative obstetrician and hospital do not support VBAC can often be unnecessarily tied as well for these reasons. Most repeat cesareans are not actually medically necessary, and are commonly recommended due to various non-medical reasons. This is very concerning.

What also concerns me is that the risks of a VBAC are magnified in conversation with women, while the risks of a repeat cesarean are downplayed, so women may feel forced, afraid and powerless.

I want women to feel like they have a voice, as they do have a legal and medically ethical right to autonomy over their bodies, their births and their baby’s.

Some women who want to VBAC have limited options and local doctors in the area are only offering cesareans. Some feel they have no option other than having an unattended homebirth, or labor alone at home until the last minute without any monitoring, or not be truthful with their providers about their previous cesarean birth – all of which can increase the risks for her and her baby.

A trained and experienced midwife who is continuously with the woman in active labor, can detect concerning signs and symptoms before they can become a crisis, and she be transferred and treated in time to save her and her baby’s life and heath.  A midwife wears many hats, one of which is protecting the space so the natural process of birth can proceed with ease and grace, and another is a lifeguard – to know when and how to intervene to prevent problems or manage emergencies.  There are many wonderful obstetricians supportive of VBAC who have this training and style of practice as well; they are just harder to find.You have the right to decline the repeat cesarean, and find a more supportive skilled provider at home. There are midwives and OBs who do it and post about it around the globe. It is worth every penny to even travel quite a distance to a practice who honors your choices. You REALLY have to want it, and you must prepare as best you can to set yourself up to succeed, like it’s your Mount Everest to climb, to have your healing, redemptive beautiful healthy birth.

Last tips:

If a woman knows she wants to have another baby, I would start with research and education. Ask yourself: “What do I want and why?”

A woman should get the support she needs. Most women who have had one or more prior cesarean births have issues they need to discuss and heal from.  One of my dedications and areas of expertise is creating space so a mom can debrief, process and recover from her previous upsetting or traumatic birth experience, as well as plan for a better one next time around. Schedule a coaching call with me for more personal guidance if you need.

I tell mamas to do what they can to educate, prepare and empower themselves in a whole different way than last time as I want them to succeed, build their circle of support, and include in their birth team advocates to speak for them when they are in the heat of labor. I tell them to prepare for a natural vaginal birth. The mind, body, heart and spirit can prepare for a natural vaginal birth - and a deeply positive, beautiful and empowering one. Yes, it takes work and practice, but it is worth every penny, every effort and amount of time you put in, if this is the birth experience you want and dream about. This is one of my passions and main focus of my online Love Your Birth childbirth prep course Guides to Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum -in adjunct to my Natural Birth Secrets books 2nd edition and Trauma Release Formula 2nd edition if you need help previous healing birth trauma - both extensive but very different resources that compliment each other to heal and prepare for your different next birth.

I also recommend hiring an awesome doula, as those who have a doula are less likely to have a cesarean.

A doula is amazing because they offer the mothering comfort and support that our ancestors had.  When women would give birth in their tribe or village, and they were surrounded by mothers, aunts, sisters, grandmothers, and the other women of their community, they received that mothering support by women who were comfortable with birth and relaxed around it. Fear has no place in birth, and a doula provides needed calm and loving support.

Remember, In the end it’s not in our control, and we let go and surrender,

If you do all of these things and end up having a cesarean, it’s not a failure. There is no failure in birth. It is a birth, a belly birth, and it’s the birth of your baby and you as a mother. It is the birth of your family and your partner as a parent. Stay present, stay involved and keep a positive mindset. Focus on the blessing, that you did all that you could, and thankful for modern medicine, which saved you and your baby’s life and preserved health. Also, you can ask for a gentle cesarean, which restores humanity to the operating room by doing such things as allowing your support people in with you, enabling baby to emerge from the incision simulating as much as possible a vaginal birth to help baby clear his/her own lungs, enabling you to participate by lowering the drapes so you can see your birth, giving you sterile gloves to receive your baby, optimal umbilical cord clamping so baby can benefit from the cord blood, encouraging immediate skin to skin bonding and early breastfeeding.  

Healing can occur afterwards, and may take time and lots of support. But there is no place for shame and negative self judgement here.

Questions to Ask When Interviewing Your Provider, Red Flags and Choosing Your Best Provider

Here are some key questions to ask your midwife or obstetrician if you want a natural birth. Listen to them and within you. You will get your answers about best provider for the birth you want. And do pay attention to red flags.

