natural baby

Skin Changes In Pregnancy


Skin changes in pregnancy can be a nuisance, but there are a number of home remedies available to alleviate discomfort and improve appearance. But, it begins with embracing all the normal changes as beautiful marks of blessing, wisdom and transformation to not only appreciate but also to celebrate.

The hormones in pregnancy cause a variety of skin changes, such as:

  • Darkening of your nipples and areola

  • Darkening of existing moles, freckles and birthmarks

  • The development of dark patches on the face

  • A dark line in the center of the abdomen

  • Stretch marks

  • Red palms

  • Spider veins

  • Dryness

  • Sweating

  • Itching

  • Increased sensitivity to irritants

Skin Discoloration


To minimize skin discoloration, avoid tanning salons and excessive sun exposure, especially between 10 am and 2 pm. During these peak hours, apply low dose natural sunscreen containing an SPF of at least 15-30. Protect yourself with a big brimmed hat and light clothing as needed.

Make sure you eat foods high in folate, such as whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, and liver. Alternately, you can take a prenatal herbal supplement that provides 1 mg methylated folic acid which has other benefits as well, like prevention of fetal neural tube defects. It also comes in chewable form. 

Avoid hydrocortisone cream and coal tar preparations.

Red palms may be caused by a deficiency in vitamin B6 which is unlikely if your diet is healthy and well-balanced, as B6 is found in fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and protein foods, as well as in prenatal vitamins.

Consult your dermatologist if a mole develops changes other than simply darkening, such as becoming larger, irregular, discolored, or irritated.

Stretch Marks


Stretch marks are made worse by increased weight gain and skin stretching, like with large babies or twins. If you have a tendency to develop stretch marks, you can help to prevent or minimize them with a regular massage to the vulnerable areas with equal amounts of the essential oils of argan, bitter almond, gotu kola, pomegranate, lavender, bitter orange, rosehip, vitamin E and dragon's blood extract sap diluted in a container of almond, coconut and/or wheat germ oils.

Try experimenting with creams said to help, such as those containing cocoa butter or shea butter, elastin, vitamin E and any of the above essential oils. Massage them slowly into your body with love and honor for your goddess self, looking for and admiring the beauty inside and out. Take time to breathe in a sense of deep gratitude for the blessings in your life, including the ability to bring a new baby into your family.

Wear a supportive bra and a good maternity girdle, and watch your weight. Remember, you only need to gain 3-6 pounds during the 1st trimester and ½ -1 pound per week for the remainder of your pregnancy, for a grand total of 25-35 pounds.

Get 30 minutes 5 days per week of moderate exercise like brisk walking, dancing, swimming, cycling, and low impact aerobics, as well as muscle toning through floor work exercises, light weights, Pilates and/or prenatal yoga


Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. And eat lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and lean protein (like organic eggs, tofu, wild clean water fish, turkey or chicken), and use olive or coconut as your primary oil. Avoid products high in refined white flour, sugars and saturated or partially hydrogenated fat. 

Be sure to supplement your diet with prenatal vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and other nutrients needed to sustain a healthy pregnancy. 

You can also try homeopathic remedies called Calcarea fluorica, Graphites and/or Silicea to prevent stretch marks. It is usually given in low doses, several pellets of the remedy most specific to your symptoms a few times daily. Homeopathic remedies are safe and amazingly effective in treating common skin issues during pregnancy. You can consult a classical homeopath, or refer to books like Homeopathy For Pregnancy, Birth and Your Baby’s First Year by Miranda Castro. 

Most skin changes resolve during the early postpartum months, but stretch marks are often referred to as one’s mark of motherhood since they never completely disappear. Try to think of them as reminders of the gifts that have been bestowed upon you, to be thankful and appreciative of your ability to bear children. Try to see the beauty in a pregnant belly. As one wise African midwife once remarked at a midwifery conference, there are many infertile women who would do anything just to have those stretch marks.

Renowned holistic MD, midwife and herbalist, Aviva Romm, in “The Natural Pregnancy Book” views stretch marks as “silvery jewelry on the belly of a woman adorning her and reflecting her ability to grow and change.” She further states that contrary to the values of American society, we need to “take pride in our individual form, shape and markings…to love ourselves with awe and admiration at the amazing accommodation your body is giving to your growing baby.”

Rashes and Itching

If you develop a local itchy rash, it may be the result of a mild allergy to something that never bothered you before. You need to experiment by paying attention to everything that comes in contact with the affected area of your skin. Eliminate possible culprits one at a time. Common causes include:

  • Bath soap

  • Laundry detergent

  • Synthetic cleaning soaps

  • Household and workplace chemicals

  • Environmental toxins

  • Synthetic clothing

  • Cosmetics

  • Metal on watches and jewelry

  • Poison ivy or poison oak 

  • Certain foods (like cow dairy, gluten, soy, certain fruits, nuts, or chemical additives)

Watch for improvement after switching to all-natural hypoallergenic products available at most health food stores, wearing only cotton close to your skin, putting the laundry through an extra rinse, taking off your metal, gardening with gloves and protective clothing and avoiding these plants altogether, or cutting out a specific food item for a few days. 


Try to avoid scratching as this makes the rash worse. If your skin is irritated, take a hot or cool water bath as often as you need and add a packet or ½ cup of Aveeno colloidal oatmeal or cornstarch to the water. Once your skin is completely dry, apply aloe vera gel, a few drops of lavender oil or calendula salve, or herbal combination lotion or cream to the affected areas. Ointments or creams containing Tigar Balm, Ben Gay, or Vitamins A, E, and C may also help, as well as a homeopathic remedy specific to your symptoms. If you do touch the poison ivy or oak plant again, you have 20-30 minutes to wash the oil off with soap and water, or up to 24 hours to wash it off with Tecnu lotion or Zanfel, which is more effective. 