Do you have training and experience supporting natural physiologic undisturbed birth when all is well?

What’s your rate of primary cesarean?

If I need a cesarean, are you or your collaborative obstetricians experienced and do with gentle/family centered version?

Do you encourage VBAC? What’s your rate?

Are you skilled and supportive of physiologic breech and twin birth? What’s your rates?

Do you support my birth preferences and my right to decline interventions?

Do you advocate for doulas and other support persons I want?

Do you support and have training/skills for vaginal breech and twin birth?

What’s your rate and policy for induction of labor - like going past due date, suspected big baby, water breaking before labor etc.

Is your setting when you practice in alignment with you? What restrictions might be placed on me becasue their protocol?

Most importantly, do support my legal and ethical right to autonomy over my body, birth and baby?

Will my rights to make informed decisions about my and my baby’s care be respected?

If they don't support natural undisturbed health birth or evidence based care, their rate of primary cesarean section is above 10-15%, they don't support your birth preferences & right to decline interventions, they don't advocate for doulas & any other support person you want, they don't encourage VBAC and have rates lower than 70-80%, they have high induction rates for things like going past due date, suspected big baby, water breaking before labor, they don't support and have lots of experience with vaginal breech and twin birth, and/or the setting where they practice is not in alignment with them & they place a lot of restrictions on you because of protocols and policies you have your answer. You can switch providers anytime and hire one that is most in alignment with what you want, who will work collaboratively with you.

Here are some red flags, but here are so many others, especially when all is well with mama and baby such as:

They don’t support natural physiological birth.

They don’t care to read your birth plan or respect your birth preferences.

They don’t do VBAC.

They don’t do vaginal breech or twin birth.
They advise frequent ultrasound, routine multiple tests and procedures without discussion.

They perform weekly internal exams at 36 weeks.
They induce everyone at 41 weeks or sooner.
They do not believe in or practice natural physiological birth.
They don’t like or support doulas.
They do routine episiotomies on all first time vaginal birthers.
They do immediate cord clamping, or rush clamping without waiting until it is limp, white and pulseless.

Their cesarean rate greater than 10-15%.
scheduling a cesarean because they tell you your baby is too big

Unless you are planning to birth in an out of hospital freestanding birth center or at home with authentic midwives, most maternity care practitioners and the settings they work have not seen natural undisturbed birth - and they are trained and quite used to disturbing it. They think it’s necessary to fix what isn’t broken when all is well. It’s like everyone trying to interfere with your heart beating or your lungs breathing when it’s doing just fine on it’s own. It is a sad state of affairs with what’s going on in most modern hospitals especially in the US. I’ve had obstetricians, nurses and even medwives (midwives who practice more medically like many OBs) tell me they have never seen a natural undisturbed birth. Some actually want to shadow me to see one! I love when I do hospital shifts and the med students follow me - it may be their only chance to see natural undisturbed normal physiological birth. That’s the vast majority of what I see and I don’t get how it can be otherwise. Why is this happening as if it were some cool freak show, when the research supports it, when it’s evidence based care, when this is how birth occurred for thousands of years since the beginning of time, and still is the way it happens for the majority worldwide.

Here is a wonderful testimony sent to me from a mama who took my online Guide to Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum, prepared, informed and empowered herself to tell her obstetrician (the only provider in her rural area) who never saw natural birth, to do nothing but be a fly on the wall, just in case of emergency. He said he never did that, does mostly inductions, medicates births and cesareans. But she respectfully spoke up and he finally agreed. And who was touched to tears, crying the most at her beautiful natural birth? Think of the ripple effect that has on his care for other mamas? If you want a natural birth without disturbance-ask your provider if they’ve seen one. You’ll get your answer whether you should run or not, to a provider and setting where it’s the norm.

I want to thank you for your online course. Because of it I was able to do a home waterbirth in Nicaragua where it is not common at all. I live abroad so it was my dream to have a natural birth in my home. Little did I know there are no doulas or certified midwives in the country. Your course helped me through it! My father-in-law who is an OBGYN in Brazil caught the baby and also has never done a home or natural birth. He only does cesarean. What a special moment for the family! Thank you again for the knowledge I was able to achieve online!!! Here’s a video of our special day :)
— — Brittany S, Nicaragua

If you choose to stay with such a provider with so many red flags, you have to prepare even more, fight even more for what you want, make sure to have an advocate, and know your legal rights to autonomy and informed refusal so you don't allow anyone to dictate you to do anything against your will or manipulate you with playing the fear of dead baby card when there is nothing wrong. Dig deep - is this what you want to be doing during your pregnancy and such a sensitive time as labor?