Most of the supplements and herbal remedies I recommend are available on my customized online holistic apothecary. Find the best supplements that have gone through my thorough screening process there. Look in the category for skin changes or search them individually. My online dispensary is a convenient way for you to purchase my hand-picked, professional-grade, whole food supplements and other natural health products. Ordering is simple, and the products will be shipped directly to your home or work within a few days.

For itching skin without a rash, make sure your diet is high in organic whole foods, with plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, nuts, seeds and beans. Minimize processed, refined, chemical laden, and deep fried foods. Drink at least a half gallon of water daily.

Keep cool with loose comfortable all-cotton clothing. Try soaking in a hot or cool oatmeal or cornstarch bath, and apply calendula oil or rub cocoa butter on the itchy part of your body. Prevent skin dryness with almond or coconut oil. You can add to the oil a few drops each of the above mentioned essential oils of lavender, rosehip, bitter orange and pomegranate.

Try aqueous cream with aloe vera and/or collagen, and consult your homeopath for a remedy specific to your individual symptoms. Supplement with 1000-1500 mg evening primrose oil and 400-600 mg DHA/EPA essential fatty acids commonly found in fish oil tested free of common pollutants.

A wonderfully effective herb that helps with generalized itching and is one of the finest nourishing tonics in pregnancy is stinging nettles. You can make your own tea by adding a handful of the dried herb to 1 quart of boiling water. Steep covered in a mason glass canning jar for 4-8 hours and drink several times daily. Or, you can take 1-2 of Gaia’s or Eclectic Institute’s capsules of freeze dried extract every 2-4 hours as needed. 

Another effective remedy recommended by Dr. Aviva Romm in “The Natural Pregnancy Book”, is made by combing ¼ -½ ounce each of bulk echinacea root, burdock root, licorice root (only if blood pressure is normal, and not high) and dandelion root. Steep in 1 quart boiling water for 4 hours, strain and drink ½ cup twice daily until condition improves. You can try adding lemon or lime juice, fresh mint, and or honey to taste.

Women who suffer from chronic allergic skin complaints often find that they clear up in pregnancy, but occasionally they do get worse. 

If you have eczema that is not improving, try eliminating all cow’s milk and gluten products from your diet for 2 weeks to see if that helps. If you see improvement, resume dairy or one grain at a time for 2 days and note if the symptoms recur. If so, you will need to avoid that food completely. But, if they do not recur, then you can safely eat that particular food item. Other common allergen triggers to experiment eliminating and resuming one at a time include soy, corn, eggs, and yeast. 

Increase intake of other foods high in calcium (like dark green leafy vegetables, sesame seed dip/tahini, wild clean water salmon and sardines) or take supplemental 500 mg Calcium Citrate with Magnesium 2-3 times per day. Cook with fresh turmeric and ginger. Dr Andrew Weil recommends taking 500 mg evening primrose or black currant oil twice daily, and applying chaparral salve or aloe vera gel to the affected areas when skin is still moist after bathing. 


Reduce inner stress and increase inner calm with regular practice of yoga, meditation and breathwork, and do what you can to reduce stressors in your life. This includes unplugging from your smartphone and computer as much as possible to connect more with life, yourself and others, and doing what you really love. Doing this is probably the most important remedy, as the mind and body are exquisitely connected, and inside stress is a major cause of health problems, especially chronic allergic skin issues.

If you have psoriasis that is not improving, increase sunlight exposure to affected areas. Weather permitting, spend at least 20 minutes in the early morning or late afternoon sun. Take 2 Tbsp ground flaxseed daily. You can add to hot or cold cereals, baked goods, smoothies or yogurt. 

Apply topical applications of aloe vera or chaparral lotions or salves, take a good prenatal multivitamin and mineral supplement (like New Chapter or Innate Response) with omega threes. Dr. Weil advises additional antioxidants that include:

  • 10,000-20,000 IU mixed carotenoids (a safe source of Vitamin A)

  • 400-800 IU Vitamin E

  • 200 mg Vitamin C

  • 100-200 mcg selenium

  • 60 mg coenzyme Q10 softgel capsules

And you can try 2 capsules of Gaia, Wish Garden or Eclectic Institute’s Milk Thistle twice per day if needed. Allow at least 3 months for optimal effects.

For both psoriasis and eczema, explore wonderfully effective alternative modalities such as hypnotherapy, visualization, breathwork and guided imagery therapy, and traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Read Dr. Andrew Weil’s Natural Health, Natural Medicine, which provides information on improving nutritional habits and practical ways in which you can reduce inflammation, as well as internal tension, and enhance your own health and well-being safely and naturally.

Increased Sweating

If you perspire a lot, make sure you replace fluids by drinking extra water. Bathe or shower 1-2 times daily as needed. Wear all-natural roll on deodorant from the health food store or just use plain alcohol, scented as you wish with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Avoid antiperspirants, as you do not want to interfere with the sweating your body needs to do.

Sweating is made worse by being overweight, as well as over dressing and wearing clothing made from synthetic material like nylon and polyester instead of cotton. Dress in layers of loose cotton clothing, and eliminate coffee and other sources of caffeine from your diet.

Slippery elm bark powder or marshmallow root powder can be your applied creases, to reduce chafing or rashes from heat or increased sweating.

Consult your provider if your skin changes become severe or associated with other unusual symptoms not related to pregnancy. For instance:

  • Your rash is spreading all over your body

  • General itching without a rash, especially on your palms and soles 

  • You have a sudden appearance of hives and your throat feels constricted

  • You develop a fever, chills and/or muscle aches

  • The above mentioned suggestions do not help and your symptoms persist or worsen 


Many of these changes respond well to homeopathy, especially if they bother you. Seek out a classical homeopath, who can prescribe a homeopathic remedy specific to your individual symptoms.

For those with any sort of chronic frequent skin problems, from acne to eczema and psoriasis, to hives and allergic rashes, in which serious causes have been ruled out and none of the natural and allopathic remedies help, consider reading the book The Mindbody Prescription By Dr John Sarno, MD. He’s an amazing pioneering physician whose brilliant approach has helped hundreds of thousands of people without drugs, physical measure or surgery. Also schedule several Clarity Breathwork sessions to clear inner repressed stress, trauma, anger and grief from your body and increase your inner calm and joy. Check out Brandon Bays’ book The Journey, and her intensive workshops for extremely effective mindbody cutting edge methods that have also lead to transformational healing for thousands of people around the world.

If you need more personalized guidance, you can make an online or in person appointment with me. I am happy to help.

Check out my number one international best selling book Natural Birth Secrets and my Love Your Birth course - an online version of how I have helped thousands in my local practice.

Both resources are unique, but each provide an in depth, one-of-a-kind holistic approach created by me, a seasoned nurse midwife of over two decades, who has seen everything!

It is now recommended by midwives, physicians, health care professionals around the globe, and doulas take it for their certification training.


Posterior Position: Practical Steps for Prevention and Remedy

Art by Katie Atkinson @spiritysol

Art by Katie Atkinson @spiritysol

A baby in a posterior position is facing your abdomen, and baby’s back is towards your back. Some babies are born easily in the posterior position with baby facing mama’s face “sunny side up.” This is especially if Mama:

  • Has given birth before

  • Is carrying a baby of average or smaller size

  • Has an adequate sized pelvis

  • Is committed, relaxed and prepared

  • Is able to be upright, move and change positions at will

  • Has the ability to eat and drink freely

  • Is supported by providers who are patient, calm and trained to help baby turn

Art by Katie Atkinson @spiritysol

Art by Katie Atkinson @spiritysol

Other babies in posterior position can be more challenging, creating problems like not going into labor, water breaking prematurely before labor starts, slower more difficult labor progress, exhaustion, and labor felt mostly as back pain that can be harder to cope with. All of these factors increase the risk of complications, interventions and cesarean if baby can not be safely born vaginally. 

Epidurals increase the incidence of posterior babies, as well. But sometimes in prolonged labor, when Mama can no longer cope, the compassionate use of an epidural can help her give birth vaginally. 

The modern sedentary lifestyle of slouching in chairs over smart phones and computers, sitting back in sofas and car seats with associated poor posture, stress and tension in our bodies contributes to the rise in babies presenting in the posterior position. Many of us are no longer as active as our ancestors and indigenous cultures around the globe. We are not often leaning forward doing manual work, which helps baby’s heavier back come forward into the anterior position, unless we are doing activities like gardening.  

Art by Katie Atkinson @spiritysol

Art by Katie Atkinson @spiritysol

Ideally and actually most often, the baby will be in an anterior position facing your spine at term, or turns anterior during labor for childbirth. It is important to know when your baby moves into the optimal anterior position, so you can encourage the baby to stay there, which usually means an easier and shorter labor. 

You can learn on your own what position your baby is in. But if you are unsure, ask your practitioner for help figuring it out. Then try to pay attention to your baby’s position, without getting needlessly obsessed about it. This is easier to do when your baby moves or when momentarily lying on your back. It may take a lot of concentration to understand what is what at first, but soon you will get the hang of it.

When your baby is posterior, your tummy may look flatter and feel more squashy, and you may feel arms and legs and kicks all over the front towards the middle of your tummy. The area around your belly button may dip to a concave, saucer-like shape, and you may also experience long and painful practice contractions with a more severe lower backache as your baby tries to turn around to the anterior position to engage down into the pelvis.

When your baby is anterior, the back feels hard and smooth and rounded on one side of your tummy, and you will usually feel kicks under the side of your ribs. Your belly button will normally poke out and feel firm.

Pay attention to your posture and positioning at the time when your baby may be starting to descend into your pelvis, which is during the last 6 weeks of your first pregnancy, and the last 2-3 weeks of your subsequent pregnancies. The goal is to make room for your baby to assume the optimal position for birthing. 


The baby’s back is the heaviest side of its body, and will thus gravitate towards the lowest side of your abdomen. So, if your tummy is lower than your back (such as sitting on a chair leaning forward), the baby’s back will tend to swing anterior towards your tummy.

If your back is lower than your tummy (such as reclining back in an armchair with your feet up), then the baby’s back may swing towards your back into a posterior position. With this in mind, when you are 34 weeks onward, avoid any position where you are spending time leaning backwards with your knees higher than your pelvis.

Ideally, ditch the chairs. If you do need to sit on one, make sure your knees are lower than your pelvis, and your trunk is tilted slightly forward. If you need to work at a desk, consider a standing one at least some of the time, resting an alternating foot on a step stool.

Watch TV, read and lounge while kneeling on the floor, over a beanbag, birth ball, cushions, or sitting backwards on a straight backed dining room or kitchen chair facing and leaning on its back. 

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Practice yoga to be in shape for the lunges and varied positions used to help your baby come down and out. Use yoga positions like bound angle (badha konasana) sitting with your back upright with soles of your feet together, or on your hands and knees while curving your back up like a cat followed by dropping your spine down in an arch and/or wiggling your hips from side to side. Get out your yoga mat and support your body with props like blankets, bolsters or blocks  as needed. 

Avoid crossing your legs, as it reduces the space in front of your pelvis and opens up the back. Sit on a wedge cushion in the car so your pelvis is tilted forward, and keep the seat back upright.