For more information on how to best prepare for having your baby, feel well educated and informed , confident and empowered, bust through fears and trust the process, and have the most beautiful birth of your dreams take my online signature comprehensive prep course - Anne’s Guide to Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum and read my Natural Birth Secrets 2nd book edition. I created them for you to do just that, based on over two decades of holistic nurse midwifery experience and attending over 1000 births.

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned, trained, and supported women locally for over 28 years in my private practice and I’ve poured all of my love, passion, knowledge, and experience into creating something truly special for you… my new and updated Love Your Birth Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum Guides. Same Beloved Content Plus Over 20 Added Bonus Videos! Buy Here Now!

They can be used via the mobile App or on your desktop! It’s the most up to date combination of Love Your Birth and Walk With Anne for Mamas online courses at a cheaper price! And they have an option for direct access to me for your questions and concerns!!

Whether you’re an experienced or new parent, there are hours of videos, workbooks, and PDFs to answer all of your questions. Everything is searchable, so you can just type or talk and it’ll bring you right to the exact moment in the video where I answer your question. It’ll blow your mind! If English is not your strongest language, you can even change the captions or even the audio to the language you prefer. You can get my Love Your Birth Prenatal, Birth & Postpartum Guides - ALL of the guides for a limited-time offer of 50% off -> RIGHT HERE!

The key to a positive birth is feeling confident, strong, relaxed, and empowered during the entire process, regardless of the twists and turns it may take. I give my full heart and all I know in everything I do to support Mommas.

Can't Make up This Hospital Birth Story


There are many wonderful, supportive obstetricians and I adore the ones I am blessed to work with. But sometimes I do hospital shifts, or help advocate for people in the hospital and have personally seen things that make me cringe.

I was to labor at home with a friend’s daughter expecting her first baby as long as possible. I brought her in fully dilated with no urge to push yet. At midnight, the only door open was through the emergency room. We were told to go the waiting room. Wearing eye pads and head phones in a public area, mama slow danced with me over 2 hours. Then she suddenly roared baby’s coming. I asked the person sitting at the desk several times to please get her up to the maternity unit as soon as possible. The staff person kept saying she needs to be seen first in triage, so need to go back to waiting room.

I said “she is pushing and saying her baby is coming as you can see. There is no more time to wait. We've been waiting over two hours.” Lady said it's hospital policy - she has to be seen first by a doctor in triage to determine if she needs to be admitted.” I said “I don't care about policies that make no sense. You can see this mama is having a baby, now. I'm a midwife, I know how to catch a baby here in the waiting room but I don't have privileges in this hospital and here is not the best place for her to give birth.” She rolled her eyes, told me there is nothing she can do, and said “next” to the person behind me. Mama is continuing to roar, saying “baby’s coming out!!!”

I rushed to a security guard standing in front of a bunch of wheel chairs. I told him I needed one stat to take this imminently birthing lady up to labor and delivery. He was at least nicer about it but said “he's sorry that he's not authorized to give one to me.” And what do you think I did? I stole one right in front of him, he looked stunned but did nothing, I took mama up to the maternity unit breaking all kinds of hospital rules.

But really? What would have happened if that was just herself and partner, no advocate? They would have had an ER waiting room birth, in an atmosphere of neglect and then chaos.

As soon as we got into the room, the staff was undressing her and put her into a hospital gown. Some battles aren’t worth the fight, and she did not care at this point, what she was wearing or not wearing. As I am supporting her in the hospital room, she assumed hands and knees position on the bed and continued to push. I could see baby’s head with each push. Multiple people came in, to draw blood, get her admitted by asking all kinds of irrelevant questions - like how much weight she gained in pregnancy as she was pushing; several nurses were trying to get her to lay down to get a continuous fetal monitor strip and start IV. I said she declines both, and intermittent listening to baby’s heart rate was her preference and is sufficient. Mama anyway kept insisting she needed to be on her hands and knees and resumed that position. I then see baby’s head crowning (emerging from the vaginal opening), and prepare for birth.