Avoid deep squatting until baby is anterior and well down in your pelvis or when needed in labor. Deep squatting opens up your pelvis and encourages the baby to move down, so refrain from it until your baby is in the anterior position. You can squat on a low stool or yoga blocks instead, keeping your spine upright.

Rest and sleep on your side, with two pillows under your bent right knee, which should be jackknifed up towards your chest, and keep your left leg straight out.

Swim with your belly downwards, doing the front crawl and breaststroke. The leg movements with the breaststroke in particular are great for opening your pelvis and encouraging your baby into an optimal anterior position.


If Your Baby Is Posterior

Continue the above mentioned positions, and add the following exercises for 20 to 30 minutes each, 3 times daily while watching something inspirational, romantic or that makes you laugh, or while listening to music:

Maintain a knee-chest position, with your buttocks sticking up in the air to tip the baby  back out of the pelvis so there is more room to turn around to the anterior position.

  • Sway your hips back and forth and do the pelvic rock up and down while on your hands and knees.

  • Crawl around the floor on your hands and knees, or hands and feet like an elephant.

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  • Scrub your floors or do some gardening.

  • Swim belly down, kicking with straight legs only. Avoid frog leg movements.

  • Lie on a slant board (using an ironing board or see-saw), with your head down and your legs up or lay with your pelvis and legs on the top stair landing or sofa and rest on your hands or forearms on a lower stair so you are at a similar incline. Jiggle your pelvis as you do this.

  • Try resting and sleeping on your tummy using lots of pillows and cushions for support.

  • Sit on a kneeler-rocker, which is a kneeling stool that sits you in an upright position with your knees lower than your chest, and has a rocker underneath for movement that encourages your baby to rotate. There are several types. See what is best for you. 

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When baby turns to the anterior position, you can encourage descent further into your pelvis by walking around upright, gently massaging the baby’s buttocks downward, deep squatting and swimming, this time using lots of breaststroke frog leg kicking.

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If you have lax abdominal muscles from several babies or lack of toning exercises, use a supportive maternity binder to keep baby in place. Bellefit makes a fine one, as pictured below. You can check them out and purchase here.

If Going Into Labor With a Posterior Baby

Starting in early labor, try the following movements involving altering the level of your hips, which help wiggle the baby down through your pelvis:

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  • Walk up and down stairs, sideways if you need to.

  • Rock and dance from side to side.

  • March or tread in place.

  • Step on and off a step stool.

  • Climb in and out of the birth pool.

  • Lay on your side, so the part of your belly where your baby’s back is, can lean forward almost over the sofa or bed, with your upper knee resting on a lower chair.

  • Consider having your midwives help to rotate the baby using a variety of external techniques, or if needed, by manually lifting your baby out of your pelvis during a contraction.

During the pushing stage of labor:

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  • Kneel on all fours, with the other leg up in a lunge. Switch legs periodically. You can do this standing, alternating one leg up on a chair moving towards and away from it. 

  • Maintain a supported high squat in a birthing stool or hanging from a dangling squatting rope or your partner, with your bottom at least 18 inches off the floor.

  • You can rest on your side with one leg straight out and the other leg bent up towards your chest, supported with pillows.

  • Avoid lying back, semi-reclining, sitting or semi-sitting. 

For more information online, visit Spinning Babies, Association of Radical Midwives, or the GentlleBirth archives for Suboptimal Fetal Positions.

Check out my number one international best selling book Natural Birth Secrets and my Love Your Birth course, an online version of how I have helped thousands in my local practice.

Both resources are unique, but each provide an in depth, one-of-a-kind holistic approach created by me, a seasoned nurse midwife of over two decades, who has seen everything! It is now recommended by midwives, physicians, health care professionals around the globe, and doulas take it for their certification training.

As always, if you need more personalized guidance, schedule a consultation with me




Art by Catie Atkinson @spiritysol

Hospital Waterbirth Story


I remember waking up and smelling the coffee brewing whilst on holiday in Miami....the smell instantly made me feel sick. After a super long flight and the time difference I thought the extreme fatigue and nausea was due to jet lag, but then the aversion to my favourite drink made it very clear. It suddenly all made sense when I got an instant positive result on a pregnancy test (then another one).


The rest of the holiday was challenging, I couldn’t shake the nausea, so walking around Disney world during a heat wave and a long flight home were both extremely hard! It turns out I was actually almost 7 weeks pregnant. Thankfully the nausea only lasted 12 weeks. The rest of the pregnancy was smooth, no complaints at all. Each time I saw the midwife I felt hopeful I could have my baby on the midwife led unit, as everything was going well. By the third trimester in true Mrs Hinch style I scrubbed my house on a daily basis and loved every second of it. Pine disinfectant became my new pregnancy craving (weird I know, don’t worry I didn’t ingest it) as much as I felt the urge to! Approaching my due date, from 38 weeks I had lots of pressure and I was sure Baby Dewey number two would be early, as Ava was two days early..…well that’s what everyone says right? Wrong! 

There I was 7 days late and feeling ready to meet my baby, wondering when they would make an appearance. It was a sunny Sunday morning and I had a sweep at 9 am. The midwife said she could feel baby’s head and said that if it was going to be successful it would be in the next 48 hours. I left the hospital feeling hopeful. We went home and went about our day as normal, going for a long walk, food shopping, cleaning and then I cooked a roast dinner. I put Ava to bed then had a long soak in the bath and bounced on my ball for the rest of the evening. I lost my mucus plug over the duration of the evening and couldn’t shake the feeling baby would be coming in the early hours of the morning. So I made the phone calls to make sure childcare was in place for Ava - just in case, and got an early night.

I woke at 1.30 am on the Monday with a familiar feeling, which I thought was my first contraction. So I laid awake and waited then another came 12 minutes later, then 8 minutes. I knew this was the start of things to come so just relaxed in bed for 30 mins breathing through my contractions then woke Simon to let him know “it was happening”. The pain was in in my lower back which was the same as my labour with Ava,  so I knew how to deal with my pain in the best way which was to stand and gently rock side to side whilst breathing through each contraction and leaning on a surface.

By 3 am my contractions were every 2-3 minutes so we decided we should call my Dad and Step Mum to come to our house to look after Ava. Whilst we waited for them to arrive I got myself dressed and Simon gathered up all of our hospital bags then we waited downstairs. I continued to sway whilst leaning on the breakfast bar and Simon contacted the Midwife Led Unit who then said to come straight up. By the time my Dad arrived my contractions were every 1-2 minutes. 


We got to the hospital at 4 am and our midwife Julie did all of the routine checks in between my contractions then just calmly remained in the background for a while observing. My contractions were getting more intense but the swaying and breathing helped and Simon massaged my lower back which gave lots of relief. By 4.40 the midwife wanted to check how dilated I was.

With how long the contractions were lasting and the frequency of them, I was sure I had to be quite far along but I was only just 4 cm at a stretch. I felt slightly disheartened for a moment but the contractions were coming quick so I soon forgot about that and continued with my breathing whilst the birthing pool was being filled. The water gave me such relief and I felt really calm whilst in the water, on my knees leaning over the edge.

The lights in the room were dimmed and the radio was on playing Christmas music which was super relaxing. At 5.30 I felt a lot of pressure and then a pop then realised my waters had gone. I then felt the baby move lower into my pelvis and knew that it wouldn’t be long. By 5.45 the contractions were coming thick and fast, every minute lasting a minute infact and the pressure felt stronger. I became very aware of the noises I was making and i remember that feeling well, I knew it was getting very close. Julie asked if I wanted any pain relief so I opted for some gas and air. At that moment I felt the surges get stronger and an urge to start pushing. My body knew exactly what to do so I went with it. The gas and air made me feel a little delirious at times but it made the pain manageable, without making me feel out of control.  I felt my baby moving down with every push and this time I really remember the burning sensation and that ring of fire everyone talks about. During the crowning stage I remember thinking at times I couldn’t do it, but I redirected my thoughts, concentrated on my breathing and reminded myself I would soon be meeting my baby! After 30 minutes of pushing my baby girl was born at 6.14 am weighing 7Ib 5oz.


I remember that overwhelming feeling of love as I placed her onto my chest. By this point we didn’t know the gender so I had a look and was so excited to see it was another girl. I knew how much Ava wanted a baby sister so I knew she would be so happy! Simon cut the cord then I got out of the pool and onto the bed. Amelia was a little shocked and blue as the cord was around her neck but they gave her a quick rub and she was fine. The midwife asked if I wanted to deliver the placenta without the injection so i thought I’d try, I gave one small push and it came out nice and easy! My baby girl was then placed onto my chest for some much needed skin to skin time. Simon and I were then left to bond with our new baby girl. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect birth, I wanted to feel in control, to feel the surges and I was desperate for a water birth and I got all of those things!
Kirsty Dewey  @mumma_dewey


A healthy natural birth in today’s modern world takes preparation in advance, especially if you are planning to birth in the hospital. Check out my number one international best selling book Natural Birth Secrets and my online course - an online version of how I have helped thousands in my local practice.

Both resources are unique, but each provide an in depth, one-of-a-kind holistic approach created by me, a seasoned nurse midwife of over two decades, who has seen everything!

Choose inspiration and optimal holistic health during, birth and after pregnancy, by clicking here to take my online Love Your Birth course, so you can ROCK your journey wherever and however you plan to give birth. It is for giving birth at home, in the birthing center or hospital…whether you choose to hire a midwife or physician.


I have a holistic approach to life, including healing after pregnancy and birthing. Nothing replaces abdominal toning and exercise for restoring muscle strength and tone - which I encourage for all mamas as soon as they feel up to it postpartum.

Nothing replaces touch, slow deep abdominal breathing, and a 'love your postpartum body' perspective that I promote.  But I have found many mamas simply feel comforted by this support garment, especially early postpartum and temporarily as be used without forfeiting abdominal toning and strengthening exercise, breathing well and touch. 

I have found Bellefit supportive garments to help like they use belly binding around the world such as in Indonesia. They do aid in early postpartum healing and provide support many mamas feel comforted by. I deal with human beings and the reality is many postpartum mom's struggle with body image, feel frustrated that getting back to themselves takes longer than expected. Being into holistic health and healing includes being sensitive to real human struggles - the mind, body, heart and soul of each person and their unique situation. 

Having helped countless women with these issues after having a baby as a midwife, I have found many still love that binding and feel better with this support, and ability to fit into their pre-pregnancy clothes comfortably and sooner than they would if they went through a C-section or natural childbirth recovery without it - especially when they have to dress up and fit into a certain favorite outfit for a special occasion or wedding not long after having a baby.

For more info on the Bellefit girdle, check out my blog about it hereHave a Great Postpartum Recovery (with a little help from Bellefit)!


How do You Navigate Immunizations for You and Your Baby?


How do You Navigate Immunizations for You and Your Baby?


If you keep conscious and up-to-date with the goings-on of the health industry, you know that the immunization of babies and young children through vaccination is not as simple as mainstream medicine makes it seem.

It is indeed a controversial topic, especially among those that take their well-being into their own hands, and prefer natural, more holistic approaches. As with most any health issue, you have your extremists polarizing –not to mention monopolizing– the content of this subject.