I suddenly heard mama shrieking, begging for me to help and make the doctor get out of her butt hole. I could not believe what I then witnessed. An obstetrician was doing a rectal exam, obviously without her consent, she was resisting, and he started yelling at her. Mama continued to scream to get him out of her. He continued to yell at her saying he needs to check if she is fully dilated. For those of you who don’t know, if baby is crowning, there is no more cervix, so of course mama is fully dilated. And to check the cervix you need to do a vaginal exam. It’s not accessible through the rectum. Nurses rolled their eyes as he was in the wrong place and his exam was not needed anyway. Help! Don’t let him touch me she pleaded.
I said I was a midwife, her advocate, her midwife is on the way (just changing) to take over as it’s her case, I am not sure why he was in there anyway, what he was doing was abusive, and he would be reported. He left in a huff.

I looked mama in the eyes, said I was sorry for what was done but she is safe now, it’s good to be on her hands and knees. I reassured her that Baby’s heart rate was fine by Doppler, and reminded her to breathe. We breathed together as her baby gently slipped into midwife’s hands. She cried, and was so thankful…but part of the tears was how she was treated initially. I held her in her pain. Just practicing midwifery. THIS ABUSE HAS TO STOP. He was reported to no effect!

Mama and baby were wonderfully healthy, she was amazingly able to tune it all out with her eye pads and head phones, and actually loved her birth but joked her situation at the hospital was like a sit com. But…”Next time just staying at home” she said. She did not want to pursue any other action against the doctor.

Share this! We must improve maternity care. We must know what is going on with our bodies and what to expect, have an advocate or doula especially if its your first and you are planning a hospital birth, speak up and make the choices best for us.

To learn more what you can do whether you are planning to birth in the hospital, at a birthing center or home, to have the birth YOU want & will treasure forever, check out my signature comprehensive Love Your Birth online prep Guide to Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum prep course and in adjunct my Natural Birth Secrets book 2nd edition, for deep dive into the hot topics and research.

Story told with permission.

Midwifery History and Witches

Just a taste of a much larger discussion. History for most of history was mostly ‘his story’. Through the majorly of it, women were mostly illiterate as they were not allowed to be educated like men. But until relatively recently, men would not provide care for women and their gynecological and childbearing needs even when they became physicians - as their reputations would be tarnished if they associated with women’s genitalia and their business. It was the domain of women. Women supported women.

Midwifery is mentioned as far back as biblical times, and recorded in Egypt as early as 1900 BCE. Birth was a normal part of family life, men were kept out, and certain women in each community took on the role as midwife, by following and learning from the elder midwives. They used natural remedies. Some did secretly train under physicians. In the medieval times, there are some conflicting historical accounts whether or not they were falsely accused of witchcraft and were persecuted- especially when some unsuccessful outcomes became apparent, their lack of formal training, and use of natural remedies - all a catch 22, as they were not allowed to do formal training or to practice medicine, had no access to medicines, so they used natural remedies, and were thought to go against the church, medical hierarchy and legislature which were often intertwined.

Today, thankfully there have been many beneficial changes like standardized formal education for women in the practice of midwifery, which includes sexual and reproductive health as well as equal rights of women in most developed countries. We do have a way to go in the United states and other countries, as barriers and obstacles to midwifery practice still exist. Midwifery is respected by the medical profession and encouraged for low risk population by leading health organizations. It’s now organized into a profession and supported by legislation as well as biblical religions. Hard to do the real history of midwifery justice in a blog, but at least I can reassure you I am a good witch.

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned, trained, and supported women locally for over 28 years in my private practice and I’ve poured all of my love, passion, knowledge, and experience into creating something truly special for you… my new and updated Love Your Birth Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum Guides. Same Beloved Content Plus Over 20 Added Bonus Videos! Buy Here Now!

They can be used via the mobile App or on your desktop! It’s the most up to date combination of Love Your Birth and Walk With Anne for Mamas online courses at a cheaper price! And they have an option for direct access to me for your questions and concerns!!

Whether you’re an experienced or new parent, there are hours of videos, workbooks, and PDFs to answer all of your questions. Everything is searchable, so you can just type or talk and it’ll bring you right to the exact moment in the video where I answer your question. It’ll blow your mind! If English is not your strongest language, you can even change the captions or even the audio to the language you prefer. You can the Love Your Birth Prenatal, Birth & Postpartum Guides -ALL of the guides for a limited-time offer of 50% off -> RIGHT HERE!

The key to a positive birth is feeling confident, strong, relaxed, and empowered during the entire process, regardless of the twists and turns it may take. I give my full heart and all I know in everything I do to support Mommas.