If you begin to do simple research online of the pros and cons of vaccination, you’ll quickly discover that there’s a lot in the way of intense debating. It has become quite a political issue. People with differing opinions can get emotionally charged and take things personally. I maintain a welcoming stance to respectful discussion and disagreement, as long as positive vibes are maintained and there is no judgement against a family who makes a decision to do what they feel is best for themselves.

How, as a parent or soon-to-be, do you dig out the truth? And, how do you know you can trust it?

How do you navigate immunizations for you during pregnancy, and your baby? You alone can choose what is best for yourself and your little one.


We all know that modern medicine urges vaccines as per CDC guidelines; that is heavily promoted and is a legal requirement in many localities. But more and more scholars and physicians are questioning the standard protocols as they analyze the science and data.  In this article, I dare attempt to provide some counter balance, and share the unspeakable, for a licensed health care provider. I specifically delve into talk around the flu vaccine as it’s recommended and administered routinely to pregnant women in the United States. The principles and issues of concern, however, remain the same as with all vaccines. Do your research and be mindful of the difference between fear-based news and actual facts. 

It is a huge topic - each vaccine and infection it is said to prevent could be a chapter in a book; but hopefully, this gives you an idea of how to go about your own immunization research, and a sense of where you are comfortable seeking your health care guidance.

The Controversy Surrounding Immunization in Pregnancy, Babies and Young Children

Should we vaccinate? If we do, how early do we start? Which vaccines do we consider?

Should we not vaccinate? Can we trust these vaccinations not only to work but to, in turn, do no harm? 

In my own work, I’ve always guided mothers to educate themselves in order to make informed decisions, and have recently written specifically about another hot issue Group B Strep.

As with GBS, I encourage educating yourself, weighing the risks and benefits of each option regarding testing, prevention and treatment, and deciding what is best for you and your baby. 

In the case where you’re dealing with an illness that’s potentially very serious, it may make sense to administer the associated vaccination whose known risks have so far appeared relatively innocuous.  But often enough, it is not clear what is worse: the risk of infections, or the risk of the vaccines - some of which are far from harmless.

What I’d like to do with this article is give you a broad idea of what’s being sold to us as consumers and what’s truly out there in terms of factual information and sound research.

The ACIP, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, is “a group of ‘thought leaders,’” writes Dr Kelly Brogan MD, “charged with the task of determining what vaccines will be pushed upon you during your doctor’s check-ups and wellness visits. It consists of heads of pharmaceutical companies such as Novartis and Sanofi Pasteur, and is a prime example of the enmeshment between the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and [the] industry….The surprising news is that vaccines, the pharmaceutical product in question, have never been studied in a truly placebo controlled manner, in single, or multiple deliveries, and not for long-term outcomes, even in a general population.”

For example, in the US, all major health regulators including the CDC advise all pregnant women to get the flu vaccine to decrease risk of flu related complications. It is said to be safe in all trimesters, based on short term studies by various pharmaceutical companies.

The complications in question, however, are rarely severe enough to cause preterm labor and even death. Furthermore, the studies did not take into account healthy lifestyle and holistic modalities to strengthen immunity against the flu virus, commonly seen and used in out of hospital midwifery practices. The flu vaccine has been administered to millions of pregnant women in recent years, exposing millions of unborn fetuses.  


Dr. Kelly Brogan MD in her thought provoking scholarly analysis of the flu vaccine in pregnancy, calls into question the validity and flaws of these studies, and discusses risks families are not told about.

What is striking to me is that long term effects on the unborn babies have not been studied and are therefore unknown; fetal loss (miscarriage or stillbirth) have been excluded from the studies when a huge increase in fetal deaths after the flu vaccine have been reported; risks to the healthy mother have been downplayed; and the vaccine’s benefits have been falsely exaggerated.

This hits home as I had two moms in my practice who had healthy pregnancies, miscarry in the second trimester the day after they were given the flu vaccine by their primary physician. As is commonly the case, the flu vaccine was not reported as the causative factor.

After the second tragedy, I did some research. Not only did I hear similar incidences among my colleagues around the country, the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) found over a 4000-fold increase in fetal deaths after the flu vaccine in 2009 and 2010.

In an eye-opening blog article on her website, Dr. Aviva Romm, physician, herbalist, and midwife, speaks to the way the medical industry portrays our health as a whole.

“There is a lot of fear mongering in medicine. As a public, we have a skewed, media-driven, fear-based view of our health and of disease prevalence. And it is impossible to ignore the fact that there are massive profits to be made by the very limited number of pharmaceutical companies producing the influenza vaccine.”

Romm continues in this article, regarding the flu vaccine, to state that the very reasons why we are told to have the vaccine are actually not as severe as the media makes them out to be.

In fact, a mother with a Ph.D. in immunology even wrote to legislators with hopes to debunk some of the consequences the media forcefully and fearfully propagates. It is important to note here that she does not write to them in order to push her own right not to vaccinate her children but simply because she feared the discrimination against non-vaccinated children in school.

“In summary, a person who is not vaccinated with IPV, DTaP, HepB, and Hib vaccines due to reasons of conscience poses no extra danger to the public than a person who is. No discrimination is warranted.”

If you can take the time to read her letter, please do so. In it, she shows that the school environment is not affected any more or less by either a child who is vaccinated or not.

While an illness can lead to certain potentially serious complications in a pregnant mama and/or her baby, those complications are actually more exceptional and more uncommon than the pharmaceutical industry and modern medical authorities make them out to be. Although medical doctors take the Hippocratic Oath upon graduation from training, with the essential component included "First, Do No Harm," I am concerned the risks of each injection into a healthy baby are downplayed and may be doing more harm than realized.

Dr. Brogan does not mince words in her brave research based statements not only about "a known 4250% increase in fetal demise during the 2009/10 flu season, but also about evidence-based inefficacy and risks of the pertussis vaccine pushed on pregnant women, about Gardasil killing healthy girls across the globe, fear mongering about SIDS that is actually caused by a visit to the pediatriciancorruption of an infant’s birthday by the Hepatitis B vaccine"...and, "as parents around the world have known for 7 decades, and basic science has supported, vaccines do cause autism."

How Effective are Immunizations for Your Baby?

The Truth About Disease and Vaccines

While the intentions and the aim of the pharmaceutical industry can be seemingly profit driven, and concerns of the various infectious illnesses seem valid, this does not address the facts about the vaccines themselves.

Can vaccines truly help to prevent today’s diseases in our children? What are the facts about disease prevention and vaccines?

Fortunately or unfortunately, there is no clear or direct answer. In tackling this issue of navigating immunizations for your baby, the only sure thing to do is to personally conduct your own research and to then come to your own conclusion. Each vaccine and the infectious illness it is directed against needs to be looked at individually.

Interview several pediatricians who share your philosophies and choose one you trust. There are pediatricians who do not accept a baby into their practice if parents do not follow the standard vaccination schedule. Fortunately, there are more and more holistic or integrative family and pediatric physicians out there who can teach you about disease prevention as a whole, address each vaccine separately, as well as appropriately plan a wide variety of alternative healing modalities. A wonderful example is pediatrician Dr. Elisa Song of Whole Family Wellness in CA, who believes "that the decision to get the flu vaccine for your child, just like any other vaccine, is YOUR CHOICE as a parent, and it’s a very personal choice with many factors that have to be weighed. This decision must be made on an individual basis, taking into account the unique healthcare needs and concerns of your child....There is NO right or wrong decision. By informing yourself, you are doing the best thing for your child and for your whole family. Trust your mama or your papa “gut”, and you will always do what is best for your child. Whatever you decide, using your natural medicines toolkit will get your whole family through the winter cold and flu season healthier and stronger." She empowers the families in her practice to " Treat Your Child’s Flu – Naturally!"  She, like other more progressive pediatricians, accommodates a variety of approaches - from administering all immunizations according to the CDC recommendations, to giving them one at a time over a period of time instead of giving several of them at once, to only giving those you decide upon, to not giving any at all; she integrates conventional and holistic pediatrics to help children thrive to their fullest potentials of wellness, prevention and healing from illness. For more information, check out her Thriving Child Summit free from 9/18 through 25/2017, where you will hear "a real-world conversation about vaccine safety with 2 board-certified pediatricians" as well as many other topics related to the foundations of a thriving healthy child.

Dr. Sears, famed American and midwifery-friendly pediatrician, wrote a book to solely address this convoluted subject, The Vaccine Book.

He created it in order to answer parents’ questions and address their deepest concerns about vaccinating a child. He tackles the pros and cons as well as information about the diseases themselves in an relatively unbiased fashion.

He adamantly suggests that you take the time to learn how the vaccine you’re considering is made and what ingredients are contained within it. If you decide to vaccinate, this will help you to get clear on which particular quality brands to ask for, in what order the vaccine should be taken in succession with others, etc.

Again, your own research and conscious-based decision are essential! 

The aim of Sears’ book is to give parents enough information and clarity so that they feel confident enough to make their own decision whether they decide to vaccinate their children or not. Despite his being pro-vaccine, he does not take a stance in this book and simply provides facts.

How Your Immune System Works

Research is increasingly showing that there may not be as a big of a disease threat as we’ve been taught to believe. Vaccines do not always work or confer long lasting immunity, as would be the case after creating your own antibodies from the actual infection. For example, chicken pox (varicella) is usually a harmless infectious illness in children, but results in life long immunity; the vaccine for it is now given to babies, but does not often produce immunity lasting into adulthood, when the illness is potentially more serious. The recent resurgence of adult pertussis (whooping cough) is largely occurring in vaccinated individuals whose immunity after the childhood vaccine waned, risking non-immune newborns who can get dangerously ill if exposed. German measles (rubella) is given to babies, but their immunity commonly does not last into adult childbearing years - risking serious complications for fetuses of non-immune pregnant women. People still get the flu after the flu vaccine.

In reference to the flu shot, Dr. Romm and Dr. Brogan share with us that in a Cochrane analysis of 50 studies, there was 2% incidence of presumed influenza in the unvaccinated population as opposed to a 1% incidence in the vaccinated" - a difference of 1%.

So, vaccination has no true effect on protecting me or my child from disease?

This is not entirely the case. What I’ve been discussing so far is that, simply put, the fear we’ve been taught to harbor isn’t actually necessary. There are risks to each vaccination injection given that need to be weighed against to risks of each infection. There is way more to the story than most parents are told, and it is not a topic to be taken lightly.

While it is not in our human control who gets sick, we can do what we can to prevent exposure to someone with a known infection; we can maintain good hand washing and hygiene habits, avoid sharing personal items, observe safe eating and traveling practices, as well as ways prevent illness unique to each infection. 

Something as simple as a regular practice of yoga and meditation - prenatal yoga in pregnancy - can help boost your own immune system which can be passed on to your baby against many types of infections. Yoga and simple meditation reduces incidence and severity of many of the modern world’s most recent and common ailments: infection, cancer, various inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, and allergies.


Eating healthfully has a huge impact on preventing illness as does reducing inner stress. Eating a wide variety of plant-based whole foods, and getting sufficient protein and healthy fat are major steps to sound health. You’d be surprised at how well your body can actually defend and heal itself against disease when given the proper nutrients and care.

In terms of nutrients, Dr. Sears has a concise and simple article on how our body’s immune system works.  If you understand how your body heals itself from within, you may be more clearly able to decide which vaccines are worth investing your time in.

In this article, Sears addresses the army that is your immune system and how it works to defend your body from sickness. He also shares why some more serious diseases can attack your body. What he does point out at the top of the article is something foundational to our and our children’s health and well-being: “Because of poor diets, many school children and adults have immune systems that don’t operate at peak efficiency. They get sick more often.” Breastfeeding without question, results in healthy immunity, and breastfed babies have significantly reduced rates and severity of infection as compared with formula fed babies. 

Something as simple as including probiotics and whole food supplements into your diet can boost your immune system and improve your overall health and well-being, and treating common infections naturally can be very effective. And these are nutrients that pass into the breastmilk you give to your baby, boosting baby's health and immunity.

My online dispensary is a convenient way for you to purchase my hand-picked, professional-grade, whole food supplements and other natural health products. Ordering is simple, and the products will be shipped directly to your home or work within a few days.

I have listed my recommended prenatal supplements in the PRENATAL SUPPLEMENTS section, and have a section for postpartum/breastfeeding supplements as well; but you can search their catalog for other supplements and natural remedies for common infections like cold and flu.

Click here to directly enter my dispensary at Fullscript.

Click here to directly enter my dispensary at Fullscript.

Trusting the Information on Immunization

I think what Drs. Brogan, Romm, Song and Sears have in common is their mission to provide facts to their readership, in order to IMPROVE health and well-being. They want to help them in making better decisions that empower and help them to grow healthfully and live to the fullest potential. As I’ve mentioned previously, Dr. Sears always refers back to how crucial it is that you learn about the product you’re using so that you can make a conscious decision.

Kelly Brogan, M.D. strongly advises that when doing research you take into account a few things:

Who funded the study?

Was a proper placebo used?

What did the results show?

I would also add:

How large was the study?

Were long term consequences properly researched, as well as the short term effects?

What were the study's limitations and biases?

Is there a meta-analysis of multiple large random, double blind, placebo control trials that provides compelling results or are there only a few small and limited studies on the subject?

Even the doctors conducting the study might have to use “strategic tactics to paper over the truth” as Brogan puts it in an article she wrote addressing the overlooking of certain medical data pertaining to premature babies.

Our tendency is to think that because we’re reading a clinical study, it must be accurate; because our doctor says so, it must be true. Making conclusions based on a meta-analysis of multiple properly conducted random control trials carries much more weight than one clinical study or the opinion of a health care provider or medical 'expert.'

In the same article I mentioned earlier of Dr. Romm’s, she finds that the data given to us on the prevalence of the flu as well as its severity among pregnant women is highly inflated. And, in doing her own research, she has found that the “CDC does not know exactly how many people die from seasonal flu each year.”

This is the same organization that was spreading fear-ridden media about how catastrophic the H1N1 disease was going to be. And, Romm is directly quoting from the CDC’s website.

On top of this, she has learned that they also state that, “about 90% of influenza-associated deaths occur among adults 65 years and older.”

Sometimes, inaccuracies are staring us right in the face. It’s worth taking the time to root them out.

While there is an extensive amount of information online and in libraries about the pros and cons of vaccinations - from isolated tragic cases to conflicting opinions to reputable research - that can be real daunting, I hope that this article can provide you with the first building blocks to guide your personal journey to decide what is best for you and your young ones.

To summarize the answer to the question, How do you navigate immunizations for you and your baby?: By taking the time to learn not only about immunization as they pertain to preventing infectious illnesses, but also to consider the short and long term risks of each vaccine, learn more about how the body can minimize common ailments, avoid sickness and even heal itself, and what you can do to aid the process.


Do your research and be mindful of the difference between fear-based news and actual facts. Consider all of the evidence and sound investigation, as well as your options and your own principals. Seek professional guidance from those you trust; but then trust your intuitive wisdom to make the decision that is right for you and your family.

Ultimately, the choice is yours. No matter what you decide, your choices need to be honored and respected. Whether you choose to vaccinate or not, once you act on your decision, know you made the best decision you and your family.  Blessings to you on your journey!

Want to connect with like-minded women supporting each other through their natural birthing journey? Join our Facebook community which is open to all active and previous clients, those who have had general or pregnancy consultations, and who have taken my online course or other classes.

I have a holistic approach to life, including healing after pregnancy and birthing. Nothing replaces abdominal toning and exercise for restoring muscle strength and tone - which I encourage for all mamas as soon as they feel up to it postpartum. Nothing replaces touch, slow deep abdominal breathing, and a 'love your postpartum body' perspective that I promote.  But I have found many mamas simply feel comforted by this support garment, especially early postpartum and temporarily as be used without forfeiting abdominal toning and strengthening exercise, breathing well and touch. I have found Bellefit supportive garments to help like they use belly binding around the world such as in Indonesia. They do aid in early postpartum healing and provide support many mamas feel comforted by. I deal with human beings and the reality is many postpartum mom's struggle with body image, feel frustrated that getting back to themselves takes longer than expected. Being into holistic health and healing includes being sensitive to real human struggles - the mind, body, heart and soul of each person and their unique situation. Having helped countless women with these issues after having a baby as a midwife, I have found many still love that binding and feel better with this support, and ability to fit into their pre-pregnancy clothes comfortably and sooner than they would if they went through a C-section or natural childbirth recovery without it - especially when they have to dress up and fit into a certain favorite outfit for a special occasion or wedding not long after having a baby. For more info on the Bellefit girdle, check out my blog about it hereHave a Great Postpartum Recovery (with a little help from Bellefit)!

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  • Reprogram negative patterns, stories, and beliefs that undermine your confidence, strength and self trust so you can rock your birth

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It is based on my years of experience, as a midwife and yoga teacher, helping thousands of women tap into their calm and live and birth from a place of grounded relaxation and joy. 

Image by Megan Hancock Photography

Image by Megan Hancock Photography

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